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Steve Brute


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When you say fight I presume you mean boycott? I've renewed... 

The Bruce argument is now irrelevant. You are actively supporting Ashley by giving him your money.

Nah, I'm not.

I'm not backing the owner, I am backing the manager


You are funding the owner and accepting his shitness..

So for 3 years you didn't back Rafa?

The owner was given an opportunity to change how he did things. Rafa had given us all a bit of hope again. He was showing us the way things could be if he was supported, and presented that plan to the c***s in charge. Instead Ashley and Charnley decided to reject Rafa's plan, sack him off and return to their previous plan of doing and spending the absolute bare minimum to stay in the premier league and maximise the exposure of Sports Direct and associated entities. By appointing Steve Bruce they've shown us that they have literally zero ambition for the club beyond staying in the league and finishing 17th.


It has now reached the stage that if you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying that you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy for one of the biggest c***s in the UK. You're buying into how he runs our football club. You're choosing to gloss over the fact that he has systematically destroyed everything that was ever good about supporting our football club.


This isn't our club any more. Stop pretending it is, and stop giving the c***s your money

I agree with all of that apart from the 'If you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy'


Sorry but that's bollocks, you can want an owner out but still go to games, not having that.

I'm not happy with how the club is being run, ofcourse I'm not, im as pissed off as anyone that they didn't do enough to keep Rafa.

But just because you still want to go to games, it doesn't mean that you're supporting Ashley.

Supporters shouldn't be made to feel guilty just because they want to go games and actually support the team.

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Not sure why people are getting mad. We’ve seen this character arc before. Seymour is Ian W Mark II — an infuriating poster who goes onto have a very public epiphany, recognizes the errors of his ways, an important part of any character development, and goes on to become one of the more valued posters on here.


Seymour just doesn’t know it yet.

All I've said is that a manager who's literally not managed a game yet deserves a chance :lol: :lol:

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If you can't see the difference between the hope that Rafa offered at the time he was here and the state this 'version' of NUFC now finds itself in, and the part PardBruce is playing in that then I guess there will never be any chance of us seeing eye to eye on it all.


I find your 'give him a chance' stance baffling.

Then again there should be no one in the f***ing ground to give any new puppet manager a chance.

You honestly find my stance of giving a manager who hasn't even managed a single fucking game yet, a chance baffling?

Its baffling that you won't give a brand new manager that has done fuck all wrong a chance?


If he fucks up then he fucks up but to actually say boo him and hound him out in his first game is just pathetic.

You're directing your anger at completely the wrong person.


I think it boils down to what we differ on in terms of recognising this version of NUFC as something worthy of 'supporting'.

I refuse to recognise this current aberration as the NUFC I have loved and supported for the best part of 50 years.

Anyone aligning itself to that is, in my opinion, complicit with the continued destruction and stagnation of the club and actively acting in a way that will stop or hinder what we all want; a successful NUFC that challenges and is striving to be the best it vcan be on all fronts (commercially,it's links to the community and area, on the pitch, with respect of youth development and training facilities etc).

Rafa benitez got it. He challenged the ownership, who you are absolutely correct to point out, is the ultimate enemy. He set out a strategy to see the club grow, to be all it could be. Not with ludicrous demands of expenditure to match Man City etc, but to just challenge to be the best of the rest, and see where that would take us in the longer term.

He failed. Failed to even shame them into doing that.

We all know what the fat controller is about (asset stripping, using the club as an atm, as little investment as he can gamble with to ensure he gets his annual pay outs).

Steve Bruce knows this too. More so than any 'outsider' who could have come in (Monk, Sherwood et al)


He is absolutely complicit in this. He is Pardew reborn.


In my opinion you can't separate the two. He is knowingly now a Mike Ashley puppet and as such deserves nothing but ridicule.


The manager really doesn't matter, but by giving Bruce a chance you are really just giving MA what he wants. Your money.

The club is dead.


This is not NUFC and I want it, and anyone who continues to be complicit in the destruction and placing of it in a zombie like state to suffer nothing but scorn and ridicule.


As for booing him. I can't. I had enough after Pardew's appointment. I was fooled at first by the talk from MA, as many of us where.


