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State of Football - Death of a game, Birth of a monster


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It hits on a real problem, the game is dying and sky have a hell of a lot to do with it.

Money makes the world go round and sadley there is nothing we can do about that. Yes the new stadiums are fantastic but you should be allowed to stand like the old days, but thats not the biggest problem in the game. I can see within the next 10 years every Prem club being foriegn owned and the heart being ripped out of them, the future does not look bright for the game we all love.

Then there is the fact that we would be really pissed if all of a sudden there we no gmaes on TV, I am lucky enough to be able to make home games and I love it when an away game is televised, I suppose we are all to blame in some way, we let them exploit our passion for football.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

It hits on a real problem, the game is dying and sky have a hell of a lot to do with it.

Money makes the world go round and sadley there is nothing we can do about that. Yes the new stadiums are fantastic but you should be allowed to stand like the old days, but thats not the biggest problem in the game. I can see within the next 10 years every Prem club being foriegn owned and the heart being ripped out of them, the future does not look bright for the game we all love.

Then there is the fact that we would be really pissed if all of a sudden there we no gmaes on TV, I am lucky enough to be able to make home games and I love it when an away game is televised, I suppose we are all to blame in some way, we let them exploit our passion for football.


I hardly feel like I'm exploited by Sky

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Sky's very good at what they do, and you can't really blame them for doing business.  It's the fault of the league for letting so many games get moved and put on TV.  What does SKY care how many people come to games, as long as they're still being watched on TV.

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Guest OmahaNUFC

Baseball went through a similar period in the 1970s and 1980s.  Classic stadiums were replaced with cookie-cutter stadiums, a la the new Comiskey Park in Chicago that was built a decade or so ago.  The move of the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants to California in the 1950s (?) signaled a new era in baseball and many people thought the game was dying.  However, in the 1990s the Baltimore Orioles built a new stadium that reintroduced the retro-style stadium and this caught on, with Cleveland and many other teams building innovative stadiums with the retro feel of the classic era of baseball.  The labor strike of 1994 (?) drove away a lot of fan.  They were brought back, however, when Cal Ripken broke Lou Gehrig's consecutive games played streak and more so when Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa chased Roger Maris' single-season home run record.  After this baseball was back to its old self, but the recent steroid controversy and ever-increasing payrolls of the big teams (Yankees, Red Sox, etc.) due to expensive free agent signings jeopardizes the gains baseball made in the 1990s.


Don't worry.  If football is on a down-swing it'll come back.

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Even BT are going to get into this with PPV games over the net. what would sky do if everyone refused to sign up to sky sports ? they make billions from us, and lets face it you pay a small fortune a month to have sky sports with 3 channels plus the sky sports extra channel, yet they still go and rip us off more by make some games PPV. Its a disgrace but we pay because of our love for the game.

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Personally, I've never thought that standing on a terrace watching crap football was a privelege that needed to be preserved for future generations. I think we need to be careful to keep things competitive, and not let the League become a monopoly, but otherwise as a spectator sport I think the game has improved immeasurably over the last 25 years.

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Sky's very good at what they do, and you can't really blame them for doing business. It's the fault of the league for letting so many games get moved and put on TV. What does SKY care how many people come to games, as long as they're still being watched on TV.


Sky's live coverage is excellent (though their supporting stuff like You're On Sky Sports seems to suggest that there are only actually four clubs in the league, and that the league didnt exist before 1992), but the problem is that in charging them so much for the rights, the league really have no choice when they say they want to show matches at the absolutely ridiculous time of 5.15 on a Saturday.


Stuff like that will be the death of football.



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Guest Invicta_Toon

Even BT are going to get into this with PPV games over the net. what would sky do if everyone refused to sign up to sky sports ? they make billions from us, and lets face it you pay a small fortune a month to have sky sports with 3 channels plus the sky sports extra channel, yet they still go and rip us off more by make some games PPV. Its a disgrace but we pay because of our love for the game.


oh give it a rest - it's called market economics


you're going on like they nicked your lollipop FFS

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Guest toon tone rudeboy

Baseball went through a similar period in the 1970s and 1980s. Classic stadiums were replaced with cookie-cutter stadiums, a la the new Comiskey Park in Chicago that was built a decade or so ago. The move of the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants to California in the 1950s (?) signaled a new era in baseball and many people thought the game was dying. However, in the 1990s the Baltimore Orioles built a new stadium that reintroduced the retro-style stadium and this caught on, with Cleveland and many other teams building innovative stadiums with the retro feel of the classic era of baseball. The labor strike of 1994 (?) drove away a lot of fan. They were brought back, however, when Cal Ripken broke Lou Gehrig's consecutive games played streak and more so when Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa chased Roger Maris' single-season home run record. After this baseball was back to its old self, but the recent steroid controversy and ever-increasing payrolls of the big teams (Yankees, Red Sox, etc.) due to expensive free agent signings jeopardizes the gains baseball made in the 1990s.


Don't worry. If football is on a down-swing it'll come back.


