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So what happens now?

Belfast Mags

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What happens next ? Scratching around for more 1-0 wins a'la Fulham interspersed with some clattering defeats, esp away from home.


Possible change of ownership is the only thing we can look forward to and even if that happened, we have to limp on until the next transfer window and probably until next summer.


Injuries are the key - lose Colo, HBA and Remy.Cabaye for long periods(esp Colo)and the descent down the table will be rapid. IF they stay fit, we should just manage to keep out of the bottom 4 by May.


Another wasted season, basically.

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NO ONE should attend the home game against Hull.


FULL HOUSE against Liverpool and produce absolutely hell for Ashley and Kinnear before, during and after the game.


Ashley will think that this will have blown over by then. The above would at least kick start some much needed fightback from the fans, which this time around has to be unrelenting.  Enough really is enough.

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What can Pardew say? He obviously wanted players in, the club just didn't agree.


He could say the squad is unbalanced. We have plenty of cover in midfield but in the wide areas we are still woefully short. But then he would have to admit Jonas and Obertan aren't good enough but since one is a favourite and the other was his signing, he might have trouble making that one fly.

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What can Pardew say? He obviously wanted players in, the club just didn't agree.


He could say the squad is unbalanced. We have plenty of cover in midfield but in the wide areas we are still woefully short. But then he would have to admit Jonas and Obertan aren't good enough but since one is a favourite and the other was his signing, he might have trouble making that one fly.


He can't really say that now though can he? He has to make it sound like we're confident with the players we have. In public I mean.

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I think the best option is post game protests. Similar to the LFC fans. Stay in he stadium, continued chanting etc, in front of the cameras. The key would be to damage Ashley's brand as much as possible, might scare away sponsors etc

We don't have any sponsors (Wonga excepted) which is why our commercial revenue has halved while the rest of the Prem has doubled, and Ashley's brand is doing very nicely. And we thought things were looking up last January.... he's surely on a mission to extract his money and doesn't care if he destroys us in doing so. FCW... get out of our club.

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Shunning games won't have a real impact, but as a now ex-ST holder I completely agree with it on an individual basis. Problem is that there are plenty of people who are of the view 'you have to support the lads' who will go regardless. Especially if we are scraping wins at home in the process. Matchday revenues have become a relatively small part of the club's overall revenue, we could probably operate a shoestring budget (in theory at least) without a soul coming through the door.


Ashley has used NUFC as a vehicle for Sports Direct and will continue to do so until his association with the club has a detrimental impact on his main bsuiness.

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Guest neesy111

Why boycott games and miss witnessing bits of magic moments in life such as Ben Arfa on Saturday creating euphoria all around the ground. Do we really want him doing that in a half empty stadium?


It was a goal against Fulham ffs.  Guessing your expectations have dropped then.

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Guest icemanblue

I'm confident enough in my belief that not turning up will make absolutely zero difference to the fat man, to be happy with continuing to go. I love going to the match and watching my team. No amount of sanctimonious freedom fighters will change my mind on that.

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I'm confident enough in my belief that not turning up will make absolutely zero difference to the fat man, to be happy with continuing to go.


I totally agree with n all like.


I, literally, struggle to enjoy it anymore.

same here, but thats a top flight football thing in general. have to say I did enjoy saturday from when remy came on.


and this.

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I'm confident enough in my belief that not turning up will make absolutely zero difference to the fat man, to be happy with continuing to go. I love going to the match and watching my team. No amount of sanctimonious freedom fighters will change my mind on that.


Also a part of my decision.

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Why boycott games and miss witnessing bits of magic moments in life such as Ben Arfa on Saturday creating euphoria all around the ground. Do we really want him doing that in a half empty stadium?


It was a goal against Fulham ffs.  Guessing your expectations have dropped then.


Felt like more than just a goal on Saturday, i'm sure i'm not the only one in the ground that felt that. Special moment.


Why would my expectations drop? I've always maintained with Ben Arfa in our side, anything is possible, he's that good. I fancy us to be top 8 if we steer clear of any major injuries to key players. The talent is the there, Remy/Ben Arfa will be too much for a lot of sides in this league.

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Guest neesy111

Why boycott games and miss witnessing bits of magic moments in life such as Ben Arfa on Saturday creating euphoria all around the ground. Do we really want him doing that in a half empty stadium?


It was a goal against Fulham ffs.  Guessing your expectations have dropped then.


Felt like more than just a goal on Saturday, i'm sure i'm not the only one in the ground that felt that. Special moment.


Why would my expectations drop? I've always maintained with Ben Arfa in our side, anything is possible, he's that good. I fancy us to be top 8 if we steer clear of any major injuries to key players. The talent is the there, Remy/Ben Arfa will be too much for a lot of sides in this league.


Special Moment.  :lol:

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