Not to see this now though, after over a decade of abuse by him is what I find baffling.




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When you say fight I presume you mean boycott? I've renewed... 

The Bruce argument is now irrelevant. You are actively supporting Ashley by giving him your money.

Nah, I'm not.

I'm not backing the owner, I am backing the manager


You are funding the owner and accepting his shitness..

So for 3 years you didn't back Rafa?

The owner was given an opportunity to change how he did things. Rafa had given us all a bit of hope again. He was showing us the way things could be if he was supported, and presented that plan to the c***s in charge. Instead Ashley and Charnley decided to reject Rafa's plan, sack him off and return to their previous plan of doing and spending the absolute bare minimum to stay in the premier league and maximise the exposure of Sports Direct and associated entities. By appointing Steve Bruce they've shown us that they have literally zero ambition for the club beyond staying in the league and finishing 17th.


It has now reached the stage that if you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying that you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy for one of the biggest c***s in the UK. You're buying into how he runs our football club. You're choosing to gloss over the fact that he has systematically destroyed everything that was ever good about supporting our football club.


This isn't our club any more. Stop pretending it is, and stop giving the c***s your money

I agree with all of that apart from the 'If you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy'


Sorry but that's bollocks, you can want an owner out but still go to games, not having that.

I'm not happy with how the club is being run, ofcourse I'm not, im as pissed off as anyone that they didn't do enough to keep Rafa.

But just because you still want to go to games, it doesn't mean that you're supporting Ashley.

Supporters shouldn't be made to feel guilty just because they want to go games and actually support the team.

See what he's done to the club man? It's come to this. Attending SJP is now shamed, akin to sneaking into the private shop near Redheugh Bridge. I've been told there's one there anyway. Things are the most toxic, people most divided for a long time.


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Not sure why people are getting mad. We’ve seen this character arc before. Seymour is Ian W Mark II — an infuriating poster who goes onto have a very public epiphany, recognizes the errors of his ways, an important part of any character development, and goes on to become one of the more valued posters on here.


Seymour just doesn’t know it yet.


Unlike Ian W though Seymour wasn’t in the England squad at Euro 96

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When you say fight I presume you mean boycott? I've renewed... 

The Bruce argument is now irrelevant. You are actively supporting Ashley by giving him your money.

Nah, I'm not.

I'm not backing the owner, I am backing the manager


You are funding the owner and accepting his shitness..

So for 3 years you didn't back Rafa?

The owner was given an opportunity to change how he did things. Rafa had given us all a bit of hope again. He was showing us the way things could be if he was supported, and presented that plan to the c***s in charge. Instead Ashley and Charnley decided to reject Rafa's plan, sack him off and return to their previous plan of doing and spending the absolute bare minimum to stay in the premier league and maximise the exposure of Sports Direct and associated entities. By appointing Steve Bruce they've shown us that they have literally zero ambition for the club beyond staying in the league and finishing 17th.


It has now reached the stage that if you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying that you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy for one of the biggest c***s in the UK. You're buying into how he runs our football club. You're choosing to gloss over the fact that he has systematically destroyed everything that was ever good about supporting our football club.


This isn't our club any more. Stop pretending it is, and stop giving the c***s your money

I agree with all of that apart from the 'If you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy'


Sorry but that's bollocks, you can want an owner out but still go to games, not having that.

I'm not happy with how the club is being run, ofcourse I'm not, im as p*ssed off as anyone that they didn't do enough to keep Rafa.

But just because you still want to go to games, it doesn't mean that you're supporting Ashley.

Supporters shouldn't be made to feel guilty just because they want to go games and actually support the team.

See what he's done to the club man? It's come to this. Attending SJP is now shamed, akin to sneaking into the private shop near Redheugh Bridge. I've been told there's one there anyway. Things are the most toxic, people most divided for a long time.

Its ridiculous, Ashley is the problem 100%.


But attempting to make supporters feel guilty for actually going to games and supporting the club is embarrassing.

Maybe they feel that regardless of you going to the games or not Ashley will go when he wants to go?

