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Who fancies having a thoroughly fruitless protest against Pardew?

Guest firetotheworks

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He's an enabler. The more we let weak characters like Pardew know that we don't tolerate those that enable the sort of s**** Ashley is capable of the better. I don't care about success anymore and just would like to make it as uncomfortable as possible for them to facilitate the whole lot of them f***ing off. Sounds daft but I'd sooner be in a lower league striving for something that this subsistence.


Agree with a lot of that, apart from the first bit. Do you think Tony Pulis would turn down the chance to work for Ashley?...he's what people may view as a "strong character"...do you think he'd get us playing better football to a coherent pattern?...


Pulis would probably get us playing "better". At least he knows what way he wants to play and gets the team to go out and do it. We may not agree with it, or like it, but it's hard to argue with the relative success he brought Stoke. With Pardew at the helm we are so schizophrenic it's unbelievable. Even within games, we go from a decent passing side to a total shambles, and everything in between. A big part of the problem is having a spineless manager, incapable of enforcing his own style on the team.

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I think he wouldn't put up with it and leave though I also certainly think he'd have us playing crap football. I don't think he'd 'enable' the kind of stuff that Ashley has done to us though. Don't really see the relevance if I'm honest.


It's the usual hyperbolic reaction to anyone trying to suggest an alternative "wut so you want curbishley then do ya LOL?" So tiresome like


No, its a fair suggestion that a currently experienced out of work premier league manager would consider a job offer from Ashley should he sack Pardew, which is what a lot of you say you want. If you don't want to back yourself up old son that's fine, but theres nothing more hyperbolic at the moment than "waah!! Pardew's rubbish sack him!!" which is about as far as the debate goes on here it would seem.

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No, its a fair suggestion that a currently experienced out of work premier league manager would consider a job offer from Ashley should he sack Pardew, which is what a lot of you say you want. If you don't want to back yourself up old son that's fine, but theres nothing more hyperbolic at the moment than "waah!! Pardew's rubbish sack him!!" which is about as far as the debate goes on here it would seem.



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No, its a fair suggestion that a currently experienced out of work premier league manager would consider a job offer from Ashley should he sack Pardew, which is what a lot of you say you want. If you don't want to back yourself up old son that's fine, but theres nothing more hyperbolic at the moment than "waah!! Pardew's rubbish sack him!!" which is about as far as the debate goes on here it would seem.




well you're sort of proving my point, thanks.


If you disagree, try to say why?...

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I think he wouldn't put up with it and leave though I also certainly think he'd have us playing crap football. I don't think he'd 'enable' the kind of stuff that Ashley has done to us though. Don't really see the relevance if I'm honest.


It's the usual hyperbolic reaction to anyone trying to suggest an alternative "wut so you want curbishley then do ya LOL?" So tiresome like


No, its a fair suggestion that a currently experienced out of work premier league manager would consider a job offer from Ashley should he sack Pardew, which is what a lot of you say you want. If you don't want to back yourself up old son that's fine, but theres nothing more hyperbolic at the moment than "waah!! Pardew's rubbish sack him!!" which is about as far as the debate goes on here it would seem.


Well the debate also included a mere post before the idea that due to Ashley's practices the likes of Pulis wouldn't come near us imo and that people like Pardew facilitate the very practices we all hate by jumping into bed with the devil's own. That goes beyond 'he's rubbish, sack him' which you could rightly attribute to a lot of people's viewpoints. The 'waah'? Not so much. Besides to say our manager is an 'irrelevance' as earlier is ridiculous enough to question what you say. He runs the team man.

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I think he wouldn't put up with it and leave though I also certainly think he'd have us playing crap football. I don't think he'd 'enable' the kind of stuff that Ashley has done to us though. Don't really see the relevance if I'm honest.


It's the usual hyperbolic reaction to anyone trying to suggest an alternative "wut so you want curbishley then do ya LOL?" So tiresome like


No, its a fair suggestion that a currently experienced out of work premier league manager would consider a job offer from Ashley should he sack Pardew, which is what a lot of you say you want. If you don't want to back yourself up old son that's fine, but theres nothing more hyperbolic at the moment than "waah!! Pardew's rubbish sack him!!" which is about as far as the debate goes on here it would seem.


