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Alan Pardew


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Tell you what lads I had a cracking day at the match.


If you want to get wound up about a post match interview that's up to you. :thup:


It doesn't wind you up he said "this is for mike?"


HV is in a sticky situation here. He wants to blame Ashley for the club going down the shitter but now his hero Pards is defending big Mike. What to do?  :undecided:

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Was horrified when I saw the line up but fair play, the gameplan worked. Professional manager in having more tactical nous than average fan shocker.


Will take a few more performances like that to make up for the derby, but that was a lot better. Some consistency and the season can be salvaged.

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Was horrified when I saw the line up but fair play, the gameplan worked. Professional manager in having more tactical nous than average fan shocker.


Will take a few more performances like that to make up for the derby, but that was a lot better. Some consistency and the season can be salvaged.


Which derby?

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Was horrified when I saw the line up but fair play, the gameplan worked. Professional manager in having more tactical nous than average fan shocker.


Will take a few more performances like that to make up for the derby, but that was a lot better. Some consistency and the season can be salvaged.


Which derby?


Take your pick marra.

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Was horrified when I saw the line up but fair play, the gameplan worked. Professional manager in having more tactical nous than average fan shocker.


Will take a few more performances like that to make up for the derby, but that was a lot better. Some consistency and the season can be salvaged.


If Pardew's as bad as many on here make him out to be (and he may well be), then in order to achieve yesterday's result against arguably the shrewdest manager in world football, a team full of world class players and just a couple of days after playing 120 minutes, then one of Carver, Woodman or Stone must be a fucking genius.

Yes I know the week before was absolutely woeful.

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To say cabaye would have whipped it in anyway is bollocks because we've all lamented the endless stream of balls lobbed onto Williams head at the back of the box.


The pisser is that Pardew thinks the ball whipped in should be the exception rather than the rule.

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To detract from the win like that with that comment is stupid, but we all know where his loyalties lie. I do wonder who he means by we, are many of the players behind him and Ashley? I can't see there being many. Perhaps those who, under a progressive owner, would find themselves out the door are behind Ashley.



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Still hate this guy and want us shot of him at the earliest possible opportunity, but one thing I liked yesterday was post-match. Ashley comments aside he actually spoke some sense, and his English was a lot more professional than it usually is. Didn't sound like he will get carried away with the win, and that's the most important thing to take from the match. Liked his comment about the squad and city having a spring in their step come Monday morning.


We CAN play a full 90 minutes with the right tactics and some canny bit of quality to win matches under this guy, he just needs to start proving that wins like yesterday's are no fluke.

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It's almost like he was told to say those comments.....




Thats what I thought....tv cameras in the changing room on Wednesday before the game?...pfft....


Well done to PArdew and the players yesterday, wtf happened last Sunday though??...maddeningly inconsitant this lot...


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Guest neesy111

He probably deserved some luck after the City game and he got it with Chelsea missing a few chances early on and with the forced sub to bring Anita on.

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He probably deserved some luck after the City game and he got it with Chelsea missing a few chances early on and with the forced sub to bring Anita on.


Yep, from our performances since Liverpool, a good win has been in the offing, thankfully yesterday it all came together, we created chances and took a couple of them. Credit to the players for taking the criticism in recent weeks and still showing that sort of fighting spirit, they give us a glimmer of hope now for Spurs, even if it's just a glimmer, it's hope at least which wouldn't have been there had we go beat yesterday.

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Not sure this is correct, think they are classing some of our long balls as clearances, as they often go nowhere near any of our players.


TFS Newcastle United ‏@TFS_Newcastle 4m

NUFC currently play the joint fewest long balls per game in this season’s Premier League - 53 #nufc http://dlvr.it/4FpkkM

Retweeted by Adam Widdrington

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Not sure this is correct, think they are classing some of our long balls as clearances, as they often go nowhere near any of our players.


TFS Newcastle United ‏@TFS_Newcastle 4m

NUFC currently play the joint fewest long balls per game in this season’s Premier League - 53 #nufc http://dlvr.it/4FpkkM

Retweeted by Adam Widdrington

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Same source as had us hitting the most long balls last season which everyone latched onto to hammer Pardew.  Don't think they would have changed their criteria....that and it's plain to see for anyone watching that we hit much less long balls now.

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Hoof ball shouldn't be associated with us anymore. We've quite clearly changed our style of play. Even when we were direct midweek, we still mixed up with some nice football. Much more pleasing to watch. Even seeing Krul often look for the short pass now is positive.

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Not sure this is correct, think they are classing some of our long balls as clearances, as they often go nowhere near any of our players.


TFS Newcastle United ‏@TFS_Newcastle 4m

NUFC currently play the joint fewest long balls per game in this season’s Premier League - 53 #nufc http://dlvr.it/4FpkkM

Retweeted by Adam Widdrington

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Same source as had us hitting the most long balls last season which everyone latched onto to hammer Pardew.  Don't think they would have changed their criteria....that and it's plain to see for anyone watching that we hit much less long balls now.


Are they classing a pass as attempts or successes?  Is a punt upfield classed as a pass if it goes straight to an opposition player or does it have to be received by a team mate to be classed?


Without knowing what they class as a pass those stats are pretty meaningless.

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Not sure this is correct, think they are classing some of our long balls as clearances, as they often go nowhere near any of our players.


TFS Newcastle United ‏@TFS_Newcastle 4m

NUFC currently play the joint fewest long balls per game in this season’s Premier League - 53 #nufc http://dlvr.it/4FpkkM

Retweeted by Adam Widdrington

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Same source as had us hitting the most long balls last season which everyone latched onto to hammer Pardew.  Don't think they would have changed their criteria....that and it's plain to see for anyone watching that we hit much less long balls now.


Are they classing a pass as attempts or successes?  Is a punt upfield classed as a pass if it goes straight to an opposition player or does it have to be received by a team mate to be classed?


Without knowing what they class as a pass those stats are pretty meaningless.


Didn't stop the hammering Pardew got for being in spurs' position in that table last year.  We can all see the difference from last year to this. The table only shows the extent to which it's changed.

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That's one of the reasons I don't take too much notice of stats. I can see for myself when we are hoofing it and when we're not. Same goes for Spurs. If what they do is long ball then I'd like us to follow that example.

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