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Guest NobbyOhNobby

When you say fight I presume you mean boycott? I've renewed... 

The Bruce argument is now irrelevant. You are actively supporting Ashley by giving him your money.

Nah, I'm not.

I'm not backing the owner, I am backing the manager


You are funding the owner and accepting his shitness..

So for 3 years you didn't back Rafa?

The owner was given an opportunity to change how he did things. Rafa had given us all a bit of hope again. He was showing us the way things could be if he was supported, and presented that plan to the c***s in charge. Instead Ashley and Charnley decided to reject Rafa's plan, sack him off and return to their previous plan of doing and spending the absolute bare minimum to stay in the premier league and maximise the exposure of Sports Direct and associated entities. By appointing Steve Bruce they've shown us that they have literally zero ambition for the club beyond staying in the league and finishing 17th.


It has now reached the stage that if you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying that you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy for one of the biggest c***s in the UK. You're buying into how he runs our football club. You're choosing to gloss over the fact that he has systematically destroyed everything that was ever good about supporting our football club.


This isn't our club any more. Stop pretending it is, and stop giving the c***s your money

I agree with all of that apart from the 'If you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy'


Sorry but that's bollocks, you can want an owner out but still go to games, not having that.

I'm not happy with how the club is being run, ofcourse I'm not, im as pissed off as anyone that they didn't do enough to keep Rafa.

But just because you still want to go to games, it doesn't mean that you're supporting Ashley.

Supporters shouldn't be made to feel guilty just because they want to go games and actually support the team.

See what he's done to the club man? It's come to this. Attending SJP is now shamed, akin to sneaking into the private shop near Redheugh Bridge. I've been told there's one there anyway. Things are the most toxic, people most divided for a long time.


At least call it by its proper name - Sven's Adult books.


Seymour - I honestly think the best way you can support the team is to not give Mike Ashley your money. The sooner the club becomes an inconvenience and costs him money, the sooner he's gone, and the sooner we might have a chance of actually having a club and team that we can all care about again. I'm sorry you don't agree with me, I really am. Cancel your season ticket, save your money, then buy one when he's gone. Or renew, keep going, and understand that loads of people will be upset with you for lining Mike Ashley's pockets

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Any newly appointed manager deserves a chance to see what he can do. It's absolutely pathetic to completely write of a manager when he's been here 5 minutes.


what does this actually mean though?


he's knowingly signed up for the conditions of employment which we all know essentially means being the guy with his finger in the dyke until it crashes down on top of him


unless he starts by winning from the off he can f*** off tbh, and that's not a contradiction of my previous position but unless he starts winning he deserves s*** for it

It means exactly what it says? It means don't hound him out after a game ?

Rafa knowingly signed up for the conditions of employment didn't he? Don't get me wrong Rafa fought and fought with Ashley for 3 years, and Ashley broke promise after promise with Rafa which is why I wasn't angry at him him leaving, I didn't blame him.

Rafa wasn't a yes man, but the facts are for 3 years he did work under the conditions Ashley set out for him.


Okay, so he loses his first 2 games in charge, what you going to do, hound him out?

And then say that no manager should take the job under Ashley?


steve bruce has a 20 year record as a f***ing nobody that's achieved absolutely nothing and has come in knowing full well they f***ed off an immeasurably better manager (and man) than him because and only because he would do what he was told


the onus is entirely on him to prove he's not as s*** as his history suggests he is but his results should determine everything and he doesn't get much time in my eye for the above reasons stated, you can't agree to what he's agreed to and if you start losing games expect time


you've got to judge it as it comes cause there are a million scenarios but for me he needs an early win, some promising performances in the inevitable defeats and no pardew style buttfuckings...then i think he earns a bit of time, but if he goes 5-6 games without a win and we get dicked in a few of them heavily then i'd not argue against anyone turning on him


as i said at the start i wouldn't be hostile to him from the off personally but everything is on him, not the fans

I pretty much agree with this, I didn't want Bruce as manager. He hasn't been hired by a premier league club for 10 years and there's a reason for that.


Like you say you have to judge it how it comes, he'll certainly get time from me before I turn on him.