Seems like that is the case with a lot of the American sports.  Hockey is currently going through the same thing.  The only sport that I can think of that has remained strong is the NFL (and NASCAR is establishing itself as well) and I think that is due to a number of factors but the biggest factor is probably the salary cap which I think wouldn't be too bad an idea for the Premier League.

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Check out the picture they've used for Roker Park   bluebiggrin.gif


A touching subject mind..............................




whats the song ?




Walk away - Cast (I think)


yep, that rings a bell, cheers mate



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Don't understand people blaming Sky, etc. That's the way football's going. If you want the old style terracing standing in pissing rain etc, you can easily follow a local lower league club.


you could have had safer stadiums, and razzamatazz, without having to sit and pay the huge increases in prices.


There is a place for standing areas in all grounds, with controlled capacities, and accountability of fans among the top clubs.


Sky was only doing what was business, in reality it is the rulers of the game, and their greed, and weakness, which has allowed this to happen.



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Don't understand people blaming Sky, etc. That's the way football's going. If you want the old style terracing standing in pissing rain etc, you can easily follow a local lower league club.


you could have had safer stadiums, and razzamatazz, without having to sit and pay the huge increases in prices.


There is a place for standing areas in all grounds, with controlled capacities, and accountability of fans among the top clubs.


Sky was only doing what was business, in reality it is the rulers of the game, and their greed, and weakness, which has allowed this to happen.




Except for Fat Fred who is of course completely blameless in the greed department.

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3 toon pictures in that piece  :thup: :thup:


30 seconds Liam O'Brien 2-1 against the SMB.


40 seconds Toon fan at Joker again 91/92 or 92/93


45 seconds toon fans at Portman Road 91/92, they went up as champions and we played class but ended up losing 3-2, only about the fifth away of my life that.


It's slightly sad looking back on that, but what's happened to football isn't all bad.  If Hillsborough hadn't have happened, I think English football would still have improved and flourished.  The way SKY dominated from 92 would've happened despite of Hillsborough rather than because of it in my opinion.  The only difference I feel is that we'd still be allowed to stand.  There was nothing better than the whole Gallowgate doing the Blaydon Races, from a distance everyone surging forward looked scary, but in amongst it, it was great.  Borussia Dortmund can convert their 59,000 seat capacity stadium, in to 82,000 by allowing 40,000 standing spaces at either end, if they can do it why can't we.  It would correct a lot of ills with the game, Tyneside is a vibrant place in 2006, but there's still poverty, and I'm sure many fathers would love to be able to take their kids to the match, standing would be an affordable alternative while increasing the atmosphere, and allowing as many as maybe 70,000+ to see the big games at St James' Park.  The FA needs to fuckin go over to Germany and see how succesful it is there.

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3 toon pictures in that piece  :thup: :thup:


30 seconds Liam O'Brien 2-1 against the SMB.


40 seconds Toon fan at Joker again 91/92 or 92/93


45 seconds toon fans at Portman Road 91/92, they went up as champions and we played class but ended up losing 3-2, only about the fifth away of my life that.


It's slightly sad looking back on that, but what's happened to football isn't all bad.  If Hillsborough hadn't have happened, I think English football would still have improved and flourished.  The way SKY dominated from 92 would've happened despite of Hillsborough rather than because of it in my opinion.  The only difference I feel is that we'd still be allowed to stand.  There was nothing better than the whole Gallowgate doing the Blaydon Races, from a distance everyone surging forward looked scary, but in amongst it, it was great.  Borussia Dortmund can convert their 59,000 seat capacity stadium, in to 82,000 by allowing 40,000 standing spaces at either end, if they can do it why can't we.  It would correct a lot of ills with the game, Tyneside is a vibrant place in 2006, but there's still poverty, and I'm sure many fathers would love to be able to take their kids to the match, standing would be an affordable alternative while increasing the atmosphere, and allowing as many as maybe 70,000+ to see the big games at St James' Park.  The FA needs to fuckin go over to Germany and see how succesful it is there.


spot on, but I'd be surprised if they did that Stevie, because they just don't want to.



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Don't understand people blaming Sky, etc. That's the way football's going. If you want the old style terracing standing in pissing rain etc, you can easily follow a local lower league club.


you could have had safer stadiums, and razzamatazz, without having to sit and pay the huge increases in prices.


There is a place for standing areas in all grounds, with controlled capacities, and accountability of fans among the top clubs.


Sky was only doing what was business, in reality it is the rulers of the game, and their greed, and weakness, which has allowed this to happen.




Except for Fat Fred who is of course completely blameless in the greed department.


waiting for Dave or someone else to question what the relevance of this is to the topic


What a knacker you are lad



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Don't understand people blaming Sky, etc. That's the way football's going. If you want the old style terracing standing in pissing rain etc, you can easily follow a local lower league club.


you could have had safer stadiums, and razzamatazz, without having to sit and pay the huge increases in prices.


There is a place for standing areas in all grounds, with controlled capacities, and accountability of fans among the top clubs.


Sky was only doing what was business, in reality it is the rulers of the game, and their greed, and weakness, which has allowed this to happen.




Except for Fat Fred who is of course completely blameless in the greed department.






bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif

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