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Anyone who thinks a football club needs 50k fans every game and huge numbers of season ticket renewals to survive these days are kidding themselves imo. 20,000 people could stay away every game next season and it would hardly make a difference to him. What is £10m a season compared to all the tv money and free advertising for his business?


As long as Sports Direct continue making huge profits he will continue to suck the life out of us. Otherwise he would be taking money out of the club to repay the loan.


On a side note, the hashtag geordie jihad is an absolute embarrassment

It's about making a clear, visual statement that has the potential to be seen by hundreds of millions. It would be an unprecedented step for us as a fanbase as well as the Premier League in general.

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Anyone who thinks a football club needs 50k fans every game and huge numbers of season ticket renewals to survive these days are kidding themselves imo. 20,000 people could stay away every game next season and it would hardly make a difference to him. What is £10m a season compared to all the tv money and free advertising for his business?


As long as Sports Direct continue making huge profits he will continue to suck the life out of us. Otherwise he would be taking money out of the club to repay the loan.


On a side note, the hashtag geordie jihad is an absolute embarrassment


What do you suggest?

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Living in Scotland, one of conclusions the Yes campaign had around the referendum was the need to create a new voice and a new media that supported the independence movement, since they believed very few establishment papers and media outlets allowed a balanced view.


Well, this is a difficult thing to do. As a neutral voter, as someone who actually flipped flopped many times between 'don't go' and 'let's see if they can do it', I can't say the press coverage of the referendum wasn't balanced at all. I think the Yes campaign balls it up simply because they got a few key things wrong - such as not having a clear stance on the Euro.


The danger with ignoring the mainstream media because you think they're biased and not representing the truth, is that you simply create an Echo chamber - your views on the issue simply get amplified, and the criticism gets silenced. Then when the poll doesn't go your way, people in the campaign are left scratching their heads, as they were convinced they were going to win. If you watch John Stewart you'll see the same sort of thing happened in the US general election - the Republicans couldn't believe Obama got a second term - but of course, for years they've been getting their 'Fair & Balanced' view on how good a president he is from Fox News, so they hadn't really understood how many people actually thought he was doing a good job.


Dismiss a media report which doesn't support your view at your peril - sure, a piece may claim Ashley is good news for NUFC because he's put the club on a stable financial footing, and that may be because the journo is a lazy hack or worse, a paid shill, but it may just be because a significant number of fans think that's true. and the guy's doing his job portraying how it is. In that case, unless you have any evidence that thee aren't a significant number of fans that think that way, then you can only really claim the piece is biased if it also fails to mention that many fans think he's a massive cunt.


Now without getting into the referendum too much ask yourself this - where do people find facts about Ashley's dealings in NUFC. The Chronicle? The Journal? Talksport? The BBC? The Mag? You've got here, you've got a couple columnists, but little else since the media are either running scared, or banned. How many times have we said - "why doesn't the chronicle do some investigative journalism on the club"?


Anyone claiming the media was ignoring the groundswell of opposition against Ashley before AshleyOut.com is deluded. I mentioned earlier the Guardian blog put out a few days before the derby, that was scathing of Ashley hitting all messages that any AshleyOut campaigner could wish to see, but crucially, without giving a blanket statement that his way of running the club was wrong, or that it had universal condemnation by the fans. That's imho balanced reporting.

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I didn't actually know about the AC boycott. When was it? Did it achieve anything?


If this is going to happen at SJP, then it really really needs to be at least 90% effective - just think how many people don't have to be at a game before you even start seeing empty seats in the lower tiers.


I can't see it being remotely effective if the plan is Spurs, although I note that that game is the last home fixture that will be on telly, so it looks like it's shit or bust, for this season at least.

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Guest firetotheworks

You're quite open about things that you don't know or don't remember, yet you're so assured with your opinions based on these things...doesn't that tell you something?

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You're quite open about things that you don't know or don't remember, yet you're so assured with your opinions based on these things...doesn't that tell you something?


Well said, was about to post something along these lines. The paradoxical hypocrisy this guy displays is breathtakingly retarded.

