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No HEAT RDY logo and the club badge looking a bit off suggest it's a fake.

The counterfeiters regularly make these based on FH mock ups, happens all the time.




Edited by Harry 209

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Generally when I look at a kit of ours, i'll be relatively positive about it, and think it'll grow on me, but there isn't a single redeeming thing about that kit, its horrendous and is somehow worse than some of the efforts that Puma came up with :lol: 


@Shadow Puppets Please tell us its a fake :lol: 

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9 hours ago, Yorkie said:

Quite like the idea but the execution there is horrendous. A white shirt with two grey stripes on the front. Hopefully just an early prototype/total guess. 

The idea is dire. The execution is dire. 

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29 minutes ago, pedro111 said:

I was in the club shop today and had a look at the 95/96 remake. Barely any difference whatsoever between them and my DH gater. £108 Vs £15 quid. 

Yeah but one puts money towards our first team, the other puts money into human trafficking.

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