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Championship Planning


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Not sure how a player can become unfit so fast :lol: Probably the reason he hasn't played much.


He does the same every summer tbh, pretty poor attitude. Not sure Rafa will want to keep him around anyway if he doesn't take his football seriously.

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Sending this over to Cheick as we speak


Here are 10 simple steps to avoid gaining weight during Ramadan:


1. Avoid overeating. Have a light Iftar that includes reasonable food portions.


2. Chew your food slowly to avoid indigestion.


3. Have your soup and salad first. These are low in calories and make you feel full.


4. Drink at least eight glasses of water during the non-fasting hours.


5. Have fresh fruits and fresh juices without added sugar, instead of the readymade ones, which may contain high amounts of sugar.


6. Choose low fat dairy products and lean meats.


7. Eat a fruit salad instead of Arabic sweets every now and then.


8. Walk everyday for at least half an hour to one hour in order to burn the extra calories.


9. When cooking, make your favourite Ramdan recipes healthier by avoiding deep frying whenever possible. Instead, reduce the amount of fat in your meals by cooking your food with a little bit of vegetable oil, baking, roasting, steaming or grilling.


10. Avoid eating continuously, especially between Iftar and Suhour, which is sometimes accompanied by tiredness because of the feeling of fullness.


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Can't really see Tiote being here too beyond next month, but if he does go we will be weaker unless we buy a proper replacement. I haven't seen much of Saivet, but he couldn't get in the team ahead of Tiote in the run in to last season so can't really count him as one we can rely on to do the job.


We have loads of DMs, not even bothered about it if i'm honest.

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I still think we need a couple of experienced heads. There's going to be a lot of pressure on us next year to do well and an older head or two around the place to reassure and compose would do wonders. We've seen what the likes of Cuntback and Shelvey do when the going gets tough.


I'd also like to see us spend a few quid on another proven goal scorer at this level.

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I think having contingency plans for any raids on our squad as we get closer to the season is top priority. I don't know if the rumours about Barcelona being interested in Perez are just pie in the sky speculation, but our better players are definitely generating interest. Considering one of the reasons I thought we were a cert to bounce back up was on the strength of our squad, considering we've already lost Wijnaldum, Townsend and Cisse, the squad's starting to look quite a bit different already.


The money's all well and good, but we need to buy quality players as well to maintain the class difference between us and the championship cloggers.

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I'm worried.


The championship is a shit league  but I'm not sure we have enough quality and strength in depth in midfield and up front currently.


Players that really worry me are


Aarons (injuries)

Shelvey (disinterested and mercurial)

Colback (Shite)

Anita (Limited at CM)


And if we lose Perez our team looks considerably weaker even though I don't rate him that highly, but you would think he would be massive in the championship, think we need to fight to keep him while bringing in 2-3 more attacking players at least.


Think we're set for keepers and defenders though mind.

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Was looking at Norwich's squad today, as I assume they'll be one of our rivals, and their out and out striker options seem to be Cameron Jerome,  Kyle Lafferty and Ricky van Wolfwinkel which are pretty uninspiring

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