Booing him and abusing him when he's just become manager is only making matters worse


My sentiments too he is a serial loser and an absolute snake who leaves teams in the shit to feather his own nest see Sheff Wed,Palace,Huddersfield etc

The guy is just another yes man and a patsy and so far out of his ducking depth its unreal. Look at his record and its littered with winless streaks of 10 to 15 games


He hasn't got a clue he doesn't belong here we have went from a guy that's won a shitload of honours to a guy that's won nothing and our coaching team is now made up of 2 absolutely useless failed midfielders


Anyone saying give him a chance is a pure Ashley apologist and should be shot with shit

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Guest chopey

I was in the Thai massage parlour next door to that shop this morning and I saw some sneaker fuckas going in, .............perverts, its disgusting

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He’ll go when he thinks it is taking up too much of his energy, not worth the money and that it’s damaging to his other brands and for that to happen it is our duty as fans to make him want to go.

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It'all up to the individual. Personally, my passion has dwindled and i no longer see the point in supporting the team on to avoiding relegation or the 4th round of the FA cup. Any moderate success under the current owner will be a freak accident. Hopefully one day i'll be back and if we're ever successful people like Seymour will probably try and throw the 'where were you when we were shit' line at me. If it was about being shit i would have been gone years ago. It's about not trying to be better.

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The second Bruce signed on to work for Ashley and his cause he was toast imo. Nothing personal against him really but if you choose to forgo all of your principles then you deserve any shit you get. Don't think he's quite the nice guy his mates in the press portray him as either. He's fair game and if results are poor then he's fucked, don't care where he was born.

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When you say fight I presume you mean boycott? I've renewed... 

The Bruce argument is now irrelevant. You are actively supporting Ashley by giving him your money.

Nah, I'm not.

I'm not backing the owner, I am backing the manager


You are funding the owner and accepting his shitness..

So for 3 years you didn't back Rafa?

The owner was given an opportunity to change how he did things. Rafa had given us all a bit of hope again. He was showing us the way things could be if he was supported, and presented that plan to the c***s in charge. Instead Ashley and Charnley decided to reject Rafa's plan, sack him off and return to their previous plan of doing and spending the absolute bare minimum to stay in the premier league and maximise the exposure of Sports Direct and associated entities. By appointing Steve Bruce they've shown us that they have literally zero ambition for the club beyond staying in the league and finishing 17th.


It has now reached the stage that if you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying that you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy for one of the biggest c***s in the UK. You're buying into how he runs our football club. You're choosing to gloss over the fact that he has systematically destroyed everything that was ever good about supporting our football club.


This isn't our club any more. Stop pretending it is, and stop giving the c***s your money

I agree with all of that apart from the 'If you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy'


Sorry but that's bollocks, you can want an owner out but still go to games, not having that.

I'm not happy with how the club is being run, ofcourse I'm not, im as p*ssed off as anyone that they didn't do enough to keep Rafa.

But just because you still want to go to games, it doesn't mean that you're supporting Ashley.

Supporters shouldn't be made to feel guilty just because they want to go games and actually support the team.

See what he's done to the club man? It's come to this. Attending SJP is now shamed, akin to sneaking into the private shop near Redheugh Bridge. I've been told there's one there anyway. Things are the most toxic, people most divided for a long time.

Its ridiculous, Ashley is the problem 100%.


But attempting to make supporters feel guilty for actually going to games and supporting the club is embarrassing.

Maybe they feel that regardless of you going to the games or not Ashley will go when he wants to go?


I think you should be ashamed if you keep giving Ashley money and lost your right to challenge the ownership you actively support. Regardless of what your meaning about the owner and intention for going to games are you are still supporting the owner with your money and presence. It's not hard to understand. Only reasons for people to attend is through stupidity or selfishness. No other way around it.

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Giving Bruce a chance is giving Ashley yet more time at the helm

Its not though, we gave Rafa a chance, was that wrong to do then?


Wow you really don’t get it all do you.

