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Alan '48 points' Pardew

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Well it seems Sunday is letting out time at the crayon eating factory.


How anyone can defend this fraud is a mystery to me. I've given him his plaudits when he's done well and his criticism when it's due, but games like yesterday really f*** me off. He's the only guy that can take the shine off winning a game. We were dominating in the first half and for that he deserves credit, but f*** me that second half was an abortion, the antithesis of football. WHam were there for the taking and what did we do? Conceed a scruffy goal and s*** our knickers.


If he'd have come out in the second half and shown some intent, known that we just needed to turn the screw and they'd collapse like a pack of cards no one would have had a bad word to say. But no his arse went 5p - binlid in seconds an we were cowering behind a parked bus. Our best asset on the pitch, Anita gets subbed for Shola "make it stick" fkin Ameobi and HBA gets to keep the bench warm for another 80 minutes.


I'm just sick to death of the negativity he's distilled in the team and his twitchy arse when we nick a lead, it's not getting better it's just the same old tactic is working a little better. When it stops working, we'll keep doing it. I just want to see what a confidence manager could do with this lot, that was always Keegans strong point, he knew how to get players playing with their tails up, that's the argument here and one I totally agree with.


Spot on.

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I think a major factor behind our failure to kill teams off is our lack of ability to hit teams on the break, and that comes down to poor technical ability amongst too many players. Quite often, we win possession on a turnover and then waste precious seconds with passes that are designed to keep the ball rather than move it forward into threatening positions. As a result, players don't really charge forward with confidence in that situation because they've no confidence that they'll get the ball.


The chief culprit here is Tiote. The guy always seems to need two or three extra touches before he's able to release the ball, and his passes are rarely of a defence-splitting nature. I just feel his presence plays its part in ensuring a comfortable mid-table position, but he also limits how much this team can progress.


I don't agree with the view that the squad is under-achieving because of Pardew's tactics. If anything, he's making the most out of what he's got. Whether he should share responsibility for the state of the squad is another point - a lot of people at our club have a finger in that particular pie.

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Is that down to Pardew or Ashley?


Or both?



aye, certainly.


But the lack of ambition in the leadership of the club is right fucking me off. That 3-1 win yesterday was easily the least ive enjoyed such a big win away in about 40 years. shit second half- but even before that, it felt completely empty and pointless.

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You put Keegan in charge of this Newcastle team and we would have more points on the board now.



I have little doubt we would be in/around champions league. the sad thing is KK couldnt work with the idiots Ashley put above him. what a shame.


Keegan's second spell should show anyone we'd be more than likely be at the other end of the table tbh. P21 W6 D6 L9


He never really repeated his first spell with us anywhere.


Did you see the state of West Ham yesterday? Yeah, drink that in - that's what he inherited from that fat f***ing fraud and had to turn around half way through a season. After the initial losing streak we actually went on a great fun, too.


Look, I get it, Keegan's first spell was amazing, miraculous even, but the unadulterated man-love that persists is pathetic.


Pardew is our manager for the foreseeable, the signs are good IMO, we are actually getting better. The once in a lifetime turnaround which was Keegan's first spell is not going to repeat itself, in fact it's rarely happened anywhere else (I can't even recall the like at all).


You've missed my point completely, but then you probably meant to. I don't think we're getting, really, any better or considerably worse to be honest since Pardew was appointed. We've had a few good streaks under him and some abhorrent ones to boot. Our record in the derby and cup games under this clown is pathetic, and due to a combination of injuries, luck, 'science' or whatever we'll probably never be good enough to win anything or bad enough to go down with the players we seem to be getting.


Keegan was a better manager and player than Pardew could ever hope to be. On one hand you have a guy who was out of the game for a while, inherited an under confident shambles of a squad from Sam f***ing Allardyce and within a couple of months started turning it onto it's head completely in terms of tactics and player confidence. Here we have a bloke that's been in charge for a few years, has a technically sound collection of international players and still resorts to throwing on Shola. f***ing. Ameobi and benching one of the most naturally gifted footballers in Europe.


How you can ever say we're somehow getting better is beyond me like


That substitution turned the game back in our favour, and we won, just because some hate Shola doesn't make bringing him on wrong, as was proven yesterday.


Using that substitution yesterday as a negative example is moronic.


