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Who fancies having a thoroughly fruitless protest against Pardew?

Guest firetotheworks

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Agree TRC. Don't think people have much ground to slag Pardew off if they are not willing to voice their displeasure in some way. Whether it makes us look a bit silly or not there needs to be some form of evidence that Pardew does not have the full backing of the fans. So far he has had an incredibly easy ride from the press etc

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I ignore almost all quotes. So we can just call you a massive bell in quotes and you won't read it.  Can't be bothered with pointless bickering.


It gets a bit much sometimes.


Yeh it does you fucking ass hole. :p

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Guest Gemmill

A dossier. Where have we heard about one of these before... :lol:


Could maybe have HTT interview himself again. (laughs)

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Basically, the only proper form of protest is to stop going. We have seen  a few reduced crowds recently, not REALLY low but enough that if continued or slightly worsened, would show a lack of confidence in the manager and hit Ashley in the wallet. Marches, banners etc. don't work.


Im not THAT annoyed (well, i am but i have a season ticket) but next year im away in Sheffield so since the football is quite poor, probably wont pay the £100 total cost to go to a game. Go to a game if you think its worth it.


Cue people saying im not a real fan but bollocks to you! :lol:


Agree with that myself. I'd like to think protests would work but Ashley doesn't give a shit what the fans think unless it effects the money coming in, let's be honest.


Disagree. Of course protest and anger makes a difference to him, it's the main reason he sighted for trying to offload the club at a loss after the Keegan debacle.


People showing anger inside or outside the ground has a much more noticable impact to a slow trickle of people giving up supporting the club to sit and watch games on their computers.

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Guest firetotheworks

Oh for the love of Christ! There's a right bouquet of spackas on here, like.


EDIT: people saying it won't convince Ashley of anything.

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Guest firetotheworks

It was meant to offend. Besides, I'm done. Still, you can never fail at anything if you never actually do anything eh?

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Guest Gemmill

It was meant to offend. Besides, I'm done. Still, you can never fail at anything if you never actually do anything eh?


I don't feel like you're fully committed to this protest.

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I can't believe how much time and effort you guys waste on all this.


Look at the Pardew thread FFS; hours of reading and typing, and who's your message getting to? Each other. I understand the community thing, but in terms of actual action, all you can think of is a few boos and a 'Pardew is Shite' banner? It's not even a Newcastle cliché, it's a football cliché. Sorry to appear patronising, but why don't you do something which just might be beneficial?


There is a small pool of people on here who possess considerable collective knowledge. There is an understanding of systems and tactics, a knowledge of World football, access to stats etc. Plus a widespread disgust at Pardew's negativity, on and off field. (IMO he should have been sacked before the Sunderland game, after he made them favourites in the pre-match presser. And now NUFC.com are quoting him as saying he doesn't care if Arsenal beat us 4-0! If true, that should be it again for me.)


Why don't you put your heads together and produce your own analysis of Pardew's time in charge, in a clear and reasoned manner, separated into sections on formations, tactics, substitutions, negativity etc., Supported by stats (number of long balls, total games played by each player in comparison with other clubs, and so forth). Good players turned to shite, that sort of stuff. Include a section on suggestions for Pardew's replacement, like that French geezer at Monte Cassino or wherever who wants to come to the prem. Show why they would be suitable for the club (style would suit our signings, youth policy, can work to a budget etc.)


Then have someone who is actually literate (nae offence, couldn't resist it  :D) type it up double spaced for easy reading and annotation, print it off and send it Special Delivery addressed personally to fat Mike, copied S D to Decca, with a brief covering letter.


In other words, as though you had been professionally engaged by the club to review Pardew's tenure and make recommendations.


Also, copy it Recorded Delivery to the local press, those national rags which have half-decent footy coverage, and of course, Sky Sports, 5Live, etc. With the document in the public domain it can be disregarded, but not completely ignored like an internet campaign. And it gets the argument across in a style which can't be shrugged off as the knee-jerk response of a few thick pissheads who need a 'reality check'.


The beauty of this is that it would require no more effort than you're already expending now on here, just a few quid postage. And who knows, it might at the very least give the 2 at the top something to think about before the forthcoming 'season review'. If it even results in Pards himself rethinking his approach it will be worth it.


With that in mind, it would need to be completed in the next week, to be shipped just after the Arsenal game.


I'm busy today, but if anyone's interested in doing this, I might come back with further thoughts.


to be fair, this lads got a fucking good point :lol:


we all seem to roundly acknowledge that ash and dekka either know fuck all about football and/or are being blinded by pardew's patter and perhaps 'cause they're mates


a detailed analysis of his failings as suggested, but also perhaps sent to well respected national football journalists would actually have the potential to spark a change :thup: as opposed to some embarrassing chelp that makes a 10 second spot on SSN and would just make everyone involved look like twats



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Guest Gemmill

Haha, giggling over on Toontastic as well. How predictable. :lol:


:lol: You haven't got time to be checking over there. You've got a dossier to write.

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Guest firetotheworks

Who even fucking said ANYTHING about actually doing a fucking dossier!?


Anything, absolutely anything to have a laugh rather than actively try to do something to get what 97.7% of us all want. It's pathetic. It's a complete idiocracy.

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