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Do NUFC Need To Change Away Ticket Criteria?

Crumpy Gunt

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The system works fine I think. The only thing I'd change, if it is still actually in place, is that they wipe the loyalty points after 4/5 years.


I have a family, I'd love to go to every away game but it comes down to spending time with my family, cost etc. It's not practical. I can probably get to 25% of away games, meaning over time I'd accrue enough points to one day get to a Sunderland away game if they didn't wipe the loyalty points.


What gets on my tits is the people who buy away tickets to flog them, so they get the loyalty point, then they get to go to Sunderland, Boro, Hull, Leeds etc because they have 100 loyalty points, when they've been to probably 3 away games a season, selling the rest. There is a canny bit of snobbery with some of those who have big loyalty points too. You see them on twitter saying "go to more away games" as if its that easy for a lot of people.



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The only way round the people flogging them issue is to do a collection point at all away games where you have to show your ID to pick it up. I think England do this for their aways, but probably a lot easier/cheaper to do for their half a dozen away games a year compared to our 25 or so.

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The only way round the people flogging them issue is to do a collection point at all away games where you have to show your ID to pick it up. I think England do this for their aways, but probably a lot easier/cheaper to do for their half a dozen away games a year compared to our 25 or so.


Apart from the logistical problems of that, I reckon it would generally cause uproar. Whilst I think everyone would agree folk getting a ticket for every away game and selling 90% of them on for the points is pretty shabby, people getting the odd ticket for a mate who doesn't have a season ticket, not necessarily for the high demand games just bog standard ones that would go zero points anyway is fair enough, at least IMO anyway, although I could see why someone paying for a membership would disagree.


I reckon if you took a standard away game there'd be maybe 10-20% of our fans who were not the 'named' person that purchased the ticket.

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I've got 18 loyalty points and I am absolutely fine with the way it is. I don't get to the most attractive games but I'm hoping to get to a couple after Xmas (maybe Sheff wed and Brum) and I'm happy with that, a couple a season does me although I havn't been to an away game for about 4 years. The way the system is fair enough in my view.

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Well as a midlander I have zero Chance of getting an away ticket. It's annoying, as a kid the only way to affordably see games that weren't home games were the local and Yorkshire based games. Will never be able to go again with my kids or niece/nephew. It's 200 pound at least to a home game for us and so points are hard to come by. Still, someone will always miss out I suppose.

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Well as a midlander I have zero Chance of getting an away ticket. It's annoying, as a kid the only way to affordably see games that weren't home games were the local and Yorkshire based games. Will never be able to go again with my kids or niece/nephew. It's 200 pound at least to a home game for us and so points are hard to come by. Still, someone will always miss out I suppose.


You could have got one for Barnsley last month. I suspect there's a reasonable chance you may be able to get one for Wigan next month.

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Well as a midlander I have zero Chance of getting an away ticket. It's annoying, as a kid the only way to affordably see games that weren't home games were the local and Yorkshire based games. Will never be able to go again with my kids or niece/nephew. It's 200 pound at least to a home game for us and so points are hard to come by. Still, someone will always miss out I suppose.


You could have got one for Barnsley last month. I suspect there's a reasonable chance you may be able to get one for Wigan next month.


Could have gone to Derby and Villa as well in the midlands. So from the 7 away games theres 3. So its not all doom and gloom, youll get your chances

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Guest Howaythetoon

Points should be awarded to those that retain their ST and go to cup games and I feel more points should be awarded for trips to say Southampton over say Bolton, but other than that it's quite a fair system. One can still get away tickets even without any points btw...

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Agree about the extra points being awarded for purchasing a season ticket and attending the cup games :thup:


Also think the point mentioned about 'freezing' loyalty points on your account if you don't renew your season ticket one year is the most sensible. I didn't renew last year (out of choice) and lost 25 points that I'd built up over the past 4/5 years...now I'm on 1. Would be ridiculous if someone had been going to away games for 30+ years and had built up 100's of points, only to be not able to renew his season ticket one year (financial/work related?) and be back down to 0 when he/she does get their season ticket back.

