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Alan Pardew


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One of the biggest problems on Saturday wasn't the spineless display, it was the total disorganisation of the midfield. Perch, Cabaye, Tiote and Jonas hardly lack experience in the Premier yet they were leaving huge holes for Liverpool to run through. It's got nothing to do with spine, it's how Pardew sets the sodding formation up, and it's the same problem we've had since this clown has been in charge.


Funny how t***s like Neville and the rest of the lazy journos like to point the finger at Johnny Foreigner yet they forget we still have a manager.


Pricks like Neville choose to neglect how s*** of a manager we got, he really should know better rather than spout out bollocks because all his life he's been so f***ing lucky to had only ever been managed by one of the best ever in the game. 

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Guest firetotheworks

I don't think there's any need to have a pop at Neville like. He's a class pundit. Before this, I can't remember the last time that I disagreed with him regarding pretty much anything to do with football. He's comfortably a cut above the rest and, even though I disagreed with him, it definitely wasn't lazy. He at least had things to back up his argument with.

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The players arent being coached right..

Weve had problems thst have lasted all seazon through prem league, league cup, fa cup and europe.  fvking redic that the same problems keep happening

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Guest neesy111

That penny is going to be falling for a good while yet, it seems.


This is irony, right?  :lol:


Ouch. Should have added a disclaimer that the post was to be read in context, not isolation. :lol:




I'm starting to come round to your way of thinking.

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The players arent being coached right..

Weve had problems thst have lasted all seazon through prem league, league cup, fa cup and europe.  fvking redic that the same problems keep happening


I can only imagine you are mumbling into your can of Ace and half heatedly kicking out at passing cars when reading that.



Cheers me up no end. :lol: :thup:

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Guest Dontooner

Pardew can save our season by at least fielding the attacking players..................Unbelievable negativity coming from one person. What cause him to have such trauma

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Pardew can save our season by at least fielding the attacking players..................Unbelievable negativity coming from one person. What cause him to have such trauma


Probably being sacked by Southampton after a 4-0 win.

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Pardew can save our season by at least fielding the attacking players..................Unbelievable negativity coming from one person. What cause him to have such trauma


Probably being sacked by Southampton after a 4-0 win.


That Wigan game last season has had enormous implications on this season.

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Pardew can save our season by at least fielding the attacking players..................Unbelievable negativity coming from one person. What cause him to have such trauma


Probably being sacked by Southampton after a 4-0 win.


Wasn't that more to do with behind the scenes matters, like shagging someone.

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Guest Dontooner

Pardew can save our season by at least fielding the attacking players..................Unbelievable negativity coming from one person. What cause him to have such trauma


Probably being sacked by Southampton after a 4-0 win.


Wasn't that more to do with behind the scenes matters, like shagging someone.

Is this true?? No doubt he is a Yes Man ,would not be surprise if he bagged a 80 year old.

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Pardew can save our season by at least fielding the attacking players..................Unbelievable negativity coming from one person. What cause him to have such trauma


Probably being sacked by Southampton after a 4-0 win.


Wasn't that more to do with behind the scenes matters, like shagging someone.


Aye. Allegedly Jose Fonte's bird.

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One of the few things that Pardew has got credit for on here is his man-management skills, but if there are rifts in the camp it just goes to show getting it right on the pitch comes first. You can hold bonding sessions and international food days till the cows come home but if the football's crap the players are going to get pissed.

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The most depressing thing about this is that we have the players to get ourselves out of trouble, but this man can't field them correctly. His negative attitude has ruined what could have been a good side. Unreal.

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One of the few things that Pardew has got credit for on here is his man-management skills, but if there are rifts in the camp it just goes to show getting it right on the pitch comes first. You can hold bonding sessions and international food days till the cows come home but if the football's crap the players are going to get pissed.


Of course, but that doesn't mean he isn't decent at man management. He might still be good at it but, like you say, unable to counteract the effects of so many defeats.  You're right though, man management is easy when you're winning.

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