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How many points will we get out of the next 7 matches?


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i've learned that predicting football scores is useless for the most part, especially when it comes to the team at the moment. no one knows, so i'll just hope for the best and go along for the ride.

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I have no idea tbh :lol: With our injury-situation, players coming back and getting injured, i say all we can do is take the games as they come and hope for the best. We should get 21 pts from them though, and leap up the table :p

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The optimistic bit of me is saying we can win our home matches, but my head tells me Stephen Carr is nearly fit.


well put!  blueyes.gif



bluesigh.gif  can't somebody tell carr to fake injury for the duration of his career with the toon? 

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7 or 8, the home game to Tottenham is key - because we've got very difficult trips to Bolton and Everton. Can't see us picking anything up at the Reebok, but we'll snatch a draw from Everton. It's a tricky fixture list coming up, and 8-10 points woul dbe adequate. We won't return to the bottom three this season, i'm confident of that. But we need to get some players back. 13 injured. :roll:  If Nobby and Emre are out for December, 8 points will be a monumental task.

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You cant even talk about upcoming games any more? How many games are you allowed to talk about at the same time? The next three? What if I talk about the next four games, would that be against some laws if I said the names of the clubs?


That is just unfuckingbelivable. Get the page moved to a server in Ukraine or something before we are forbidden to type players name and shit.

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can we event talk about upcomming fixtures? If I where to say, How will it go against chelsea on wednesday will that be against the rules?


Like we are playing Chelsea at Wednesday, and it is part of the fixture list and you cant say any part of the fixture list. That is just absurd. I just hate this new world that we are living in.

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