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Manchester United

Mr. Snrub
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They're gonna spend f***ing ludicrous money in the summer aren't they. :anguish:


200 million available i read somewhere this morning.


Potentially an epic fail on the way if he doesn't do the business after that. In theory anyone should be able to nearly win the league with that sort of money.


I think there's a great chance he'll still fail. If I was putting money on it I'd bet he will be binned before next season's out.


I think attracting all the right players will still be quite tricky, especially if they're non-CL. Also the issue of Rooney and Mata playing together. I would have been tempted to cash in on Rooney TBH, or not sign Mata.


Attracting the right players is even harder if you think the right players are high jumping midfielders like Fellaini.

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To say the 'top 6' is cemented is ridiculous, and you're only doing so to support your own point.


Next season, who have Everton/Newcastle got a realistic chance of overthrowing to get top 6? Spurs are the weakest link imo but even they still have better squads then both of us and you know they will cough up money for new players and back Sherwood or any other manager. Man Utd should be back in the top 4 next season, probably moving Liverpool out of it if they get it this year, but Liverpool themselves will also sign a fair few players i'd imagine improving on what they already have.


This was by far the best year to take advantage and i think probably only Liverpool are siezing on that opportunity that Man Utd have left open. Spurs we in a bit of a mess at one point but recovered with Sherwood but once again, us or Everton didn't spend in January to give ourselves a fighting chance of it. You could say 6th place is still open but i really fancy Man Utd to take that spot still.

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One or two of them will slip eventually, just like Man Utd have this season. Could be Spurs if Sherwood is a flash in the pan, which I suspect he is. Even Martinez has never experienced sustained success, and his budget is limited.


It's never set in stone, you just never quite know when the change is gonna come.

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One or two of them will slip eventually, just like Man Utd have this season. Could be Spurs if Sherwood is a flash in the pan, which I suspect he is. Even Martinez has never experienced sustained success, and his budget is limited.


It's never set in stone, you just never quite know when the change is gonna come.


They will, and that's why we keep having to keep ourselves amongst top 8 but keep improving our squad to sieze the opportunities when they arrive. The top 6 this season will be the top 6 everyone thought at the start of the season and i can't see it changing next season either, but eventually one will slip like you say and you have to make sure you make it count.

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65 points will almost always guarantee a top six finish. Don't know why people get so het up looking at what other teams may or may not do.


Because if you've got a higher standard of players which Liverpool/Spurs have to us or Everton, it's harder to outpoint them. You need them to slip up like Chelsea/Liverpool did when we jumped ahead of them. I'm just struggling to see a side who will slip up again in the near future. Man Utd have this season but i can't see them going from Champions to outside the top 6. A good manager hired and serious money needs to be spent if we want to give oursleves a good fighting chance, both of which i can't see Ashley doing.

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Evidence is that this is the most turbulent period the top of the table has seen of recent times. When teams are capable of beating teams around and above them, it allows teams to close the gap. Our astounding lack of ambition has meant we've failed to be anywhere near taking advantage of that, but don't kid yourself that it wasn't possible. Liverpool are doing it right now.

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You don't need anybody to slip up. In every season up to this point, if you get 65 points, you'll always finish in the top six.


Well i can't see Liverpool/Spurs not getting that point total then, if that makes it easier. This season or next. Along with Man Utd.

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Maybe i'm just being pessimistic but i can't see us replicating our 5th placed season under Ashley ever again. Think we done extremely well that season to get the team getting such good results whilst Liverpool were poor and Chelsea had eyes elsewhere.



Think the fact we didn't take advantage of that success instantly showed our lack of desire to actually be there. I'm not discrediting the players we have or our manager for that, they achieved that then were firmly let down at boardroom level. They again got themselves in a position to challenge coming up to the latest transfer window and were again badly let down once again. I think we'll spend money to relatively keep us standing still as we don't want the fear of another relegation battle.


Anyways this is going off track...Man Utd are crap.........

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Right, well for six teams to get that total has never happened before in the history of the Premier League as far as I can tell so you'll have to forgive my not being entirely convinced that it'll start happening regularly from now on.


Point is that you don't need to be better than anyone to finish in position X, you just need enough points (the overwhelming majority of which can be gained from the teams in the bottom half and are therefore completely unaffected by how much money another team spends). Concentrate on your own results instead of inventing hypothetical points totals for the teams above you in an attempt to convince yourself that we can't compete.

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Guest bimpy474

Right, well for six teams to get that total has never happened before in the history of the Premier League as far as I can tell so you'll have to forgive my not being entirely convinced that it'll start happening regularly from now on.


Point is that you don't need to be better than anyone to finish in position X, you just need enough points. Concentrate on your own results instead of inventing hypothetical points totals for the teams above you in an attempt to convince yourself that we can't compete.


Now i wonder who that sounds just like.


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Brett, that season we finished 5th we were ahead of Liverpool. They sacked their manager and appointed one who believed in correct football principles. They didn't spend a load of money but the new manager transformed Liverpool's squad by playing football and was helped by the board's willingness to invest sensibly in a few quality players like Sturridge. I can't stand Liverpool as a club any more but if they finish in a CL position they'll deserve it for doing things the right way.

