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Latest Fans Forum 'minutes' released


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Was the meeting recorded by any of the fans? If so - it needs sharing!


Sure someone said it was voice recorded


TF have it.


Do they? I read the posts the other day as though they were aware Charnley's PA had recorded it, not that they had it themselves.


Aye sorry, it was this I was referring to.. read it and assumed they had it



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Still astonished that the fans who attend these farces are actually still attending. How can they continue to be arsed despite being basically laughed at, treated with utter contempt and just plain lied to? All so the club can tick a box to say they’ve done it.

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Still astonished that the fans who attend these farces are actually still attending. How can they continue to be arsed despite being basically laughed at, treated with utter contempt and just plain lied to? All so the club can tick a box to say they’ve done it.


Whilst what you say is true about the club just lying to their faces and effectively laughing at them, I respect the guys for going along and making the club tell those lies. That's something that the club can be called out on, whereby if we let them just sit in silence there's no lies to question.


It's like when the police interview criminals, just because you know they're not going to admit to the murder* and know they're going to lie to you or whatever, that is no need to not ask them questions. You hope they trip themselves up and you have them bang to rights.


As long as the right questions are asked, which looking at the minutes from this one they were, then I'm fully behind the people who go.


*Oh and if Mike Ashley's lawyers are reading this, it's an analogy. The only thing I think he's killed is this football club.

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Still astonished that the fans who attend these farces are actually still attending. How can they continue to be arsed despite being basically laughed at, treated with utter contempt and just plain lied to? All so the club can tick a box to say they’ve done it.


Whilst what you say is true about the club just lying to their faces and effectively laughing at them, I respect the guys for going along and making the club tell those lies. That's something that the club can be called out on, whereby if we let them just sit in silence there's no lies to question.


It's like when the police interview criminals, just because you know they're not going to admit to the murder* and know they're going to lie to you or whatever, that is no need to not ask them questions. You hope they trip themselves up and you have them bang to rights.


As long as the right questions are asked, which looking at the minutes from this one they were, then I'm fully behind the people who go.


*Oh and if Mike Ashley's lawyers are reading this, it's an analogy. The only thing I think he's killed is this football club.


That’s fair enough actually :thup:


Hadn’t considered that slant on things.

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Still astonished that the fans who attend these farces are actually still attending. How can they continue to be arsed despite being basically laughed at, treated with utter contempt and just plain lied to? All so the club can tick a box to say they’ve done it.

Just also point out one of the guys that went mentioned the day after they were all getting corporate tickets off NUFC for a game as a thank you for the fans forum. Basically getting sweeteners from the club to toe the line.

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Guest chopey

They go on and on about how they couldn't afford certain players, can't afford to upset the applecart when it comes to wages, couldn't convince other clubs to sell, and can't afford to invest in the facilities or academy because 'the club feels its overall budget is currently better spent on the team'.


Then they say 'The amount owed to the owner was disclosed in last accounts and the figure is currently less than that.'.


So by their own admission, money we desperately needed for transfers has gone towards paying back Ashley instead.


So the 25% season ticket price rise was for Ashley's own pocket ? I think if people knew that there would have been a lot less renewals

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The debt to Ashley never officially goes down. However, at certain points in the season (transfer windows) he does pay himself back to reduce the debt. Then when he decides the club need to outsource a new service to his business, he lends the club the money again, thus taking the debt level back to the “right” level.


I can absolutely guarantee, there’s an illegal activity going on (might be tax, might be fraud) and it’s going to prevent him ever selling the club as it will come out.


We’re fucked.

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The debt to Ashley never officially goes down. However, at certain points in the season (transfer windows) he does pay himself back to reduce the debt. Then when he decides the club need to outsource a new service to his business, he lends the club the money again, thus taking the debt level back to the “right” level.


I can absolutely guarantee, there’s an illegal activity going on (might be tax, might be fraud) and it’s going to prevent him ever selling the club as it will come out.


