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So you agree with a lot of fans by not having a season ticket and you want Ashley out to succeed but don't think it will. Seen as you don't go to games then I guess you just have to hope. I'm failing to see the problem here.


No problem from me. I want it to succeed, obviously, despite what certain bullshit merchants on here would have you believe. All I said was if the same people behind Ashley Out are the people who organised SackPardew, then I had very little hope of success (the reasons why can be found elsewhere). Not a popular opinion by all accounts.

Don't agree with that side of things but each to their own. It is by the same people though of which I'm hopeful it gets in as much national press as before and makes SD hate being associated with newcastle united.

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So you agree with a lot of fans by not having a season ticket and you want Ashley out to succeed but don't think it will. Seen as you don't go to games then I guess you just have to hope. I'm failing to see the problem here.


No problem from me. I want it to succeed, obviously, despite what certain bullshit merchants on here would have you believe. All I said was if the same people behind Ashley Out are the people who organised SackPardew, then I had very little hope of success (the reasons why can be found elsewhere). Not a popular opinion by all accounts.

That's not all you said at all though.
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Mako is clearly a Mackem troll. Registers the day after they beat us and then proceeds to write 87 posts of utter drivel that only a thick red and whiter could. Best ignored and he'll go away.


Bollocks. It's people like you who turn forums like this into one-dimensional echo chambers. We've got people claiming the media are biased and not representing the true fan at the very same time I just watched Look North vox-boxing a fan coming out of the SOL and giving Ashley both barrells, summing up in a few words what the issue is - "nothing will change until Ashley is gone" or words to that effect. You've clearly not read a single one of my posts, otherwise you wouldn't be claiming I write drivel - it won't take anyone long to figure out my posts are pretty much consistent with what that fan said. But I'll tell you what, "Wallsend Mag", I'd certainly prefer to have a drink with an open minded mackem than 10 Mags who think like you - where anyone who posts anything slightly off message is "clearly a Mackem troll". I'd tell you to f*** right off for that blatant insult, if I didn't think that's exactly the reaction you were probably hoping for.


You're a Mackem troll. End of. You sign up the day after you beat us and then post all this rubbish to try and get a bite. Near enough 100 posts in your first 24 hours? Thank god the schools are back next week.

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Mako is clearly a Mackem troll. Registers the day after they beat us and then proceeds to write 87 posts of utter drivel that only a thick red and whiter could. Best ignored and he'll go away.


Bollocks. It's people like you who turn forums like this into one-dimensional echo chambers. We've got people claiming the media are biased and not representing the true fan at the very same time I just watched Look North vox-boxing a fan coming out of the SOL and giving Ashley both barrells, summing up in a few words what the issue is - "nothing will change until Ashley is gone" or words to that effect. You've clearly not read a single one of my posts, otherwise you wouldn't be claiming I write drivel - it won't take anyone long to figure out my posts are pretty much consistent with what that fan said. But I'll tell you what, "Wallsend Mag", I'd certainly prefer to have a drink with an open minded mackem than 10 Mags who think like you - where anyone who posts anything slightly off message is "clearly a Mackem troll". I'd tell you to f*** right off for that blatant insult, if I didn't think that's exactly the reaction you were probably hoping for.


You're a Mackem troll. End of. You sign up the day after you beat us and then post all this rubbish to try and get a bite. Near enough 100 posts in your first 24 hours? Thank god the schools are back next week.




I'm amazed people are giving him the time of day.

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Mako is clearly a Mackem troll. Registers the day after they beat us and then proceeds to write 87 posts of utter drivel that only a thick red and whiter could. Best ignored and he'll go away.


Bollocks. It's people like you who turn forums like this into one-dimensional echo chambers. We've got people claiming the media are biased and not representing the true fan at the very same time I just watched Look North vox-boxing a fan coming out of the SOL and giving Ashley both barrells, summing up in a few words what the issue is - "nothing will change until Ashley is gone" or words to that effect. You've clearly not read a single one of my posts, otherwise you wouldn't be claiming I write drivel - it won't take anyone long to figure out my posts are pretty much consistent with what that fan said. But I'll tell you what, "Wallsend Mag", I'd certainly prefer to have a drink with an open minded mackem than 10 Mags who think like you - where anyone who posts anything slightly off message is "clearly a Mackem troll". I'd tell you to f*** right off for that blatant insult, if I didn't think that's exactly the reaction you were probably hoping for.


