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Reds 2-9 Blues - Post-match reaction frpm page 35


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BrettNUFC is a red and has been labelled as such for weeks without complaint.


TheGuv - I don't think I heard back from him when I sent out pleas for confirmations, so he's yet to have been assigned a team.


Slim is out, yeah.


The opening post is up to date.

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Not sure tbh. Just interest (or lack thereof), I think.


They're always class though so most are pretty determined to make it an annual thing, I think/hope.

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Balls. I've played plenty of times with him and he's barely done anything of note. Young and quick, aye, but not in the same league as someone like KDT.

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The reds do have a silly defence :lol: impenetrable.


Can we not just send MKSC to be a Kevin Davies/horrible bastard with them?


I'm a big fan of this plan. I'll sharpen my elbows forthwith.

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