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I have to admit I've been using friends to get away tickets this season, since I gave up my season ticket when I moved away. But I had 60 odd points on my ST so I'm not feeling much guilt.


Generally I don't think there is a much fairer way of doing it. One thing they could perhaps do is have a split points system, both an overall total and a 'recent' total say... for the last ~1-2 years. 2 different potential loyalty criteria for each away match. Having either one can get you a ticket. That rewards long term accumulation and recent proliferation.

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Do they wipe the points after 10 years/seasons?  I thought they did, as my mate and his family have 4 tickets with over 100 on.  But he had been to less in recent years, due to the Pardew situation and his have gone down a fair bit, I believe.

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Do they wipe the points after 10 years/seasons?  I thought they did, as my mate and his family have 4 tickets with over 100 on.  But he had been to less in recent years, due to the Pardew situation and his have gone down a fair bit, I believe.


I don't think that's an official policy. Not one i've heard about anyway. I think the allocation of points from 10 years+ back can sometimes be a bit sketchy (just basing that on what i've been told rather than actual knowledge) but I would imagine it should get better as we go on.

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fine with the way they do - after all the shit i've had to watch away from home under the likes of sourness, pardew and carver!

think there should also be some kind of point scheme for attending cup matches

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It's a joke. I, like many others, won't even contemplate going to an away game. I appreciate it's rewarding loyalty which is fine but perhaps every now and then open up the allocation to members


You mean, for example, like the Barnsley game a couple of weeks ago?

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It's a joke. I, like many others, won't even contemplate going to an away game. I appreciate it's rewarding loyalty which is fine but perhaps every now and then open up the allocation to members


Wigan already down to zero points. Not sure what the allocation is but i'd think there's a good chance it goes to members.

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It's a joke. I, like many others, won't even contemplate going to an away game. I appreciate it's rewarding loyalty which is fine but perhaps every now and then open up the allocation to members


Wigan already down to zero points. Not sure what the allocation is but i'd think there's a good chance it goes to members.


4,800. It'll definitely go to members and quite probably general sale with it being midweek and less than 2 weeks to Xmas. These are the type of games people need to attend to build up their loyalty points total.

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It's a joke. I, like many others, won't even contemplate going to an away game. I appreciate it's rewarding loyalty which is fine but perhaps every now and then open up the allocation to members


Wigan already down to zero points. Not sure what the allocation is but i'd think there's a good chance it goes to members.


4,800. It'll definitely go to members and quite probably general sale with it being midweek and less than 2 weeks to Xmas. These are the type of games people need to attend to build up their loyalty points total.


I'm certain Blackburn will too!

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It's a joke. I, like many others, won't even contemplate going to an away game. I appreciate it's rewarding loyalty which is fine but perhaps every now and then open up the allocation to members


Wigan already down to zero points. Not sure what the allocation is but i'd think there's a good chance it goes to members.


4,800. It'll definitely go to members and quite probably general sale with it being midweek and less than 2 weeks to Xmas. These are the type of games people need to attend to build up their loyalty points total.


I'm certain Blackburn will too!


Aye. Despite the massive demand for away tickets now and every game selling out, come the end of the season I bet around 10-12 matches will have gone to zero points so there'll have been the opportunity even for someone buying a ST for the first time this season to be sat on over 10 loyalty points by May. Surprised that there's people out there so stupid to expect to never bother with away games then spit the dummy because they couldn't get a ticket for Leeds ahead of those who've traipsed up and down the country year after year for very little in return.

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Just be nice to have the choice like. No disrespect to anyone who goes but it just becomes a big club doing it the way it is to some extent. I pretty much accept that it's the way it is and I'm sure there are legitimate reasons for it. Just used to be a great day out as a kid. Don't suppose you get many young kids going as a result?

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Just be nice to have the choice like. No disrespect to anyone who goes but it just becomes a big club doing it the way it is to some extent. I pretty much accept that it's the way it is and I'm sure there are legitimate reasons for it. Just used to be a great day out as a kid. Don't suppose you get many young kids going as a result?


You do have the choice. Go to the games, earn the points, then unlock the prizes.


Always staggers me why people have an issue with this.

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