You're a Mackem troll. End of. You sign up the day after you beat us and then post all this rubbish to try and get a bite. Near enough 100 posts in your first 24 hours? Thank god the schools are back next week.


His name is Macko. Of course he's a Mackem :lol:

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Mako is clearly a Mackem troll. Registers the day after they beat us and then proceeds to write 87 posts of utter drivel that only a thick red and whiter could. Best ignored and he'll go away.


Bollocks. It's people like you who turn forums like this into one-dimensional echo chambers. We've got people claiming the media are biased and not representing the true fan at the very same time I just watched Look North vox-boxing a fan coming out of the SOL and giving Ashley both barrells, summing up in a few words what the issue is - "nothing will change until Ashley is gone" or words to that effect. You've clearly not read a single one of my posts, otherwise you wouldn't be claiming I write drivel - it won't take anyone long to figure out my posts are pretty much consistent with what that fan said. But I'll tell you what, "Wallsend Mag", I'd certainly prefer to have a drink with an open minded mackem than 10 Mags who think like you - where anyone who posts anything slightly off message is "clearly a Mackem troll". I'd tell you to f*** right off for that blatant insult, if I didn't think that's exactly the reaction you were probably hoping for.


You're a Mackem troll. End of. You sign up the day after you beat us and then post all this rubbish to try and get a bite. Near enough 100 posts in your first 24 hours? Thank god the schools are back next week.


You're a waste of my time and energy, end of. You're probably the sort of fan who accuses their mam of being a Mag if she serves you red sauce. In my experience, the only people who try to insult posters on a web forum by claiming they're on their school holidays, is your common garden troll. If you've got anything to say in your defence, or if you can actually come up with an example of anything I've said that's even remotely as trollish as your efforts here, let's hear it. If your next move is going to be just another tedious remark, don't bother.

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Mako is clearly a Mackem troll. Registers the day after they beat us and then proceeds to write 87 posts of utter drivel that only a thick red and whiter could. Best ignored and he'll go away.


Bollocks. It's people like you who turn forums like this into one-dimensional echo chambers. We've got people claiming the media are biased and not representing the true fan at the very same time I just watched Look North vox-boxing a fan coming out of the SOL and giving Ashley both barrells, summing up in a few words what the issue is - "nothing will change until Ashley is gone" or words to that effect. You've clearly not read a single one of my posts, otherwise you wouldn't be claiming I write drivel - it won't take anyone long to figure out my posts are pretty much consistent with what that fan said. But I'll tell you what, "Wallsend Mag", I'd certainly prefer to have a drink with an open minded mackem than 10 Mags who think like you - where anyone who posts anything slightly off message is "clearly a Mackem troll". I'd tell you to f*** right off for that blatant insult, if I didn't think that's exactly the reaction you were probably hoping for.


You're a Mackem troll. End of. You sign up the day after you beat us and then post all this rubbish to try and get a bite. Near enough 100 posts in your first 24 hours? Thank god the schools are back next week.


You're a waste of my time and energy, end of. You're probably the sort of fan who accuses their mam of being a Mag if she serves you red sauce. In my experience, the only people who try to insult posters on a web forum by claiming they're on their school holidays, is your common garden troll. If you've got anything to say in your defence, or if you can actually come up with an example of anything I've said that's even remotely as trollish as your efforts here, let's hear it. If your next move is going to be just another tedious remark, don't bother.


Do you think Advocaat will stay on next season if he keeps you up?

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Mako is clearly a Mackem troll. Registers the day after they beat us and then proceeds to write 87 posts of utter drivel that only a thick red and whiter could. Best ignored and he'll go away.