Well the debate also included a mere post before the idea that due to Ashley's practices the likes of Pulis wouldn't come near us imo and that people like Pardew facilitate the very practices we all hate by jumping into bed with the devil's own. That goes beyond 'he's rubbish, sack him' which you could rightly attribute to a lot of people's viewpoints. The 'waah'? Not so much. Besides to say our manager is an 'irrelevance' as earlier is ridiculous enough to question what you say. He runs the team man.


Its irrelelvent to the point at which the club is at now; stable, functioning in a normal-ish way, business wise. Ashley will appoint someone else to keep us treading water. Theres dozens of them out there, theyre not enablers as you dramtically call it, they're football managers wanting their cut of the premier league's loot.


And as you can see, not a "wut" or a "LOL" in sight  ;)

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Unfortunately if we want change it has to be major disruption that would ultimately affect the team, do we just blunder on for next 10 years or take the pain and start protesting, staging walkouts other ideas, rather than just continuing to take it. I am at the point now where I would support any movement as long as it looks like it could be sustained protesting and attempt to get other supporters on board. The difficulty is getting the 75% of fan base who just plod along.

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Guest Haris Vuckic

So long as it doesn't effect the team I'm behind it :thup:


The team is s****, you are worried that it could possibly make us slightly more s****? What do you even mean?



I would've thought that would have been fairly axiomatic, however, just for you Colin.


I'd like to see a protest outside of the ground, enough to get decent media coverage & put across a message to ''the board'' whilst undertaking the necessary boycoutts to effect them financially without causing the same disruption & negative feeling inside the ground that demonstrations have previously, such as the Hull game (08/09)

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So long as it doesn't effect the team I'm behind it :thup:


The team is s****, you are worried that it could possibly make us slightly more s****? What do you even mean?



I would've thought that would have been fairly axiomatic, however, just for you Colin.


I'd like to see a protest outside of the ground, enough to get decent media coverage & put across a message to ''the board'' whilst undertaking the necessary boycoutts to effect them financially without causing the same disruption & negative feeling inside the ground that demonstrations have previously, such as the Hull game (08/09)


How would you tell the difference? The team is shambolic on a regular basis.

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The next two games are perfect for it, because we're realistically gonna do fuck all in them anyway. I know we beat Chelsea last season, but it's different this year. We don't have the buzz from having new players and it's also Mourinho vs Pardew ffs.

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So long as it doesn't effect the team I'm behind it :thup:


The team is s****, you are worried that it could possibly make us slightly more s****? What do you even mean?



I would've thought that would have been fairly axiomatic, however, just for you Colin.


I'd like to see a protest outside of the ground, enough to get decent media coverage & put across a message to ''the board'' whilst undertaking the necessary boycoutts to effect them financially without causing the same disruption & negative feeling inside the ground that demonstrations have previously, such as the Hull game (08/09)


How would you tell the difference? The team is shambolic on a regular basis.


:thup: The football club isn't harmonious at the moment in any way as far as I can see, this negative feeling that Vuckic is talking about is of no consequence right now.

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I live in the midlands and realistically the only thing I can do is not give them my money. I'm succeeding so far. It's all I can do and it's what everybody should be doing if they disagree with whats going on.


BTW the triumvate of slime includes the patsy in the dugout. He deserves as much. The useless, enabling c***.


If its not Pardew it will be someone else for whom being manager of NUFC is half a dozen steps up the managerial ladder than what they're qualified for. He's largely an irrelevance iyam.


He's not.


you think Ashley's about to sack him and appoint someone better?


Who knows, wouldn't be difficult. Depends how much influence Carr has. I'm bored to death with people saying I shouldn't criticise the manager because the owner is a pleb tbh.


Am not criticising anyone, your opinion of Pardew is spot on and one I share. I reserve my bile for the man with all the power though.


You can't force Ashley out unless you can force a new buyer in. I don't know how many times this point has been made. You can put pressure on him to hire a proper manager though by campaigning against his toadying yes men like Pardew. It's a perfectly reasonable plan of action and one which has a clear end goal in sight, unlike the Ashley Out campaign.