We have more than competed with the top four this season head to head (apart from first game), we annihilated West Ham yesterday, away from home, and yet we're not getting better, Aye OK.


Your desire to see us fail, because you don't like certain personalities, is not matched by the evidence.


West Ham have been f***ing garbage this year, to say we annihilated them is a bit of a stretch. Forest annihilated them if you wanted a better example. I have no desire to see us fail whatsoever, I'm a f***ing supporter of this football club :lol:


I can't help but wonder what the yardstick for improvement is for you though. Are you comparing this to last season? Because anything barring relegation can be considered an improvement to that season :anguish: Where do you honestly see us in 2 years time? Do you think it's somehow taken this prick 3 years to learn how to play to his teams strengths and instil a confident, winning mentality within his players?


My yardstick is 40+ years of watching this usually shower of shite club, with brief hiatus's in amongst the garbage with KK and SBR. Based on that I am accepting that progress will be slow (absent a sheik or oligarch) in my opinion, we appear to making aforesaid progress.


We caught lightning in a bottle once, with KK (first time), it is unlikely to happen again. I am therefore quite happy with continuity and gradual development (in squad capability and manager).


We were except for about 15 minutes start of second half, always in control yesterday, despite having my ingrained NUFC will fuck it up mind-set.


If, regularly winning away, particularly in London, being bloody unlucky losing to Arsenal/City and beating Chelsea and Man U (at old Trafford) aren't positive signs compared to decades past, never mind seasons past, I don't know what you expect, but you're going to be disappointed.


As for your 3 years comment, they were singing "Ferguson Out" at Old Trafford into his 3rd/4th year, he would have been fired long before that cup win in 1990 in todays game.


Do you know why Ferguson wasn't fired in 88-89 or 89-90?


Obviously not,  so I will tell you. Ferguson had to tear the club apart to build the dynasty he has just left. He overhauled the youth system and saved them millions, he made unpopular decisions with the fans, getting rid of Mcgrath, Strachan and Whiteside and while the fans weren't happy with the trophyless seasons, the team Ferguson was building always entertained and it's what kept him in a job that he so nearly lost before Mark Robbins came to his aid.


You cannot say that about Pardew.  Not in the slightest

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Ive defended Pardew plenty, I cant accept the capitulation in Cups unless its a direct order from above.


What on earth does Ashley think will happen to his brand and merchandising if it got to an illustrious and world renowned cup final or dare I say- was associated with winning it?

what a fucking disaster that would be. :lol:

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Ultimately it's a collective fault. From the top, Ashley's model necessitates the signing of players mostly based on resale value and doesn't really look at how they will fit into a team or mesh with what we've got.


Then you come onto Pards, whose naturally cautious mentality negates a couple of our technically gifted players, as they don't fit the style or team formation.


But I think it's quite commendable that with basically a hodgepodge of players given to him that he has fashioned a team capable of winning games, be it playing the 4-4-2 shola way or the more recent 4-5-1 Cabaye way.


Looking at the dross in charge of most of the bottom half premier league teams, sacking him would be a huge mistake. 

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aye, certainly.


But the lack of ambition in the leadership of the club is right f***ing me off. That 3-1 win yesterday was easily the least ive enjoyed such a big win away in about 40 years. s*** second half- but even before that, it felt completely empty and pointless.


I feel exactly the same way and have done so for the last couple of years.

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Is that down to Pardew or Ashley?


Or both?



aye, certainly.


But the lack of ambition in the leadership of the club is right f***ing me off. That 3-1 win yesterday was easily the least ive enjoyed such a big win away in about 40 years. s*** second half- but even before that, it felt completely empty and pointless.


Everton are very clearly trying to achieve things of substance. They might not succeed but at least they are genuinely trying and believing in themselves. Is Bill fucking Kenwright really that much more ambitious than Ashley?


I'd love to see a comparison of transfer fees and wages ect. I'd say there's a decent chance we spend more on transfers and wages than Everton - at the very least there would not be much between us.


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Is that down to Pardew or Ashley?


Or both?



aye, certainly.


But the lack of ambition in the leadership of the club is right f***ing me off. That 3-1 win yesterday was easily the least ive enjoyed such a big win away in about 40 years. s*** second half- but even before that, it felt completely empty and pointless.


Everton are very clearly trying to achieve things of substance. They might not succeed but at least they are genuinely trying and believing in themselves. Is Bill fucking Kenwright really that much more ambitious than Ashley?