Bollocks. It's people like you who turn forums like this into one-dimensional echo chambers. We've got people claiming the media are biased and not representing the true fan at the very same time I just watched Look North vox-boxing a fan coming out of the SOL and giving Ashley both barrells, summing up in a few words what the issue is - "nothing will change until Ashley is gone" or words to that effect. You've clearly not read a single one of my posts, otherwise you wouldn't be claiming I write drivel - it won't take anyone long to figure out my posts are pretty much consistent with what that fan said. But I'll tell you what, "Wallsend Mag", I'd certainly prefer to have a drink with an open minded mackem than 10 Mags who think like you - where anyone who posts anything slightly off message is "clearly a Mackem troll". I'd tell you to f*** right off for that blatant insult, if I didn't think that's exactly the reaction you were probably hoping for.


You're a Mackem troll. End of. You sign up the day after you beat us and then post all this rubbish to try and get a bite. Near enough 100 posts in your first 24 hours? Thank god the schools are back next week.


You're a waste of my time and energy, end of. You're probably the sort of fan who accuses their mam of being a Mag if she serves you red sauce. In my experience, the only people who try to insult posters on a web forum by claiming they're on their school holidays, is your common garden troll. If you've got anything to say in your defence, or if you can actually come up with an example of anything I've said that's even remotely as trollish as your efforts here, let's hear it. If your next move is going to be just another tedious remark, don't bother.


theres a clue.

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Mako is clearly a Mackem troll. Registers the day after they beat us and then proceeds to write 87 posts of utter drivel that only a thick red and whiter could. Best ignored and he'll go away.


Bollocks. It's people like you who turn forums like this into one-dimensional echo chambers. We've got people claiming the media are biased and not representing the true fan at the very same time I just watched Look North vox-boxing a fan coming out of the SOL and giving Ashley both barrells, summing up in a few words what the issue is - "nothing will change until Ashley is gone" or words to that effect. You've clearly not read a single one of my posts, otherwise you wouldn't be claiming I write drivel - it won't take anyone long to figure out my posts are pretty much consistent with what that fan said. But I'll tell you what, "Wallsend Mag", I'd certainly prefer to have a drink with an open minded mackem than 10 Mags who think like you - where anyone who posts anything slightly off message is "clearly a Mackem troll". I'd tell you to f*** right off for that blatant insult, if I didn't think that's exactly the reaction you were probably hoping for.


You're a Mackem troll. End of. You sign up the day after you beat us and then post all this rubbish to try and get a bite. Near enough 100 posts in your first 24 hours? Thank god the schools are back next week.


You're a waste of my time and energy, end of. You're probably the sort of fan who accuses their mam of being a Mag if she serves you red sauce. In my experience, the only people who try to insult posters on a web forum by claiming they're on their school holidays, is your common garden troll. If you've got anything to say in your defence, or if you can actually come up with an example of anything I've said that's even remotely as trollish as your efforts here, let's hear it. If your next move is going to be just another tedious remark, don't bother.


theres a clue.


He's let his guard down a few times now the thick twat.

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Mako is clearly a Mackem troll. Registers the day after they beat us and then proceeds to write 87 posts of utter drivel that only a thick red and whiter could. Best ignored and he'll go away.


Bollocks. It's people like you who turn forums like this into one-dimensional echo chambers. We've got people claiming the media are biased and not representing the true fan at the very same time I just watched Look North vox-boxing a fan coming out of the SOL and giving Ashley both barrells, summing up in a few words what the issue is - "nothing will change until Ashley is gone" or words to that effect. You've clearly not read a single one of my posts, otherwise you wouldn't be claiming I write drivel - it won't take anyone long to figure out my posts are pretty much consistent with what that fan said. But I'll tell you what, "Wallsend Mag", I'd certainly prefer to have a drink with an open minded mackem than 10 Mags who think like you - where anyone who posts anything slightly off message is "clearly a Mackem troll". I'd tell you to f*** right off for that blatant insult, if I didn't think that's exactly the reaction you were probably hoping for.


You're a Mackem troll. End of. You sign up the day after you beat us and then post all this rubbish to try and get a bite. Near enough 100 posts in your first 24 hours? Thank god the schools are back next week.