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It'all up to the individual. Personally, my passion has dwindled and i no longer see the point in supporting the team on to avoiding relegation or the 4th round of the FA cup. Any moderate success under the current owner will be a freak accident. Hopefully one day i'll be back and if we're ever successful people like Seymour will probably try and throw the 'where were you when we were s***' line at me. If it was about being s*** i would have been gone years ago. It's about not trying to be better.

No I won't


If people don't want to go games, then that's up to them. I understand why fans want to boycott.

I won't attempt to make anyone feel bad for choosing not to go to games, that's there right and I get it. Just like people shouldn't attempt to make others feels bad for choosing to go to games.


My personal belief is that Mike Ashley will leave when Mike Ashley wants and boycotting or not boycotting won't change that.

If people have a different opinion then that's fine.


If I thought that boycotting would get rid off Ashley then I would cancel my season ticket tomorrow. I just don't believe it will.

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When you say fight I presume you mean boycott? I've renewed... 

The Bruce argument is now irrelevant. You are actively supporting Ashley by giving him your money.

Nah, I'm not.

I'm not backing the owner, I am backing the manager


You are funding the owner and accepting his shitness..

So for 3 years you didn't back Rafa?

The owner was given an opportunity to change how he did things. Rafa had given us all a bit of hope again. He was showing us the way things could be if he was supported, and presented that plan to the c***s in charge. Instead Ashley and Charnley decided to reject Rafa's plan, sack him off and return to their previous plan of doing and spending the absolute bare minimum to stay in the premier league and maximise the exposure of Sports Direct and associated entities. By appointing Steve Bruce they've shown us that they have literally zero ambition for the club beyond staying in the league and finishing 17th.


It has now reached the stage that if you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying that you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy for one of the biggest c***s in the UK. You're buying into how he runs our football club. You're choosing to gloss over the fact that he has systematically destroyed everything that was ever good about supporting our football club.


This isn't our club any more. Stop pretending it is, and stop giving the c***s your money

I agree with all of that apart from the 'If you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy'


Sorry but that's bollocks, you can want an owner out but still go to games, not having that.

I'm not happy with how the club is being run, ofcourse I'm not, im as p*ssed off as anyone that they didn't do enough to keep Rafa.

But just because you still want to go to games, it doesn't mean that you're supporting Ashley.

Supporters shouldn't be made to feel guilty just because they want to go games and actually support the team.

See what he's done to the club man? It's come to this. Attending SJP is now shamed, akin to sneaking into the private shop near Redheugh Bridge. I've been told there's one there anyway. Things are the most toxic, people most divided for a long time.

Its ridiculous, Ashley is the problem 100%.


But attempting to make supporters feel guilty for actually going to games and supporting the club is embarrassing.

Maybe they feel that regardless of you going to the games or not Ashley will go when he wants to go?


I think you should be ashamed if you keep giving Ashley money and lost your right to challenge the ownership you actively support. Regardless of what your meaning about the owner and intention for going to games are you are still supporting the owner with your money and presence. It's not hard to understand. Only reasons for people to attend is through stupidity or selfishness. No other way around it.

Ashamed for fuck sake man :lol: :lol: :lol:

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When you say fight I presume you mean boycott? I've renewed... 

The Bruce argument is now irrelevant. You are actively supporting Ashley by giving him your money.

Nah, I'm not.

I'm not backing the owner, I am backing the manager


You are funding the owner and accepting his shitness..

So for 3 years you didn't back Rafa?

The owner was given an opportunity to change how he did things. Rafa had given us all a bit of hope again. He was showing us the way things could be if he was supported, and presented that plan to the c***s in charge. Instead Ashley and Charnley decided to reject Rafa's plan, sack him off and return to their previous plan of doing and spending the absolute bare minimum to stay in the premier league and maximise the exposure of Sports Direct and associated entities. By appointing Steve Bruce they've shown us that they have literally zero ambition for the club beyond staying in the league and finishing 17th.


It has now reached the stage that if you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying that you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy for one of the biggest c***s in the UK. You're buying into how he runs our football club. You're choosing to gloss over the fact that he has systematically destroyed everything that was ever good about supporting our football club.


This isn't our club any more. Stop pretending it is, and stop giving the c***s your money

I agree with all of that apart from the 'If you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy'


Sorry but that's bollocks, you can want an owner out but still go to games, not having that.

