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Not worthy of a thread - UEFA Euro 2016 edition

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Anyone here know what the rules are on the purchaser of the tickets giving them to someone else to use and not being present in that party?  Is the risk (if there is one at all) on the person using the tickets that aren't in their name, rather than the person who bought the tickets?


I thought I read somewhere that you might have to show your passport on entry to the stadium and given that there will no doubt be some heightened security, I wasn't sure what the deal was.

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At the Europa League final they checked your ID matched the name on the ticket, this hadnt happened for the previous 5 years that I had been attending. As far as I know they havent announced anything for the summer.

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Anyone here know what the rules are on the purchaser of the tickets giving them to someone else to use and not being present in that party?  Is the risk (if there is one at all) on the person using the tickets that aren't in their name, rather than the person who bought the tickets?


I thought I read somewhere that you might have to show your passport on entry to the stadium and given that there will no doubt be some heightened security, I wasn't sure what the deal was.


As I remember it you are correct. Security = reduced touting

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It's always the opener, Russia v Slovaks and Albania v Romania for me.


It only displays those games on the opening screen for me but if you actually go into the portal there's always more games there.


:thup: will look.


EDIT: Ireland v Belgium keeps popping up with spares for those inclined off here.

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What's the deal with selling tickets on? Eg if i have 4 tickets for game with my name on, can I just give them to a mate?


I believe yes, as long as you are with them.


Will you, or your mate, need to get us through then chap? (PS, Check your  pms :) )

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