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The Football Adverts Thread


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Guest firetotheworks

Oh, actually this is a good time to mention I was in a Coca-Cola TV advert once. :lol:


It must have been nearly 15 years ago now as I was 16 or so.  I used to sell The Mag outside the ground and this lass approached me about being an extra in an advert while I was selling the magazine one afternoon.  I sorted it with her so 8-10 of my mates all got to be extras, we were in St James Park one day and walking across one of the bridges over the Tyne the next.  Got paid 50 quid a day each, easy work at that age for basically sitting around or walking.


The advert was about a kid going to his first match, he walked to St James' with his dad and at the end of the advert (after we'd "scored" and all the extras were going mad like we'd scored a goal) the kid took a sip of a bottle of Coke.  I happened to be stood next to the actors playing the kid and his dad, so I was on the telly in the background loads at the time the advert was on.  Actually I just remembered that there was a story in NME about it as Pulp were considering suing Coca-Cola as the song ripped off one of their tracks.  It had the screenshot of the advert accompanying the story, so I remember winding up my mates that were in a band that I'd got into NME before them.  I cut the article out and kept it but no idea if I still have it anywhere, whether it's sat in my old house in Wallsend or whatever.


Anyone remember the advert?  And even better, could anyone find a video of it?  Never been able to find it, doubt I ever will.


Don't remember it. Don't care that you were in it.

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Guest firetotheworks

I thought it was that one but it's not. He's definitely playing with a black ball.

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Oh fuck, I can't believe I haven't posted this one. Never, ever been more excited for a season and this used to get me proper hyper to the extent of jumping around the living room like a complete lunatic, doing Cryuff turns against noone, with no ball.



Amazing to think that as recently as that promos for football were making a big deal out of the players being quite fit. :lol:

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Oh, actually this is a good time to mention I was in a Coca-Cola TV advert once. :lol:


It must have been nearly 15 years ago now as I was 16 or so.  I used to sell The Mag outside the ground and this lass approached me about being an extra in an advert while I was selling the magazine one afternoon.  I sorted it with her so 8-10 of my mates all got to be extras, we were in St James Park one day and walking across one of the bridges over the Tyne the next.  Got paid 50 quid a day each, easy work at that age for basically sitting around or walking.


The advert was about a kid going to his first match, he walked to St James' with his dad and at the end of the advert (after we'd "scored" and all the extras were going mad like we'd scored a goal) the kid took a sip of a bottle of Coke.  I happened to be stood next to the actors playing the kid and his dad, so I was on the telly in the background loads at the time the advert was on.  Actually I just remembered that there was a story in NME about it as Pulp were considering suing Coca-Cola as the song ripped off one of their tracks.  It had the screenshot of the advert accompanying the story, so I remember winding up my mates that were in a band that I'd got into NME before them.  I cut the article out and kept it but no idea if I still have it anywhere, whether it's sat in my old house in Wallsend or whatever.


Anyone remember the advert?  And even better, could anyone find a video of it?  Never been able to find it, doubt I ever will.


Don't remember it. Don't care that you were in it.


:lol: Well what an absolute dicksplash.

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