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I live in the midlands and realistically the only thing I can do is not give them my money. I'm succeeding so far. It's all I can do and it's what everybody should be doing if they disagree with whats going on.


BTW the triumvate of slime includes the patsy in the dugout. He deserves as much. The useless, enabling c***.


If its not Pardew it will be someone else for whom being manager of NUFC is half a dozen steps up the managerial ladder than what they're qualified for. He's largely an irrelevance iyam.


He's not.


you think Ashley's about to sack him and appoint someone better?


Who knows, wouldn't be difficult. Depends how much influence Carr has. I'm bored to death with people saying I shouldn't criticise the manager because the owner is a pleb tbh.


Am not criticising anyone, your opinion of Pardew is spot on and one I share. I reserve my bile for the man with all the power though.


You can't force Ashley out unless you can force a new buyer in. I don't know how many times this point has been made. You can put pressure on him to hire a proper manager though by campaigning against his toadying yes men like Pardew. It's a perfectly reasonable plan of action and one which has a clear end goal in sight, unlike the Ashley Out campaign.


Like pressuring a mallard to woo a nice partner and settle down rather than gang rape.

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Guest micky_123

I've been up and down with the idea of protesting against the ownership of the club for quite a while now, and having finally settled down from the toal apathy induced by the derby defeat and ludicrous banning of the local press, I've realised I can't sit and accept this any more. I don't think piling the pressure on Pardew and the team will really do any good... if Pardew is replaced by the current regime there is a huge chance it will be with someone of similar or worse ability, most likely a steady Pulis type character who will assure us of 13-16th every year. Any change has to come from the top, and I'd be happy to get on board anything that tries to affect this.


Sadly, however, I don't think any sort of protest will have anywhere near the numbers to be noticed on a wide enough scale to make a difference. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try, and I for one will be throwing my voice and presence behind Time4Change, and urge anyone feeling similar to do the same.


I'd also like to see some kind of organised demand for more transparency from the club. I feel like we deserve to know why certain appointments have been made (JFK the obvious one, although we will never find out the true reason behind this), in particular the woman who is Head of PR and the club secretary, who for all we know could just be some bloke who is pals with the Fat Controller. It is not acceptable for us to have no idea what is going on behind the scenes, particularly when so many of the major decisions seem absolutely insane and come completely out of the blue.

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I've been up and down with the idea of protesting against the ownership of the club for quite a while now, and having finally settled down from the toal apathy induced by the derby defeat and ludicrous banning of the local press, I've realised I can't sit and accept this any more. I don't think piling the pressure on Pardew and the team will really do any good... if Pardew is replaced by the current regime there is a huge chance it will be with someone of similar or worse ability, most likely a steady Pulis type character who will assure us of 13-16th every year. Any change has to come from the top, and I'd be happy to get on board anything that tries to affect this.


Sadly, however, I don't think any sort of protest will have anywhere near the numbers to be noticed on a wide enough scale to make a difference. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try, and I for one will be throwing my voice and presence behind Time4Change, and urge anyone feeling similar to do the same.


I'd also like to see some kind of organised demand for more transparency from the club. I feel like we deserve to know why certain appointments have been made (JFK the obvious one, although we will never find out the true reason behind this), in particular the woman who is Head of PR and the club secretary, who for all we know could just be some bloke who is pals with the Fat Controller. It is not acceptable for us to have no idea what is going on behind the scenes, particularly when so many of the major decisions seem absolutely insane and come completely out of the blue.

the whole lack of transparency isn't unique to us (though we're clearly an exaggerated form of it with Ashley making random decisions on a whim) and is more a symptom of modern football itself, the only true way there can be transparency is if the fans had a share in the club and someone on the board and the only realistic way I can see that happening is an edict from the FA to force clubs into having that fan ownership ala Germany which is not bloody likely.

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Guest micky_123

I've been up and down with the idea of protesting against the ownership of the club for quite a while now, and having finally settled down from the toal apathy induced by the derby defeat and ludicrous banning of the local press, I've realised I can't sit and accept this any more. I don't think piling the pressure on Pardew and the team will really do any good... if Pardew is replaced by the current regime there is a huge chance it will be with someone of similar or worse ability, most likely a steady Pulis type character who will assure us of 13-16th every year. Any change has to come from the top, and I'd be happy to get on board anything that tries to affect this.


