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sunderland 2 - 1 Newcastle United - 27/10/13 - post-match reaction from page 47


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Knew we would get beat, people on here were predicting 3 and 4 nil but f***ing hell, our manager is the biggest cowardly c*** in Football and he hasn't got a b****** clue either, we were never going to win.


Probably been mentioned already but before the game getting into the Stadium of s**** was a joke, surprised no one got injured.


was a fucking shambles, the whole stewarding through the game. They're still incapable of hosting this game without the risk of people getting hurt. Hopefully they go down and end up with more manageable 20k crowds. That said the brainless bunch of 20 lads who caused the crush outside turnstile 71 allegedly to try and rush the turn styles because some of them didn't have tickets want to take a long look at themselves too.


That's where I was, heard a few without tickets went over like, infact you could tell in the ground as the stairs were fucking chocker.

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Guest micky_123

Knew we would get beat, people on here were predicting 3 and 4 nil but f***ing hell, our manager is the biggest cowardly c*** in Football and he hasn't got a b****** clue either, we were never going to win.


Probably been mentioned already but before the game getting into the Stadium of s**** was a joke, surprised no one got injured.


was a f***ing shambles, the whole stewarding through the game. They're still incapable of hosting this game without the risk of people getting hurt. Hopefully they go down and end up with more manageable 20k crowds. That said the brainless bunch of 20 lads who caused the crush outside turnstile 71 allegedly to try and rush the turn styles because some of them didn't have tickets want to take a long look at themselves too.


That's where I was, heard a few without tickets went over like, infact you could tell in the ground as the stairs were f***ing chocker.


Heard about that, how bad was it? Loads of people around me got in without tickets, it was absolutely rammed.

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Knew we would get beat, people on here were predicting 3 and 4 nil but f***ing hell, our manager is the biggest cowardly c*** in Football and he hasn't got a b****** clue either, we were never going to win.


Probably been mentioned already but before the game getting into the Stadium of s**** was a joke, surprised no one got injured.


was a f***ing shambles, the whole stewarding through the game. They're still incapable of hosting this game without the risk of people getting hurt. Hopefully they go down and end up with more manageable 20k crowds. That said the brainless bunch of 20 lads who caused the crush outside turnstile 71 allegedly to try and rush the turn styles because some of them didn't have tickets want to take a long look at themselves too.


That's where I was, heard a few without tickets went over like, infact you could tell in the ground as the stairs were f***ing chocker.


Heard about that, how bad was it? Loads of people around me got in without tickets, it was absolutely rammed.


Anyone could have walked in without a ticket. The fire exit doors were opened once the turnstile was broke. Worst thing about the away down there is knowing you're going to get crushed 3 times - once at Central, again at the turnstiles and again at St Peters on the way back. Horrible, horrible feeling. At one point on Sunday I was lifted off the floor and was kept in the air being crushed inbetween two blokes. One day, there'll be a death at a derby game because the police escorts are shambolic.

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I stood on my jack jones in the first half as I lost the lads I was with - there was 6 empty seats around me a loads to be seen. All at the far left end (as you look at the pitch). Think it was because most people ended up at the opposite side because of the turnstile crush lark.

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It was horrible like, goingg into their ground there is nowhere to relieve the amount of people because not too far from the turnstiles behind where everyone is queuing is the wall of the stadium so people are crushed between that and the turnstiles. Instead of queuing everyone just stood there and there and people were pushing so there was a massive bottle neck at the front - even if the turnstiles did work it would have been pretty bad for a while because of the sheer amount of people. I would say there was about 3-400 people there without a ticket, might be exaggerating slightly but it was absolutely packed, I had a ticket but because of the congestion outside I got in after kick off and had to stand on the stairs and like I said they were rammed.

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Guest micky_123

Unacceptable, dangerous behaviour. The policing of the derby seems to be getting worse. The article on .com of the police defending the kettling claims is beyond a joke. Don't think it's appropriate for .com to publish it without any sort of response from fans who were there either. I'm sure not many will agree with any of it.

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Guest bimpy474

I would say hammering him for something he didn't actually say is quite harsh, but nobody would want to hear that.


You choosing to disbelieve that story i take it ?.


I don't really choose anything... it's just not a Pardew quote.


It is a Pardew quote. He said exactly that in the NUFCTV interview after the game. Unlucky, troll.




Thanking you Jack... O0

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Knew we would get beat, people on here were predicting 3 and 4 nil but f***ing hell, our manager is the biggest cowardly c*** in Football and he hasn't got a b****** clue either, we were never going to win.