You're a waste of my time and energy, end of. You're probably the sort of fan who accuses their mam of being a Mag if she serves you red sauce. In my experience, the only people who try to insult posters on a web forum by claiming they're on their school holidays, is your common garden troll. If you've got anything to say in your defence, or if you can actually come up with an example of anything I've said that's even remotely as trollish as your efforts here, let's hear it. If your next move is going to be just another tedious remark, don't bother.

MAG! hahahaha. What a mug. Outed yourself good and proper there. :lol:

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Mako is clearly a Mackem troll. Registers the day after they beat us and then proceeds to write 87 posts of utter drivel that only a thick red and whiter could. Best ignored and he'll go away.


Bollocks. It's people like you who turn forums like this into one-dimensional echo chambers. We've got people claiming the media are biased and not representing the true fan at the very same time I just watched Look North vox-boxing a fan coming out of the SOL and giving Ashley both barrells, summing up in a few words what the issue is - "nothing will change until Ashley is gone" or words to that effect. You've clearly not read a single one of my posts, otherwise you wouldn't be claiming I write drivel - it won't take anyone long to figure out my posts are pretty much consistent with what that fan said. But I'll tell you what, "Wallsend Mag", I'd certainly prefer to have a drink with an open minded mackem than 10 Mags who think like you - where anyone who posts anything slightly off message is "clearly a Mackem troll". I'd tell you to f*** right off for that blatant insult, if I didn't think that's exactly the reaction you were probably hoping for.


You're a Mackem troll. End of. You sign up the day after you beat us and then post all this rubbish to try and get a bite. Near enough 100 posts in your first 24 hours? Thank god the schools are back next week.


You're a waste of my time and energy, end of. You're probably the sort of fan who accuses their mam of being a Mag if she serves you red sauce. In my experience, the only people who try to insult posters on a web forum by claiming they're on their school holidays, is your common garden troll. If you've got anything to say in your defence, or if you can actually come up with an example of anything I've said that's even remotely as trollish as your efforts here, let's hear it. If your next move is going to be just another tedious remark, don't bother.

MAG! hahahaha. What a mug. Outed yourself good and proper there. :lol:



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In fairness to Mako, them lot down the road regularly take part in half empty stadium protests and it gets no attention whatsoever.



I heard one of them loling at us on TS tonight, and calling us fickle. But fuck me they go into a game and are so fickle they have a mass boycott on 60mins if they are losing :lol:

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Seems we aren't the only ones


"it just looks normal"  :lol:


He's going to bury that club out of pure spite, and they really won't be coming back any time soon. Annoying, as it's one of the few grounds I've always wanted to visit.

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Seems we aren't the only ones



"it just looks normal"  :lol:


He's going to bury that club out of pure spite, and they really won't be coming back any time soon. Annoying, as it's one of the few grounds I've always wanted to visit.

Fleetwood's just down the tram like, I know where I'd go watch footy!
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Seems we aren't the only ones



"it just looks normal"  :lol:


He's going to bury that club out of pure spite, and they really won't be coming back any time soon. Annoying, as it's one of the few grounds I've always wanted to visit.

Fleetwood's just down the tram like, I know where I'd go watch footy!


Just made my top 5 favourite posters there :lol: unfortunately live in Blackpool, Fleetwood lad born and bred, current turn of events makes me happy! Blackpool is a shit hole, as is BFC.

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The only reason Ashley isn't selling Newcastle is because he hasn't been offered enough money for it. He'll keep it until he gets the right offer and I can't see any protest making one scrap of difference to him. He's shown in the past that he has skin like an elephant, he didn't get this far in business by being a pussy cat. NUFC posted an £18.5 million profit this year. That figure is likely to rise when the new TV money comes in.


Protest all you want, if it were my club I would, but the fat man is going nowhere..................yet.

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The only reason Ashley isn't selling Newcastle is because he hasn't been offered enough money for it. He'll keep it until he gets the right offer and I can't see any protest making one scrap of difference to him. He's shown in the past that he has skin like an elephant, he didn't get this far in business by being a pussy cat. NUFC posted an £18.5 million profit this year. That figure is likely to rise when the new TV money comes in.


Protest all you want, if it were my club I would, but the fat man is going nowhere..................yet.


Skin of an elephant? You know nothing.

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