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The other games today - 2013/14


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Fuck all awareness of NUFC whatsoever from the commentator. :thup:

that will be the general media consensus have no doubt, forget any forensic analysis of Ashley and co and why we didn't make a single permanent signing despite selling our best player for £20m or the cup record as far as they are concerned we should feel fortunate to bask in the reflected limelight of Chelsea Man City and co

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MYM's got something missing, like. If that's what he's like in training there's no way he can expect to start games.


Aye lets start Taylor who we lose practically every time he's played this season and something like 2 goals conceded every time he pulls on the shirt.


I don't care what he did, all i know is the alternative is a million times worse.


Don't expect you to agree though as you obviously think he's the best defender in the world coz he's aggressive herp derp.

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MYM's got something missing, like. If that's what he's like in training there's no way he can expect to start games.


Aye lets start Taylor who we lose practically every time he's played this season and something like 2 goals conceded every time he pulls on the shirt.


I don't care what he did, all i know is the alternative is a million times worse.


Don't expect you to agree though as you obviously think he's the best defender in the world coz he's aggressive herp derp.


Your mum and dad really need to start putting the apple cider in a higher cupboard, Mole. :lol:


Over the years I've been more critical of Steven Taylor than anyone on here, barring Tooj, and I've said several times recently that I don't particularly rate any of our CBs, which, again, presumably includes Steven Taylor. I simply think he's the best physically of the four and a better overall bet than Williamson, and MYM - at this moment in time.


The problem you have, apart from being an underdeveloped sideshow, is that Taylor is keeping your hero out of the side, and anyone who doesn't dispute that decision is culpable by association. Change the record.

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MYM's got something missing, like. If that's what he's like in training there's no way he can expect to start games.


Aye lets start Taylor who we lose practically every time he's played this season and something like 2 goals conceded every time he pulls on the shirt.


I don't care what he did, all i know is the alternative is a million times worse.


Don't expect you to agree though as you obviously think he's the best defender in the world coz he's aggressive herp derp.

Personally I don't think theres all that big a difference in ability between them as it stands. Both are average defenders prone to bouts of madness. I'd play MYM as theres more of a chance he'll grow out of it but its hardly the footballing outrage of all time he's not in the side.

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Disgraceful scenes as Mario Ballotelli is reduced to tears after being racially abused during the Napoli game



:dave: He's fucking Italian, ffs. He plays for their national team for christs sake.

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