Probably been mentioned already but before the game getting into the Stadium of s**** was a joke, surprised no one got injured.


was a f***ing shambles, the whole stewarding through the game. They're still incapable of hosting this game without the risk of people getting hurt. Hopefully they go down and end up with more manageable 20k crowds. That said the brainless bunch of 20 lads who caused the crush outside turnstile 71 allegedly to try and rush the turn styles because some of them didn't have tickets want to take a long look at themselves too.


That's where I was, heard a few without tickets went over like, infact you could tell in the ground as the stairs were f***ing chocker.


Heard about that, how bad was it? Loads of people around me got in without tickets, it was absolutely rammed.


Anyone could have walked in without a ticket. The fire exit doors were opened once the turnstile was broke. Worst thing about the away down there is knowing you're going to get crushed 3 times - once at Central, again at the turnstiles and again at St Peters on the way back. Horrible, horrible feeling. At one point on Sunday I was lifted off the floor and was kept in the air being crushed inbetween two blokes. One day, there'll be a death at a derby game because the police escorts are shambolic.


Well... All i can say is i feel very lucky to still be able to walk today as i was one of the ones crushed... My knee is swollen and bruised... Calf is done in... Ribs sore... Back hurts...


Police brought us up far too late for people not to start panicking when they saw the crowds which were caused by all the turnstiles jamming...


A steward was pressurised into open the side door but didn't move the wheelie bin out the way which toppled over and blocked the bottom of the door (only one would open as the other jammed and started to buckle under the pressure)... Everyone charged from the back to get through a single door not being able to see the bin was in the way... I got my leg jammed between bin and wall  and span 180 degrees and almost had the life squeezed out of me... Possibly one if not thee scariest moment in my life... The game just passed me by to be honest...


SAFC rang me back today after leaving them a message yesterday... They are aware of the events but tried to distance themselves as you'd expect... I might not let this one drop so easy... It was disgraceful...

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2 days and no commemorative T-shirts? They must be getting lax in their approach to this fixture, or after 2-in-a-row are they taking it for granted now? Thanks Pardew, you tit.


It's tragic when we've made them so used to beating us that they don't instantly release a load of merchandise to commemorate a shite 2-1 victory.

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Knew we would get beat, people on here were predicting 3 and 4 nil but f***ing hell, our manager is the biggest cowardly c*** in Football and he hasn't got a b****** clue either, we were never going to win.


Probably been mentioned already but before the game getting into the Stadium of s**** was a joke, surprised no one got injured.


was a f***ing shambles, the whole stewarding through the game. They're still incapable of hosting this game without the risk of people getting hurt. Hopefully they go down and end up with more manageable 20k crowds. That said the brainless bunch of 20 lads who caused the crush outside turnstile 71 allegedly to try and rush the turn styles because some of them didn't have tickets want to take a long look at themselves too.


That's where I was, heard a few without tickets went over like, infact you could tell in the ground as the stairs were f***ing chocker.


Heard about that, how bad was it? Loads of people around me got in without tickets, it was absolutely rammed.


Very bad, I nearly got crushed to death and feared for my life at one point. A mixture of incompetence from SAFC staff and brain dead idiots in our support.


I've only missed one Sunderland away game since 2006, don't think I'll bother going back.

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Knew we would get beat, people on here were predicting 3 and 4 nil but f***ing hell, our manager is the biggest cowardly c*** in Football and he hasn't got a b****** clue either, we were never going to win.


Probably been mentioned already but before the game getting into the Stadium of s**** was a joke, surprised no one got injured.


was a f***ing shambles, the whole stewarding through the game. They're still incapable of hosting this game without the risk of people getting hurt. Hopefully they go down and end up with more manageable 20k crowds. That said the brainless bunch of 20 lads who caused the crush outside turnstile 71 allegedly to try and rush the turn styles because some of them didn't have tickets want to take a long look at themselves too.


That's where I was, heard a few without tickets went over like, infact you could tell in the ground as the stairs were f***ing chocker.


Heard about that, how bad was it? Loads of people around me got in without tickets, it was absolutely rammed.


Very bad, I nearly got crushed to death and feared for my life at one point. A mixture of incompetence from SAFC staff and brain dead idiots in our support.


I've only missed one Sunderland away game since 2006, don't think I'll bother going back.


The whole day is a bit shit really down there. The majority of our support think they're Danny Dyer for the day as well, the amount of stone island clobber was embarrasing.


When a was getting squashed against a bolder at the metro station I was in actual fear for a while like. In order to stop the problems getting into the ground I think they need to do two escorts. The one escort results in too many people arriving at the turnstiles at the same time, there needs to be some sort of filter so people are arriving gradually.