We’re fucked.


It's a shame the HMRC investigation has gone quiet. Surely they could have dug up some sort on him.

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The debt to Ashley never officially goes down. However, at certain points in the season (transfer windows) he does pay himself back to reduce the debt. Then when he decides the club need to outsource a new service to his business, he lends the club the money again, thus taking the debt level back to the “right” level.


I can absolutely guarantee, there’s an illegal activity going on (might be tax, might be fraud) and it’s going to prevent him ever selling the club as it will come out.


We’re fucked.


It's a shame the HMRC investigation has gone quiet. Surely they could have dug up some sort on him.


Makes you wonder exactly what they found, but hopefully it’s a massive ticking time bomb.

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The debt to Ashley never officially goes down. However, at certain points in the season (transfer windows) he does pay himself back to reduce the debt. Then when he decides the club need to outsource a new service to his business, he lends the club the money again, thus taking the debt level back to the “right” level.


I can absolutely guarantee, there’s an illegal activity going on (might be tax, might be fraud) and it’s going to prevent him ever selling the club as it will come out.


We’re f***ed.

Yep, it almost seems in his best interests to get relegated every few years so that he can provide another loan and seem like he hasn't been taking money out. He gets to look like a knight in shining armour bailing the club out with his own money (that he's just repaid himself from the club)

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Why does nobody ever seem to ask why we insist on operating two entirely different methods of buying and selling players that directly impacts the club in such a highly negative way?


The bit about Justin Barnes is fucking ridiculous. They say he doesn't get paid by NUFC as though it's a good thing, but that just means it's even more ridiculous that he's involved with the day to day running of the club.


Oh, and the other day Ashley supposedly told the squad the club isn't being sold.

Good point actually and here is me praising them but your right that is a massive point there



why ask anything of these cunts, it's all bullshit


but on this particular point it's much ado because they already answered it in the minutes no?  "to get the best deal for the club", i.e. save 500k or 1m


the real point, however, should be that getting a "better" individual deal is to the detriment of the clubs overall cash flow and thus automatically inhibits what we're able to do in the transfer window so while in isolation paying up front might be a good idea it cannot be considered "best for the club" because it is not being backed up by temporary financing from the owner or elsewhere as other clubs do


i honestly think they started out with that idea to save a few bob on deal but along the way have cottoned on that it also conveniently provides the perfect home made excuse to spend less overall



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Still astonished that the fans who attend these farces are actually still attending. How can they continue to be arsed despite being basically laughed at, treated with utter contempt and just plain lied to? All so the club can tick a box to say they’ve done it.


Whilst what you say is true about the club just lying to their faces and effectively laughing at them, I respect the guys for going along and making the club tell those lies. That's something that the club can be called out on, whereby if we let them just sit in silence there's no lies to question.


It's like when the police interview criminals, just because you know they're not going to admit to the murder* and know they're going to lie to you or whatever, that is no need to not ask them questions. You hope they trip themselves up and you have them bang to rights.


As long as the right questions are asked, which looking at the minutes from this one they were, then I'm fully behind the people who go.


*Oh and if Mike Ashley's lawyers are reading this, it's an analogy. The only thing I think he's killed is this football club.


That’s fair enough actually :thup:


Hadn’t considered that slant on things.


i think we passed this point a very long time ago myself, all members of the ff should very publicly walk away refusing to attend until he's gone and urge everyone to do the same



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i mean the pay in full up front thing could make sense if you were literally rolling in cash and shopping at the top end, so man city want a fella and get quoted £50m but instead offer £40m up front so the selling club aren't waiting 5 years for the cash


for us you're probably talking shaving £1m of a deal or something, and then shafting yourself on other transfers on purpose


so transparent

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Depressing read again. This bit was pathetic:


PL: “Did you expect going into the transfer window to make a profit?

The club confirmed that it did not set out to make a profit.

