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3 hours ago, tomlynnherrington said:

I stand corrected .6 League and 2 FA Cup.





One of those was even since the war. 

Football wasn't invented in 1945 yi na






Edited by Wolfcastle

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22 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:

One of those was even since the war. 

Football wasn't invented in 1945 yi na







That's definitely one for the football pet hates thread but it really does grind my gears whenever "post-war" records or achievements are mentioned. To casually just write off 60 or 70 years of organised league and cup football like it doesn't matter. Plus, it's always the war, as if there's only ever been one. Sequels are rarely as good. 

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13 hours ago, pedro111 said:

Playing  the mackems own game. Out of interest, what are the percentages in Seaham? 100% lads fans?


Surprisingly a lot of Newcastle fans live in Seaham. Certainly you'd be very lucky to even get a standing space on the train from there to Newcastle when we are at home. Northern Rail had to start doubling the size of their train from there to 4 carriages for NUFC home games last season after complaints that fans literally couldn't get on them.

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2 minutes ago, Wallsendmag said:


Surprisingly a lot of Newcastle fans live in Seaham. Certainly you'd be very lucky to even get a standing space on the train from there to Newcastle when we are at home. Northern Rail had to start doubling the size of their train from there to 4 carriages for NUFC home games last season after complaints that fans literally couldn't get on them.

1992ers marra, all MLFs before then.



Edited by UncleBingo

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51 minutes ago, Wallsendmag said:


Surprisingly a lot of Newcastle fans live in Seaham. Certainly you'd be very lucky to even get a standing space on the train from there to Newcastle when we are at home. Northern Rail had to start doubling the size of their train from there to 4 carriages for NUFC home games last season after complaints that fans literally couldn't get on them.

That's because of folk getting on at stations before Seaham with people regularly getting left behind at Hartlepool.

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1 hour ago, tomlynnherrington said:

During the minutes silence before their recent friendly against Rangers for Andy Goram,one mackem decided shouting BASTARD was a more fitting way to show respect.

Classy ?


Then on RTG Gad the fucking nerve to say "this isn't what our fans are about, leave this sort of behaviour to those up the road"


Or words to that affect.



When have we ever done that like?[emoji38]



Edited by Scoot

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54 minutes ago, Scoot said:


Then on RTG Gad the fucking nerve to say "this isn't what our fans are about, leave this sort of behaviour to those up the road"


Or words to that affect.



When have we ever done that like?[emoji38]





Seem to remember a couple of our brainless fans doing it away to Tranmere for Bobby Moore.  Still, nearly 30 years ago man.  Not last week.

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19 minutes ago, Sima said:


Seem to remember a couple of our brainless fans doing it away to Tranmere for Bobby Moore.  Still, nearly 30 years ago man.  Not last week.

That was people outside the ground coming in who didn't know there was a silence being told to shut up by those inside. I was there.

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1 hour ago, madras said:

That's because of folk getting on at stations before Seaham with people regularly getting left behind at Hartlepool.


Seaham platform is rammed with supporters for every NUFC home weekend game. Seen it for myself. You're right though loads of NUFC fans also get on between Middlesbrough and Seaham.

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Just now, Wallsendmag said:


Seaham platform is rammed with supporters for every NUFC home weekend game. Seen it for myself. You're right though loads of NUFC fans also get on between Middlesbrough and Seaham.

It's rammed right enough but the vast majority are just going to Newcastle on the piss, like its rammed when there's no game on. There more obvs going to the match get on at Hartlepool.

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39 minutes ago, madras said:

That was people outside the ground coming in who didn't know there was a silence being told to shut up by those inside. I was there.


Fair dos, seem to remember that going around at the time too.

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13 minutes ago, Sima said:


Fair dos, seem to remember that going around at the time too.

I think it was the "silence" for Princess Margaret that was completely wrecked. People just laughed and joked and giggled through it.



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17 hours ago, pedro111 said:

Playing  the mackems own game. Out of interest, what are the percentages in Seaham? 100% lads fans?


its its 75/25 in their favour tbh, although i am seeing more and more kids in black and white shirts and nufc insignia kicking about


including the bairn i reckon there's a good 15-20 in his school of our persuasion


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1 minute ago, Cookie1892 said:


its its 75/25 in their favour tbh, although i am seeing more and more kids in black and white shirts and nufc insignia kicking about


including the bairn i reckon there's a good 15-20 in his school of our persuasion



RTG getting together 20 like-minded people to march down there.

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3 hours ago, Wallsendmag said:


Surprisingly a lot of Newcastle fans live in Seaham. Certainly you'd be very lucky to even get a standing space on the train from there to Newcastle when we are at home. Northern Rail had to start doubling the size of their train from there to 4 carriages for NUFC home games last season after complaints that fans literally couldn't get on them.

yes it was a proper nightmare if you were on anything later than the 11:20 am train and even that was packed towards the end of last season.


i moved here from wallsend as this is where our lass is from

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