I'd love to see a comparison of transfer fees and wages ect. I'd say there's a decent chance we spend more on transfers and wages than Everton - at the very least there would not be much between us.



They are absolutely milking the loan system though. And it's almost certain that at least 2 of the 3 will not play for them beyond this season, so it's not exactly a long term strategy.

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You put Keegan in charge of this Newcastle team and we would have more points on the board now.



I have little doubt we would be in/around champions league. the sad thing is KK couldnt work with the idiots Ashley put above him. what a shame.


Keegan's second spell should show anyone we'd be more than likely be at the other end of the table tbh. P21 W6 D6 L9


He never really repeated his first spell with us anywhere.


Did you see the state of West Ham yesterday? Yeah, drink that in - that's what he inherited from that fat f***ing fraud and had to turn around half way through a season. After the initial losing streak we actually went on a great fun, too.


Look, I get it, Keegan's first spell was amazing, miraculous even, but the unadulterated man-love that persists is pathetic.


Pardew is our manager for the foreseeable, the signs are good IMO, we are actually getting better. The once in a lifetime turnaround which was Keegan's first spell is not going to repeat itself, in fact it's rarely happened anywhere else (I can't even recall the like at all).


You've missed my point completely, but then you probably meant to. I don't think we're getting, really, any better or considerably worse to be honest since Pardew was appointed. We've had a few good streaks under him and some abhorrent ones to boot. Our record in the derby and cup games under this clown is pathetic, and due to a combination of injuries, luck, 'science' or whatever we'll probably never be good enough to win anything or bad enough to go down with the players we seem to be getting.


Keegan was a better manager and player than Pardew could ever hope to be. On one hand you have a guy who was out of the game for a while, inherited an under confident shambles of a squad from Sam f***ing Allardyce and within a couple of months started turning it onto it's head completely in terms of tactics and player confidence. Here we have a bloke that's been in charge for a few years, has a technically sound collection of international players and still resorts to throwing on Shola. f***ing. Ameobi and benching one of the most naturally gifted footballers in Europe.


How you can ever say we're somehow getting better is beyond me like


That substitution turned the game back in our favour, and we won, just because some hate Shola doesn't make bringing him on wrong, as was proven yesterday.


Using that substitution yesterday as a negative example is moronic.


We have more than competed with the top four this season head to head (apart from first game), we annihilated West Ham yesterday, away from home, and yet we're not getting better, Aye OK.


Your desire to see us fail, because you don't like certain personalities, is not matched by the evidence.


West Ham have been f***ing garbage this year, to say we annihilated them is a bit of a stretch. Forest annihilated them if you wanted a better example. I have no desire to see us fail whatsoever, I'm a f***ing supporter of this football club :lol:


I can't help but wonder what the yardstick for improvement is for you though. Are you comparing this to last season? Because anything barring relegation can be considered an improvement to that season :anguish: Where do you honestly see us in 2 years time? Do you think it's somehow taken this prick 3 years to learn how to play to his teams strengths and instil a confident, winning mentality within his players?


My yardstick is 40+ years of watching this usually shower of s**** club, with brief hiatus's in amongst the garbage with KK and SBR. Based on that I am accepting that progress will be slow (absent a sheik or oligarch) in my opinion, we appear to making aforesaid progress.


We caught lightning in a bottle once, with KK (first time), it is unlikely to happen again. I am therefore quite happy with continuity and gradual development (in squad capability and manager).


We were except for about 15 minutes start of second half, always in control yesterday, despite having my ingrained NUFC will f*** it up mind-set.


If, regularly winning away, particularly in London, being bloody unlucky losing to Arsenal/City and beating Chelsea and Man U (at old Trafford) aren't positive signs compared to decades past, never mind seasons past, I don't know what you expect, but you're going to be disappointed.


As for your 3 years comment, they were singing "Ferguson Out" at Old Trafford into his 3rd/4th year, he would have been fired long before that cup win in 1990 in todays game.