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Brett, that season we finished 5th we were ahead of Liverpool. They sacked their manager and appointed one who believed in correct football principles. They didn't spend a load of money but the new manager transformed Liverpool's squad by playing football and was helped by the board's willingness to invest sensibly in a few quality players like Sturridge. I can't stand Liverpool as a club any more but if they finish in a CL position they'll deserve it for doing things the right way.


As much as i hate blob fish, he also had the guts to say right from the begining that he did not want Andy Carol in his team.  Their most expensive signing as well...


Imagine pardew man.  :lol: :lol:

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Brett, that season we finished 5th we were ahead of Liverpool. They sacked their manager and appointed one who believed in correct football principles. They didn't spend a load of money but the new manager transformed Liverpool's squad by playing football and was helped by the board's willingness to invest sensibly in a few quality players like Sturridge. I can't stand Liverpool as a club any more but if they finish in a CL position they'll deserve it for doing things the right way.


Liverpool owners have ambition. Ours don't, it really is that simple. Rodgers has still be given a nice amount of money to spend as well, along with getting Suarez tied down. That shows the level of ambition Liverpool owners have, they refused to sell Suarez when he was crying for a move and going on strike, us however shook hands with Cabaye and agreed we would sell him. Get any manager you like but they'll still be restricted by the boardroom regardless of how they do on the pitch.


Moyes will be backed up by his board to spend money, Sherwood will be, Rodgers will be. How is Pardew or any other manager we hire supposed to get in and compete if they aren’t backed by their owner to achieve it. This is why Wenger has done remarkably well in even staying in the top 4, let alone trying to win the league. I know fans are kicking off with him for only getting top 4 but it’s the best he can do with funds available compared what managers around him are being given.

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Brett, that season we finished 5th we were ahead of Liverpool. They sacked their manager and appointed one who believed in correct football principles. They didn't spend a load of money but the new manager transformed Liverpool's squad by playing football and was helped by the board's willingness to invest sensibly in a few quality players like Sturridge. I can't stand Liverpool as a club any more but if they finish in a CL position they'll deserve it for doing things the right way.


Liverpool owners have ambition. Ours don't, it really is that simple. Rodgers has still be given a nice amount of money to spend as well, along with getting Suarez tied down. That shows the level of ambition Liverpool owners have, they refused to sell Suarez when he was crying for a move and going on strike, us however shook hands with Cabaye and agreed we would sell him. Get any manager you like but they'll still be restricted by the boardroom regardless of how they do on the pitch.


Moyes will be backed up by his board to spend money, Sherwood will be, Rodgers will be. How is Pardew or any other manager we hire supposed to get in and compete if they aren’t backed by their owner to achieve it. This is why Wenger has done remarkably well in even staying in the top 4, let alone trying to win the league. I know fans are kicking off with him for only getting top 4 but it’s the best he can do with funds available compared what managers around him are being given.


It's no secret that we have a board with no ambition, that's why hiring a clueless yes man is more important to them than paying for a quality manager.

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Guest neesy111

It's no secret that we have a board with no ambition, that's why hiring a clueless yes man is more important to them than paying for a quality manager.


Exactly right, and till Ashley goes i have no faith in our long term progress.



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Finishing 5th was a once in a lifetime kind of situation that is unlikely to recur.  A combination of fantastic luck and multiple teams going completely off the rails.


The top 6 isn't a closed shop but to get in there regularly will require consistent year-on-year investment, not just a one time splurge of 20m or whatever. 


We won't do that so we'll never get in under current ownership.  In that context I guess eighth is a good finish.



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It's no secret that we have a board with no ambition, that's why hiring a clueless yes man is more important to them than paying for a quality manager.


Exactly right, and till Ashley goes i have no faith in our long term progress.


A few months ago you were prattling on about how we were going to win a trophy.


It's almost as if you're stupid.


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Brett, that season we finished 5th we were ahead of Liverpool. They sacked their manager and appointed one who believed in correct football principles




Titter ye not Ronaldo, don't make me bump the post where I predicted Rodgers would turn Liverpool around. Just like I correctly predicted Man U won't finish in a CL position this year ;)



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It's no secret that we have a board with no ambition, that's why hiring a clueless yes man is more important to them than paying for a quality manager.


Exactly right, and till Ashley goes i have no faith in our long term progress.


A few months ago you were prattling on about how we were going to win a trophy.


When? Saying what? Fairly sure this is bollocks, like. Yet even saying this, any team with a half decent side and a bit of luck can win a trophy. They can just come completely out the blue but i've never banged on how we'll deffo win one?

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Moyes is never coming here, he's on a rumoured 5M a year, and Pardew between 500,000 and 800,000 depending on what rumour you believe. In any case Moyes is arguably no better then the twat we have here, his teams play with no clear sense of style or tactics as we do. Dinosaurs the pair of them.

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