The club also explained the difference between profit and cash flow. The deal for

Aleksandar Mitrović was given as an example, with money coming over a period of four

years. In terms of this financial year, the club’s income in relation to trading for summer

2018, when comparing cash going out and cash coming, is about net £2m; far from the

profit being reported. The rest of the money comes in over future years.

The club made it clear that money was available to spend in the summer transfer window.

PL: “For Sissoko, Wijnaldum – what about the money from previous windows?

The club reiterated that these transfer fees are paid over a period of time so the money

comes in when scheduled instalments are received – not up front in one go.


Spectacularly missing the point there like, which is why do they go on like we only receive a quarter of the transfer fee, never to mention the other installments again. They've even twisted the figures there to make it seem like we didn't make a profit in the summer, with no reference to the money we'll still be receiving for the likes of Sissoko. Wankers.

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The debt to Ashley never officially goes down. However, at certain points in the season (transfer windows) he does pay himself back to reduce the debt. Then when he decides the club need to outsource a new service to his business, he lends the club the money again, thus taking the debt level back to the “right” level.


That makes zero sense. Why would he need to loan the club money to outsource a function?


Anyway, as said many times before, the 'debt' to Ashley is meaningless as a number.

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The debt to Ashley never officially goes down. However, at certain points in the season (transfer windows) he does pay himself back to reduce the debt. Then when he decides the club need to outsource a new service to his business, he lends the club the money again, thus taking the debt level back to the “right” level.


That makes zero sense. Why would he need to loan the club money to outsource a function?


Anyway, as said many times before, the 'debt' to Ashley is meaningless as a number.


Surely if the football club owes him x that is added onto the sale price at negotiation time if a buyer ever comes forward though.

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Depressing read again. This bit was pathetic:


PL: “Did you expect going into the transfer window to make a profit?

The club confirmed that it did not set out to make a profit.

The club also explained the difference between profit and cash flow. The deal for

Aleksandar Mitrović was given as an example, with money coming over a period of four

years. In terms of this financial year, the club’s income in relation to trading for summer

2018, when comparing cash going out and cash coming, is about net £2m; far from the

profit being reported. The rest of the money comes in over future years.

The club made it clear that money was available to spend in the summer transfer window.

PL: “For Sissoko, Wijnaldum – what about the money from previous windows?

The club reiterated that these transfer fees are paid over a period of time so the money

comes in when scheduled instalments are received – not up front in one go.


Spectacularly missing the point there like, which is why do they go on like we only receive a quarter of the transfer fee, never to mention the other installments again. They've even twisted the figures there to make it seem like we didn't make a profit in the summer, with no reference to the money we'll still be receiving for the likes of Sissoko. Wankers.


This is absolutely scandalous, actively skewing the figures to say "Hey, we're skint and not really making a massive profit" when the opposite is the case. Nothing less than you'd expect from these thieves though.

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The debt to Ashley never officially goes down. However, at certain points in the season (transfer windows) he does pay himself back to reduce the debt. Then when he decides the club need to outsource a new service to his business, he lends the club the money again, thus taking the debt level back to the “right” level.


That makes zero sense. Why would he need to loan the club money to outsource a function?


Anyway, as said many times before, the 'debt' to Ashley is meaningless as a number.


Surely if the football club owes him x that is added onto the sale price at negotiation time if a buyer ever comes forward though.


Yep. Its as far from meaningless as possible ffs.

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Surely if the football club owes him x that is added onto the sale price at negotiation time if a buyer ever comes forward though.


Nope. The price would be the price.


If the club as a business is worth £300m and the debt is £150m, then his equity is worth £150m.

If the club is worth £150m then his debt is worth £150m and his equity is worth zero

If the club is worth £100m then his debt is only worth £100m and his equity has already been wiped out



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I'm going out later and have decided after reading the bits and pieces in this thread, I'll be better off not reading the absolute lies in those minutes. It'll just piss me off for the rest of the day.

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