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After years of in-ground protests, Cardiff fans boycotted an FA Cup game in January. Within a week they were back in blue.


I'm sure the two events were completely unrelated though.

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Actually, people really need to stop claiming the media isn't on their side at all, and that we need things like AshleyOut to 'get the message' across. It's hooey. This piece from Luke Edwards in the Torygraph is what most people who Google Ashley NUFC will find, and it's as good a writeup as anyone could hope for.




The horror show that is Ashley's reign is getting national coverage, and it's pretty accurate and avoids any lazy stereotyping, presumably because it's from a local journo. This piece doesn't even bother to claim some fans might actually agree with Ashley's stance (presumably because Edwards is already banned from SJP?)


Not sure about the bit that claims all our best players want to leave, that sounds to me a bit like Luke slipped back into Chronic mode, but other than that, I can't see much wrong. It lays it all out, but also gives people the uncomfortable truth - Ashley is going nowhere unless he's paid a wad of cash, or the club is relegated (which is unfounded speculation imho), and even though the fans think he's scum, he's still getting full houses.

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Honestly man, shut the fuck up. We get it, you're spineless and would prefer to sit quietly for the next decade or two until Ashley sells up. Other people would prefer to make some noise and get as much media attention as possible to try and speed up Ashley's demise. And given the website went live 24 hours ago, and it's already had multiple media mentions, and inspired a bangin' cartoon to boot, I reckon we're on the right track.

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After years of in-ground protests, Cardiff fans boycotted an FA Cup game in January. Within a week they were back in blue.


I'm sure the two events were completely unrelated though.


Maybe, maybe not. I thought it was a decision taken after they held a fans forum with the board - the questions is when that forum took place, and if it only took place because of the boycott. But at the end of the day, it's hardly relevant to us - even after a fan boycott they're still stuck with an insane owner who they absolutely hate. Id say the decision probably had more to do with the fact that he had probably over-estimated how many people in Asia would buy the red shirt, and after he'd been embarrassed about how it tuned out not to be so 'lucky', he thought what has he got to lose by giving the fans what they want? Spotting the pattern yet? Unpopular owner does something to piss the fans off, and then gets to look like the good guy by reversing the decision? Meanwhile the sound and fury results in no change in ownership. Sounds familiar....

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Believe it or not, I have a few campaign ideas actually, they came to me last night. They're not likely to achieve change by themselves, but they might make good contributions.


If I might make a suggestion - if the forum is serious about getting behind the campaign, perhaps it should create a sub-section where individual ideas, issues and incidents can be discussed in individual threads, without getting lost in one giant thread?

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Guest firetotheworks

After years of in-ground protests, Cardiff fans boycotted an FA Cup game in January. Within a week they were back in blue.


I'm sure the two events were completely unrelated though.


Maybe, maybe not. I thought it was a decision taken after they held a fans forum with the board - the questions is when that forum took place, and if it only took place because of the boycott. But at the end of the day, it's hardly relevant to us - even after a fan boycott they're still stuck with an insane owner who they absolutely hate. Id say the decision probably had more to do with the fact that he had probably over-estimated how many people in Asia would buy the red shirt, and after he'd been embarrassed about how it tuned out not to be so 'lucky', he thought what has he got to lose by giving the fans what they want? Spotting the pattern yet? Unpopular owner does something to piss the fans off, and then gets to look like the good guy by reversing the decision? Meanwhile the sound and fury results in no change in ownership. Sounds familiar....


For someone that asks for evidence so much (of which there is plenty), you sure do an awful lot of surmising based purely on nothing more than your own view of a scenario.


Absolutely no one thinks that Tan or Ashley 'look like good guys' for undoing a wrong, either. Utter bilge.



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Exactly what point are you even making? :lol:


Stop asking questions. You shouldn't even be speaking. You're meant to be sitting down quietly and enjoying the corporate rape.


Says who? (if you're about to say me, then kindly check whether that's true or not before you say it - in the spirit of everyone here not talking about things unless they're 100% sure of their topic).

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