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They need to start checking tickets much earlier than at the turnstyles, as I've experienced a few times in Europe.


that would be my solution- check tickets at the station before boarding metros. Tricky for the police to do that when they're being overrun, barriers pushed over etc in the rush to get to the platform like we saw Sunday. Maybe have a checkpoint set up at the side station entrance we use, so tickets can be checked before people get in an enclosed space so they cant manufacture a crush in order to get past without tickets???

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The carry on at St Peters on the way back is ridiculous. Every year it happens and every year people get crushed. Daft.


Aye, not sure what the solution would be mind. Unfortunately a large proportion of our support seem to love causing needless crushes at every opportunity for this fixture. Doesn't happen at other games and as well as being fucking pointless is a bit on the homo-erotic side for my liking.

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Finally got to watch the match - well, most of it. Fuck me, that has to be the ugliest crowd ever. I thought you were unlucky, they didn't look very good at all, and really just exploited your central defenders. Borini's was a bit of a worldy, but was also the first time I thought your midfield left too much space between them and the back four. That's been one of your biggest issues, and Tiote and Cabaye seemed to have sorted it out for the most part.


Maybe there were one or two signs that Poyet might save them, but they really don't convince me at all. It will be a struggle for Sunderland this year. Your key will be how you deal with November. Three home matches out of four sound good, but it could all go tits up very quickly, particularly if you can't get your centre-backs fit. Failure to get at least six points will be a problem, as December looks awkward. Not incredibly tough, just awkward.

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Guest bimpy474

Finally got to watch the match - well, most of it. Fuck me, that has to be the ugliest crowd ever. I thought you were unlucky, they didn't look very good at all, and really just exploited your central defenders. Borini's was a bit of a worldy, but was also the first time I thought your midfield left too much space between them and the back four. That's been one of your biggest issues, and Tiote and Cabaye seemed to have sorted it out for the most part.


Maybe there were one or two signs that Poyet might save them, but they really don't convince me at all. It will be a struggle for Sunderland this year. Your key will be how you deal with November. Three home matches out of four sound good, but it could all go tits up very quickly, particularly if you can't get your centre-backs fit. Failure to get at least six points will be a problem, as December looks awkward. Not incredibly tough, just awkward.



Our lack of creation against a team with a minus 16 GD, the major worry imo.

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Finally got to watch the match - well, most of it. Fuck me, that has to be the ugliest crowd ever. I thought you were unlucky, they didn't look very good at all, and really just exploited your central defenders. Borini's was a bit of a worldy, but was also the first time I thought your midfield left too much space between them and the back four. That's been one of your biggest issues, and Tiote and Cabaye seemed to have sorted it out for the most part.


Maybe there were one or two signs that Poyet might save them, but they really don't convince me at all. It will be a struggle for Sunderland this year. Your key will be how you deal with November. Three home matches out of four sound good, but it could all go tits up very quickly, particularly if you can't get your centre-backs fit. Failure to get at least six points will be a problem, as December looks awkward. Not incredibly tough, just awkward.



Our lack of creation against a team with a minus 16 GD, the major worry imo.

same problem we're going to keep on having unless we address it in the transfer window we have no width in the side (hba remy etc all cut into the middle when playing wide) and it makes our side woefully predictable

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Guest bimpy474

Finally got to watch the match - well, most of it. Fuck me, that has to be the ugliest crowd ever. I thought you were unlucky, they didn't look very good at all, and really just exploited your central defenders. Borini's was a bit of a worldy, but was also the first time I thought your midfield left too much space between them and the back four. That's been one of your biggest issues, and Tiote and Cabaye seemed to have sorted it out for the most part.


Maybe there were one or two signs that Poyet might save them, but they really don't convince me at all. It will be a struggle for Sunderland this year. Your key will be how you deal with November. Three home matches out of four sound good, but it could all go tits up very quickly, particularly if you can't get your centre-backs fit. Failure to get at least six points will be a problem, as December looks awkward. Not incredibly tough, just awkward.



Our lack of creation against a team with a minus 16 GD, the major worry imo.

same problem we're going to keep on having unless we address it in the transfer window we have no width in the side (hba remy etc all cut into the middle when playing wide) and it makes our side woefully predictable


Aye if we are to try to cross it we need a winger and Striker. I still say we should be able to create lots of chances with the players we have. But Pardew's lack of tactically accumen to have good movement and attacking intent makes us buying players like a Winger or Striker futile. They'll struggle in such a stagnant team. (The movement has been better at times this season tbf)

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Guest bimpy474

It's the lack of movement off the ball that's the strangest thing. It's like everyone just stands there.


Playing Anita helped.


Hence him being dropped :lol:

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