You're an absolute loon like. I can't even argue with you :lol: If that's your opinion from the 40+ years of watching football bollocks then you're either easily misled, a liar or completely thick. Reading between the lines of this garbage and your mention of Fergie, it appears you hold out hope Pardew will end up becoming some sort of success here, which I'll bet amongst many others he won't, because he's been a proven failure, gobshite, liar and if you can't see his obvious shortcomings over the last few years then, well, good luck to you :lol:


Fair play to you for being positive and everything, but, nah. :lol: I Wouldn't put it past you if you listened to Joe Kinnears interviews and thought "Oh, this guy's right you know!"

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Guest bimpy474



Is that down to Pardew or Ashley?


Or both?



aye, certainly.


But the lack of ambition in the leadership of the club is right f***ing me off. That 3-1 win yesterday was easily the least ive enjoyed such a big win away in about 40 years. s*** second half- but even before that, it felt completely empty and pointless.


Everton are very clearly trying to achieve things of substance. They might not succeed but at least they are genuinely trying and believing in themselves. Is Bill fucking Kenwright really that much more ambitious than Ashley?


I'd love to see a comparison of transfer fees and wages ect. I'd say there's a decent chance we spend more on transfers and wages than Everton - at the very least there would not be much between us.



Everton spent £13.5m on McCarthy, if we spend that type on Cabella i think we'd be similiar. The last couple of years Eveton have spent more than us in larger fees (Fellaini, McCarthy, Mirallas). They've sold very well though to do that (Fellaini, Rodwell).


But i agree we aren't too far apart in that respect.

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Well it seems Sunday is letting out time at the crayon eating factory.


How anyone can defend this fraud is a mystery to me. I've given him his plaudits when he's done well and his criticism when it's due, but games like yesterday really f*** me off. He's the only guy that can take the shine off winning a game. We were dominating in the first half and for that he deserves credit, but f*** me that second half was an abortion, the antithesis of football. WHam were there for the taking and what did we do? Conceed a scruffy goal and s*** our knickers.


If he'd have come out in the second half and shown some intent, known that we just needed to turn the screw and they'd collapse like a pack of cards no one would have had a bad word to say. But no his arse went 5p - binlid in seconds an we were cowering behind a parked bus. Our best asset on the pitch, Anita gets subbed for Shola "make it stick" fkin Ameobi and HBA gets to keep the bench warm for another 80 minutes.


I'm just sick to death of the negativity he's distilled in the team and his twitchy arse when we nick a lead, it's not getting better it's just the same old tactic is working a little better. When it stops working, we'll keep doing it. I just want to see what a confidence manager could do with this lot, that was always Keegans strong point, he knew how to get players playing with their tails up, that's the argument here and one I totally agree with.


:lol:  :thup: :thup:

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Guest bimpy474

Everton have had big sales consistently to fund purchases. Rarely do they dig deep into pockets.


Which is clever and how we want to be, cept we do without the big spending part :lol:

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I think on balance Pardew is a solid Premier League manager - don't think he'll ever have the X factor that marks out the real top bosses (although he would probably point to his manager of the year award as evidence to the contrary) but he's at least as good as most of the rest.


Think I would place him clear 3rd on a list of all our Premier League managers, well behind KK and SBR obviously.

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I'm with you ToonPack, it's kind of mind boggling to be reading so much criticism after another away win and sitting 8th below only some top teams. I know everyone doesn't like Pardew's approach always, and I agree to a certain extent, but the level of dissatisfaction seems way out of proportion.


It's like Matt said, the crayon eating factory has disgorged itself onto the forum.


We should be winning the league and every game five or six nowt you know.


Criticism is fine, if it's balanced, it's just pitchforks and torches all the time. "Pardew's a witch burn him".

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Guest bimpy474

I'm with you ToonPack, it's kind of mind boggling to be reading so much criticism after another away win and sitting 8th below only some top teams. I know everyone doesn't like Pardew's approach always, and I agree to a certain extent, but the level of dissatisfaction seems way out of proportion.


It's like Matt said, the crayon eating factory has disgorged itself onto the forum.


We should be winning the league and every game five or six nowt you know.


Criticism is fine, if it's balanced, it's just pitchforks and torches all the time. "Pardew's a witch burn him".


You know you dont help yourself by being so confrontational, you're being a bit of a tit with shit like this tbh.

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I'm with you ToonPack, it's kind of mind boggling to be reading so much criticism after another away win and sitting 8th below only some top teams. I know everyone doesn't like Pardew's approach always, and I agree to a certain extent, but the level of dissatisfaction seems way out of proportion.


