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Jack Colback (now a free agent)

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As somebody said above, he keeps us ticking over with short no nonsense passing. I would also agree that he, in reality, is no Pirlo, but we know what he does and he does it week in week out, therefore giving a sense of security and consistency in a position that in time will get an updgrade. He gives 110% which for me is decent enough, his ability is what it is and until we sign an upgrade give the lad a break...FFS!


He doesn't keep us ticking over at all IMO. He makes some great interceptions, and bursts forward into space where he has the chance to do something good. Then he fucks it all up by suddenly stopping, and giving a meaningless pointless sideways pass. Sometimes sideways passes are important for keeping possession and frustrating opponents. They are also sometimes completely cowardly when they slow down an attack that could potentially yield a goal scoring opportunity. If he's to improve, he needs to learn when to pass sideways, and when to take a chance and make a threatening pass forward.


Comparing him with Anita isn't clever at all because Anita actually has the ability and speed of thought to make the one touch first-time pass to a player better positioned than him. Colback needs too many touches, and needs to improve this side of his game.


The last ditch block showed high levels of fitness and concentration at the end of a match when the rest of the team was out on its arse. He single handedly prevented us from losing, and for that he earns high praise.

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Still waiting for an example of one forward pass from Colback.


Even McClaren was urging him to switch play late in the game when he kept passing it to the left side after it had become congested.


The guy doesn't use the ball with any intelligence at all. He's not thinking about what he's doing at all.

He played a decent lofted ball down the left hand side for Haidara in the second half.

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Both are lightweight, both work hard, both have no outstanding qualities and both play the simple pass nine times out of ten. There alot to compare between Anita and Colback.


The difference is that Colback was Pardew's golden boy and Anita was ostracised by that regime. I think Anita deserves more than a fair crack at the whip.

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Big Sam was on BeIn over the weekend and he brought up a very interesting matter. He said that most coaches in the PL, if not all, rely tremendously on statistical analysis of players' performances in matches. He said that it was a double-edge sword in that sometimes it can be used as an excuse to drop a player if his stats weren't good enough. On the other hand, players with good stats get upset if they're dropped, and the boss has to use man-management skills to explain that it was a tactical decision etc..


Could it be that players, who are obviously aware of this, try to use it to their advantage? Making these meaningless sideways passes surely increases a player's passing accuracy? I'm not accusing Colback of doing it. He may or may not be. He certainly has shown that he's willing to fight for the cause, but maybe this over-analysis of statistics is giving some players something to hide behind.

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Big Sam was on BeIn over the weekend and he brought up a very interesting matter. He said that most coaches in the PL, if not all, rely tremendously on statistical analysis of players' performances in matches. He said that it was a double-edge sword in that sometimes it can be used as an excuse to drop a player if his stats weren't good enough. On the other hand, players with good stats get upset if they're dropped, and the boss has to use man-management skills to explain that it was a tactical decision etc..


Could it be that players, who are obviously aware of this, try to use it to their advantage? Making these meaningless sideways passes surely increases a player's passing accuracy? I'm not accusing Colback of doing it. He may or may not be. He certainly has shown that he's willing to fight for the cause, but maybe this over-analysis of statistics is giving some players something to hide behind.


He's allergic to passing forward into the final third.

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Big Sam was on BeIn over the weekend and he brought up a very interesting matter. He said that most coaches in the PL, if not all, rely tremendously on statistical analysis of players' performances in matches. He said that it was a double-edge sword in that sometimes it can be used as an excuse to drop a player if his stats weren't good enough. On the other hand, players with good stats get upset if they're dropped, and the boss has to use man-management skills to explain that it was a tactical decision etc..


Could it be that players, who are obviously aware of this, try to use it to their advantage? Making these meaningless sideways passes surely increases a player's passing accuracy? I'm not accusing Colback of doing it. He may or may not be. He certainly has shown that he's willing to fight for the cause, but maybe this over-analysis of statistics is giving some players something to hide behind.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Still waiting for an example of one forward pass from Colback.


Even McClaren was urging him to switch play late in the game when he kept passing it to the left side after it had become congested.


The guy doesn't use the ball with any intelligence at all. He's not thinking about what he's doing at all.


What a stupid comment. If he wasn't thinking about what he's doing, he'd gave the ball away all the time!



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This board is negative as f***. He had a decent game today.

:thup: He was at worst average today, and yet we are still gifted with continuous discussion of how poor a player he is.


Different day, same story on this forum. They spend their time mocking him for his white skin (I am sure if his pigmentation was of a different ethnicity, they would say nowt about that) and his speech impediment, but they reserve their ire mostly for his biggest disability of all, his nationality.


If his name was Jaques Le Col Baque, with Ugandan origin  they would be far more tolerable. For evidence of this, see their rampant and sinister defence of Vernon Anita, by far one of the most pointless players the premier league has ever seen, but due to nefarious reasons outlined earlier, they will remorselessly defend him until the cows come home.



Obertan, Rivière and Gouffran are slated and are all French, Tiote is slated even though he started off well and he's Ivorian. Coloccini is Argentinian.



