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Alan Pardew


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Guest icemanblue

It's quite hard for me to post in this thread now, so I don't bother as much. Anything I say just gets met with a 'typical' or 'like clockwork' snipe from someone or other.


I just think the level of hatred directed at Pardew is highly excessive. When you step away from this thread for a while and come back it really does sound like paranoid delusions at times. The guy is an average football manager, or below average depending on your assessment. But some of the abuse he gets is incredible. Particularly the crazy level of analysis when he has the audacity to give a quote to the press, which everyone knows is my pet hate.


:thup: Same, babez.


I will forever defend my right to point out that Kaka is an idiot, though. It's a basic right of any member of this here site.

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It's quite hard for me to post in this thread now, so I don't bother as much. Anything I say just gets met with a 'typical' or 'like clockwork' snipe from someone or other.


I just think the level of hatred directed at Pardew is highly excessive. When you step away from this thread for a while and come back it really does sound like paranoid delusions at times. The guy is an average football manager, or below average depending on your assessment. But some of the abuse he gets is incredible. Particularly the crazy level of analysis when he has the audacity to give a quote to the press, which everyone knows is my pet hate.


You've got to take it all with a pinch of salt though.


It's a football forum. Any assessment of the manager and players is likely always going to be a bit over the top.


Some do it out of that immediate anger and frustration, some do it for entertainment, whatever.


However, we should all be able to debate these points without personal abuse. The mick taking, yes okay, I mean I get plenty of that. It's all a bit of a laugh.


However, some people on here are genuinely unhinged and emotionally unstable. They just lash out uncontrollably, due to problems in their own lives they need to sort out.


I mean, please handle your issues in your own time. Don't project that stuff on me please.

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It's quite hard for me to post in this thread now, so I don't bother as much. Anything I say just gets met with a 'typical' or 'like clockwork' snipe from someone or other.


I just think the level of hatred directed at Pardew is highly excessive. When you step away from this thread for a while and come back it really does sound like paranoid delusions at times. The guy is an average football manager, or below average depending on your assessment. But some of the abuse he gets is incredible. Particularly the crazy level of analysis when he has the audacity to give a quote to the press, which everyone knows is my pet hate.


:thup: Same, babez.


I will forever defend my right to point out that Kaka is an idiot, though. It's a basic right of any member of this here site.


Still seeking support and approval. Still not getting any.

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It's quite hard for me to post in this thread now, so I don't bother as much. Anything I say just gets met with a 'typical' or 'like clockwork' snipe from someone or other.


I just think the level of hatred directed at Pardew is highly excessive. When you step away from this thread for a while and come back it really does sound like paranoid delusions at times. The guy is an average football manager, or below average depending on your assessment. But some of the abuse he gets is incredible. Particularly the crazy level of analysis when he has the audacity to give a quote to the press, which everyone knows is my pet hate.


You've got to take it all with a pinch of salt though.


It's a football forum. Any assessment of the manager and players is likely always going to be a bit over the top.


Some do it out of that immediate anger and frustration, some do it for entertainment, whatever.


However, we should all be able to debate these points without personal abuse. The mick taking, yes okay, I mean I get plenty of that. It's all a bit of a laugh.


However, some people on here are genuinely unhinged and emotionally unstable. They just lash out uncontrollably, due to problems in their own lives they need to sort out.


I mean, please handle your issues in your own time. Don't project that stuff on me please.


Oh yeah, don't agree with abuse of anyone, always said that people should just stick to debating the point at hand. Assigning agendas and stuff to people is a waste of time IMO.


Inochi's style has 'evolved' quite recently IMO, probably driven to the brink of insanity by this debate. I know I was.


Can't we all just get along?

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The "team full of internationals" bollocks is a bit over played here like. As if other clubs are struggling with pub team players...




We've hardly got a pedigree that puts the majority to shame.



Have a word with yourself.  :lol:




"Check your privilege!"

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Jesus Christ. Go and wipe your fanny, man.


I'm really not the one that needs too if you really think about it.


You are clearly not capable of rational thought though, so I doubt you'll understand this.



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I think Inochi, Ian W, BrettNUFC are in the minority.  They stand by what they think is right and defend it all the time, despite regular piss taking.


The popular opinion would be to slaughter pardew at every turn, they dont do that.




They're wums. Couldn't possibly be more obvious yet here we go again.

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However, we should all be able to debate these points without personal abuse.


You are clearly not capable of rational thought though, so I doubt you'll understand this.




Is this a comedy alter ego, like Piers Morgan on Twitter?


The man intimated that not only did I have fanny, but a wet one at that.


I simply pointed out that this could not be the case, as I am never one to start the silly bitchy behaviour that takes place all too regularly in this place.


I did not at any point personally attack him, thank you very much.


Anyway, I am thoroughly worn out by all this. I did not set aside any time for all this arguing this morning.


Let's let this all just fade out now. Cheers.

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No-one loves Pardew, that should be abundantly clear.  Anyone claiming it should re-read the arguments.




It's an unfortunate side effect of last season's awfulness that not being overtly 'anti-Pardew' results in you being labelled a 'WUM' or a 'soopafan'.


Coming around to the idea that it's probably best to leave the debate until his inevitable sacking and then we can move onto the next useless daftie.

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No-one loves Pardew, that should be abundantly clear.  Anyone claiming it should re-read the arguments.




It's an unfortunate side effect of last season's awfulness that not being overtly 'anti-Pardew' results in you being labelled a 'WUM' or a 'soopafan'.


Coming around to the idea that it's probably best to leave the debate until his inevitable sacking and then we can move onto the next useless daftie.


Certain posters perpetuated the soopafan myth themselves though.  Correction, a certain poster perpetuated the soopafan myth himself.

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