It's like Matt said, the crayon eating factory has disgorged itself onto the forum.


We should be winning the league and every game five or six nowt you know.


Criticism is fine, if it's balanced, it's just pitchforks and torches all the time. "Pardew's a witch burn him".


Ah, there it is. :thup:

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I'm with you ToonPack, it's kind of mind boggling to be reading so much criticism after another away win and sitting 8th below only some top teams. I know everyone doesn't like Pardew's approach always, and I agree to a certain extent, but the level of dissatisfaction seems way out of proportion.


It's like Matt said, the crayon eating factory has disgorged itself onto the forum.


We should be winning the league and every game five or six nowt you know.


Criticism is fine, if it's balanced, it's just pitchforks and torches all the time. "Pardew's a witch burn him".


You know you dont help yourself by being so confrontational, you're being a bit of a tit with s*** like this tbh.


But sadly it's true, it's like a thread full of zealots.


We are making progress and that is good.

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I'm with you ToonPack, it's kind of mind boggling to be reading so much criticism after another away win and sitting 8th below only some top teams. I know everyone doesn't like Pardew's approach always, and I agree to a certain extent, but the level of dissatisfaction seems way out of proportion.


It's like Matt said, the crayon eating factory has disgorged itself onto the forum.


We should be winning the league and every game five or six nowt you know.


Criticism is fine, if it's balanced, it's just pitchforks and torches all the time. "Pardew's a witch burn him".


Lord Jesus give me strength!

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I'm with you ToonPack, it's kind of mind boggling to be reading so much criticism after another away win and sitting 8th below only some top teams. I know everyone doesn't like Pardew's approach always, and I agree to a certain extent, but the level of dissatisfaction seems way out of proportion.


It's like Matt said, the crayon eating factory has disgorged itself onto the forum.


We should be winning the league and every game five or six nowt you know.


Criticism is fine, if it's balanced, it's just pitchforks and torches all the time. "Pardew's a witch burn him".


You know you dont help yourself by being so confrontational, you're being a bit of a tit with s*** like this tbh.


But sadly it's true, it's like a thread full of zealots.


We are making progress and that is good.


Progress in what sense?

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Guest bimpy474

I'm with you ToonPack, it's kind of mind boggling to be reading so much criticism after another away win and sitting 8th below only some top teams. I know everyone doesn't like Pardew's approach always, and I agree to a certain extent, but the level of dissatisfaction seems way out of proportion.


It's like Matt said, the crayon eating factory has disgorged itself onto the forum.


We should be winning the league and every game five or six nowt you know.


Criticism is fine, if it's balanced, it's just pitchforks and torches all the time. "Pardew's a witch burn him".


You know you dont help yourself by being so confrontational, you're being a bit of a tit with s*** like this tbh.


But sadly it's true, it's like a thread full of zealots.


We are making progress and that is good.


Go find where anyone said we should win by 5 or 6 ?...................Now tell me who the Zealot is ?


Honestly, that's pathetic stuff. You dont wish to accept the middle ground which is where most people are.

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I'm with you ToonPack, it's kind of mind boggling to be reading so much criticism after another away win and sitting 8th below only some top teams. I know everyone doesn't like Pardew's approach always, and I agree to a certain extent, but the level of dissatisfaction seems way out of proportion.


It's like Matt said, the crayon eating factory has disgorged itself onto the forum.


We should be winning the league and every game five or six nowt you know.


Criticism is fine, if it's balanced, it's just pitchforks and torches all the time. "Pardew's a witch burn him".


You know you dont help yourself by being so confrontational, you're being a bit of a tit with s*** like this tbh.


But sadly it's true, it's like a thread full of zealots.


We are making progress and that is good.


You contribute nothing to the football threads other than the unpleasant experience of watching someone figuratively clean Mashley's ring piece.

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Comparisons to Ferguson or Keegan are tantamount to lunacy in any way, he's a product of another long line of jobs for the boys appointments that make up a lot of dross managers; some of which who have been able to manage in the premier league. He is above many in the sense that  he can get teams playing the right way but never in tandem or balance with being solid defensively which is ultimately his downfall tactically; and why he is horrendously inconsistent. For every genius tactical display of nicking one against Chelsea there is another needless conservative display against Hull et al. It's the exact water treading pattern that Ashley is only too happy to facilitate.

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