I'm not happy with how the club is being run, ofcourse I'm not, im as pissed off as anyone that they didn't do enough to keep Rafa.

But just because you still want to go to games, it doesn't mean that you're supporting Ashley.

Supporters shouldn't be made to feel guilty just because they want to go games and actually support the team.


If you buy a season ticket you are absolutely complicit and happy with the way Ashley runs the club. You are enabling it.


There is literally no other way of looking at it. Apart from delusion. You are deluding yourself.

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When you say fight I presume you mean boycott? I've renewed... 

The Bruce argument is now irrelevant. You are actively supporting Ashley by giving him your money.

Nah, I'm not.

I'm not backing the owner, I am backing the manager


You are funding the owner and accepting his shitness..

So for 3 years you didn't back Rafa?

The owner was given an opportunity to change how he did things. Rafa had given us all a bit of hope again. He was showing us the way things could be if he was supported, and presented that plan to the c***s in charge. Instead Ashley and Charnley decided to reject Rafa's plan, sack him off and return to their previous plan of doing and spending the absolute bare minimum to stay in the premier league and maximise the exposure of Sports Direct and associated entities. By appointing Steve Bruce they've shown us that they have literally zero ambition for the club beyond staying in the league and finishing 17th.


It has now reached the stage that if you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying that you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy for one of the biggest c***s in the UK. You're buying into how he runs our football club. You're choosing to gloss over the fact that he has systematically destroyed everything that was ever good about supporting our football club.


This isn't our club any more. Stop pretending it is, and stop giving the c***s your money

I agree with all of that apart from the 'If you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy'


Sorry but that's bollocks, you can want an owner out but still go to games, not having that.

I'm not happy with how the club is being run, ofcourse I'm not, im as p*ssed off as anyone that they didn't do enough to keep Rafa.

But just because you still want to go to games, it doesn't mean that you're supporting Ashley.

Supporters shouldn't be made to feel guilty just because they want to go games and actually support the team.


If you buy a season ticket you are absolutely complicit and happy with the way Ashley runs the club. You are enabling it.


There is literally no other way of looking at it. Apart from delusion. You are deluding yourself.

Looks like we'll have 45k+ deluded supporters next season then?

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When you say fight I presume you mean boycott? I've renewed... 

The Bruce argument is now irrelevant. You are actively supporting Ashley by giving him your money.

Nah, I'm not.

I'm not backing the owner, I am backing the manager


You are funding the owner and accepting his shitness..

So for 3 years you didn't back Rafa?

The owner was given an opportunity to change how he did things. Rafa had given us all a bit of hope again. He was showing us the way things could be if he was supported, and presented that plan to the c***s in charge. Instead Ashley and Charnley decided to reject Rafa's plan, sack him off and return to their previous plan of doing and spending the absolute bare minimum to stay in the premier league and maximise the exposure of Sports Direct and associated entities. By appointing Steve Bruce they've shown us that they have literally zero ambition for the club beyond staying in the league and finishing 17th.


It has now reached the stage that if you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying that you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy for one of the biggest c***s in the UK. You're buying into how he runs our football club. You're choosing to gloss over the fact that he has systematically destroyed everything that was ever good about supporting our football club.


This isn't our club any more. Stop pretending it is, and stop giving the c***s your money

I agree with all of that apart from the 'If you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy'


Sorry but that's bollocks, you can want an owner out but still go to games, not having that.

I'm not happy with how the club is being run, ofcourse I'm not, im as p*ssed off as anyone that they didn't do enough to keep Rafa.

But just because you still want to go to games, it doesn't mean that you're supporting Ashley.

Supporters shouldn't be made to feel guilty just because they want to go games and actually support the team.


If you buy a season ticket you are absolutely complicit and happy with the way Ashley runs the club. You are enabling it.


There is literally no other way of looking at it. Apart from delusion. You are deluding yourself.

Looks like we'll have 45k+ deluded supporters next season then?


Looks that way yeah.


A lot of the woke people have left and fools rush in where angels fear to tread

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