Sadly, however, I don't think any sort of protest will have anywhere near the numbers to be noticed on a wide enough scale to make a difference. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try, and I for one will be throwing my voice and presence behind Time4Change, and urge anyone feeling similar to do the same.


I'd also like to see some kind of organised demand for more transparency from the club. I feel like we deserve to know why certain appointments have been made (JFK the obvious one, although we will never find out the true reason behind this), in particular the woman who is Head of PR and the club secretary, who for all we know could just be some bloke who is pals with the Fat Controller. It is not acceptable for us to have no idea what is going on behind the scenes, particularly when so many of the major decisions seem absolutely insane and come completely out of the blue.

the whole lack of transparency isn't unique to us (though we're clearly an exaggerated form of it with Ashley making random decisions on a whim) and is more a symptom of modern football itself, the only true way there can be transparency is if the fans had a share in the club and someone on the board and the only realistic way I can see that happening is an edict from the FA to force clubs into having that fan ownership ala Germany which is not bloody likely.


Agreed but he has taken it to a whole new level. There can't be a club anywhere in the world with an owner making such ludicrous decisions with absolutely no explanation.

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I live in the midlands and realistically the only thing I can do is not give them my money. I'm succeeding so far. It's all I can do and it's what everybody should be doing if they disagree with whats going on.


BTW the triumvate of slime includes the patsy in the dugout. He deserves as much. The useless, enabling c***.


If its not Pardew it will be someone else for whom being manager of NUFC is half a dozen steps up the managerial ladder than what they're qualified for. He's largely an irrelevance iyam.


He's not.


you think Ashley's about to sack him and appoint someone better?


Who knows, wouldn't be difficult. Depends how much influence Carr has. I'm bored to death with people saying I shouldn't criticise the manager because the owner is a pleb tbh.


Am not criticising anyone, your opinion of Pardew is spot on and one I share. I reserve my bile for the man with all the power though.


You can't force Ashley out unless you can force a new buyer in. I don't know how many times this point has been made. You can put pressure on him to hire a proper manager though by campaigning against his toadying yes men like Pardew. It's a perfectly reasonable plan of action and one which has a clear end goal in sight, unlike the Ashley Out campaign.

You could very easily make things so uncomfortable for him that he sells us at a reasonable price rather than hugely overpriced.

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Unfortunately if we want change it has to be major disruption that would ultimately affect the team, do we just blunder on for next 10 years or take the pain and start protesting, staging walkouts other ideas, rather than just continuing to take it. I am at the point now where I would support any movement as long as it looks like it could be sustained protesting and attempt to get other supporters on board. The difficulty is getting the 75% of fan base who just plod along.


People can't even agree or follow through with a march. Start small and build up surely? Can't go all in with refusing to show up.

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Guest Roger Kint

I live in the midlands and realistically the only thing I can do is not give them my money. I'm succeeding so far. It's all I can do and it's what everybody should be doing if they disagree with whats going on.


BTW the triumvate of slime includes the patsy in the dugout. He deserves as much. The useless, enabling c***.


If its not Pardew it will be someone else for whom being manager of NUFC is half a dozen steps up the managerial ladder than what they're qualified for. He's largely an irrelevance iyam.


He's not.


you think Ashley's about to sack him and appoint someone better?


Who knows, wouldn't be difficult. Depends how much influence Carr has. I'm bored to death with people saying I shouldn't criticise the manager because the owner is a pleb tbh.


Am not criticising anyone, your opinion of Pardew is spot on and one I share. I reserve my bile for the man with all the power though.


You can't force Ashley out unless you can force a new buyer in. I don't know how many times this point has been made. You can put pressure on him to hire a proper manager though by campaigning against his toadying yes men like Pardew. It's a perfectly reasonable plan of action and one which has a clear end goal in sight, unlike the Ashley Out campaign.

You could very easily make things so uncomfortable for him that he sells us at a reasonable price rather than hugely overpriced.


Just how easy is it to make a businessman wave goodbye to £100m+? He didnt even buy it at a reasonable price nevermind convince him to walk away now at a huge loss while its starting to turn a profit :lol:

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