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I find it pretty shocking he's been allowed to play. I'm not just saying that because it's the mackems. If they've known he was going to plead guilty, why the f*** play him? Unless he's been lying to them all the while. Still shouldn't have been playing regardless imo.

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I find it pretty shocking he's been allowed to play. I'm not just saying that because it's the mackems. If they've known he was going to plead guilty, why the f*** play him? Unless he's been lying to them all the while. Still shouldn't have been playing regardless imo.


I think this, as well.  You would have thought, they would have tried to get as much information on it as possible?  Surely they must have had some idea of the situation and how Johnson was going to plead?  I still think all along, he should have been suspended whilst the investigation was on-going.  Not just sacking him straight up and deciding he's guilty, or anything like that.  But I'm sure there are plenty of other jobs where he would have been suspended.  That wouldn't necessarily mean he's done anything wrong.


I think sunderland have handled the whole thing terribly.  Seems like they kept him in the squad, just so they could stay up.  Cunt always scores against us and all.

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Hasn't he had one or two previous chances to enter a plea?  Yet he denied all charges?  Does this count against him?


Yes it does. If on his first appearance in the Crown Court he had pleaded guilty he would have received a third off. Since this date the amount of credit he gets for pleading guilty reduces over time. A plea on the day of trial ordinarily attracts credit of 10%.


I suspect his defence will try to say to the Jury that he is a man who has accepted the things he has done wrong. On face value it's a pretty weak strategy as the Jury will hear that he has pleaded guilty to two sexual offences against the same girl.

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I'm not having it that Sunderland, his employer, knew nothing of this either.  They will have had behind closed door conversations and this will not be a surprise to them.




Maybe he chose not say much to them. He wasn't legally obliged to admit anything. At least I think he wasn't.

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