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This board is negative as f***. He had a decent game today.

:thup: He was at worst average today, and yet we are still gifted with continuous discussion of how poor a player he is.


Different day, same story on this forum. They spend their time mocking him for his white skin (I am sure if his pigmentation was of a different ethnicity, they would say nowt about that) and his speech impediment, but they reserve their ire mostly for his biggest disability of all, his nationality.


If his name was Jaques Le Col Baque, with Ugandan origin  they would be far more tolerable. For evidence of this, see their rampant and sinister defence of Vernon Anita, by far one of the most pointless players the premier league has ever seen, but due to nefarious reasons outlined earlier, they will remorselessly defend him until the cows come home.




This is weapons-grade retardation.


I reckon if he was called Lin-Con Eemp you'd reckon he was a f***ing mint poster and not at all a complete knuckle dragging fuckwit.


Once again, anti English xenephobia on display. I notice no one has had the grace or dignity to offer an opposition to my post, rather just decide they are offended for no justifiable reason whatsoever.


You've made the same post about 100 times, you deserve no form of graceful reasoned response :lol:

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Nobody is comparing Anita to Pirlo. Some cunt called Colback the Ginger Pirlo and again stupid comment.


Colback's 90 minutes of nothing can be okay when he makes key blocks like that. He's never a starter in my eyes and the sooner Wijnaldum moves back some or we sign someone far better to play that role the better.


I appreciate that he tried hard, but that is to be the fucking minimum in football.

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It's not about that and it never has been :lol:


Anita positions himself properly off the ball and makes himself away available for the pass constantly, Colback doesn't and slows down the build up where as Anita gets it to where it needs to go quickly instead dawdling on the ball like Colback does allowing the opposition to get into position.


Shock and horror as soon as Anita goes off we struggle to hold on to the ball for more than 5 passes, which has happened almost everytime he's been subbed off in his Newcastle career.


I have said before i don't want to see them both together, but there's more to it than where they pass the ball.

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If you look at Southamptons Davis, he lost the ball a fair bit but his passing is far more ambitious and in better areas. Wanyama lost it plenty and his passing was more cautious than Anita & Colback.


Yeah and i'd probably have Davis over Colback tbh, also Wanyama is shit at everything other than tackling so that doesn't surprise me.

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It's not about that and it never has been :lol:


Anita positions himself properly off the ball and makes himself away available for the pass constantly, Colback doesn't and slows down the build up where as Anita gets it to where it needs to go quickly instead dawdling on the ball like Colback does allowing the opposition to get into position.


Shock and horror as soon as Anita goes off we struggle to hold on to the ball for more than 5 passes, which has happened almost everytime he's been subbed off in his Newcastle career.


I have said before i don't want to see them both together, but there's more to it than where they pass the ball.


You're looking at that too simply. The primary reason for Southampton gaining control of the game is that our central defenders ran out of gas and started defending extremely deeply. Add in a Tiote who hasn't played at all, was totally off the pace and is Tiote (positionally awful, chasing shadows) and an ineffective NDJ and the pressure is on. It's more to do with the others being bad/tiring than any good work Anita did.


If Anita was always showing for the ball and Colback is always hiding - why do they always make a similar amount of total passes (given the time on the pitch)?


I don't want to see either of them together. But it's because neither are that good and they have similar weaknesses to their game. And I struggle to see either of them alongside Wijnaldum managing to protect the back four well. Although the sooner we try the better.

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aye him slowing things down by taking a touch, looking around, then passing it and standing still is a big issue....vurn has his issues but he can cover the ground faster and his entire game seems to be about moving the ball quickly and creating space to get the return


it's been said and will be said again but they just shouldn't both be in the team and anita has the better attributes for that specific role

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It's not about that and it never has been :lol:


Anita positions himself properly off the ball and makes himself away available for the pass constantly, Colback doesn't and slows down the build up where as Anita gets it to where it needs to go quickly instead dawdling on the ball like Colback does allowing the opposition to get into position.


Shock and horror as soon as Anita goes off we struggle to hold on to the ball for more than 5 passes, which has happened almost everytime he's been subbed off in his Newcastle career.


I have said before i don't want to see them both together, but there's more to it than where they pass the ball.


You're looking at that too simply. The primary reason for Southampton gaining control of the game is that our central defenders ran out of gas and started defending extremely deeply. Add in a Tiote who hasn't played at all, was totally off the pace and is Tiote (positionally awful, chasing shadows) and an ineffective NDJ and the pressure is on. It's more to do with the others being bad/tiring than any good work Anita did.


If Anita was always showing for the ball and Colback is always hiding - why do they always make a similar amount of total passes (given the time on the pitch)?


I don't want to see either of them together. But it's because neither are that good and they have similar weaknesses to their game. And I struggle to see either of them alongside Wijnaldum managing to protect the back four well. Although the sooner we try the better.


always, alway being contrary for the fucking sake of it


you're literally the only person on this board who doesn't acknowledge that anita going off changed things negatively for us, the other stuff was contributory of course, it all was, but losing the one guy who was pivotal in the way we were moving the ball was a disaster for us

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