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4 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

Talking about 'losing Minteh' really boggles my mind :lol:


A guy who was signed as an investment, never played for us and was arguably never intended to play for us.

He was still our player. Fuckin hell people are still going on about Bobby Clark going to Liverpool but no one can talk about ‘losing’ minteh 


I understand we lost him for free and the differences but point still stands it stings losing a player and seeing them do well. Seeing Toney score still stings me :lol:



Edited by gdm

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Just now, gdm said:

He was still our player. Fuckin hell people are still going on about Bobby Clark going to Liverpool but no one can talk about ‘losing’ minteh 


I get it I guess, it's a shame he didn't come through and everything, but it's still a bit of a leap to use it to critique our transfer business and argue we're now weaker in the RW position. 

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Fact is we have to be last-movers on account of how judiciously we have to spend our precious little money under PSR. If we had a revenue cushion of hundreds of millions, no doubt we'd be wheeling and dealing like the big 6, but we just don't, and so we have to be shrewd. Much shrewder, actually, than our competition, since we need to squeeze every ounce of value we have out of our spending budget.


Makes for a boring transfer window when we'll swoop in at the eleventh hour to grab someone we feel has been undervalued, with a club eager to sell for whatever reason (PSR issues, logjam, what have you), but that's what comprises a successful window for us and where we are as a club at the moment. Mom gave you some pocket change to spend at the candy store, and the rich kids are grabbing everything off the shelf they fancy... We'll have to wait until the smoke clears, and see if we can snag a gem the others have missed/overlooked.


Absolute faith in Mitchell to get it done

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2 hours ago, Big River said:


that's incredibly harsh, imo. he had a decent Euros playing out of position (and probably not fully fit) in a poor team.


he had a couple hairy moments last season, of course. but he had a few colossal performances too.


Let's be honest, who did he face against pace wise or level wise? Think Slovenia game he faced some direct runner, and was breezed past a few times. His role was essentially play LW, and play backwards loads. Wasn't like he was asked to defend consistently.



Edited by Sibierski

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1 hour ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

Talking about 'losing Minteh' really boggles my mind :lol:


A guy who was signed as an investment, never played for us and was arguably never intended to play for us.

Signed as an investment is not true though, is it? Turned out that way, but definitely not communicated as such and I think fair to say the club wouldn’t have sold him if they didn’t have their back against the PSR wall. A young, extremely promising right winger Brighton just dropped 35m on, I think it’s fair to rue the fact we had to sell him and suggest we are a weaker proposition now as it stands than we were before the sale when we could potentially bleed him in during pre-season. Whether we will rue it after the window closes depends on what we do to bring in another player for his position, but as of right now we are absolutely weaker in that position than we were in June.


Edit: to add, I’m pretty sure RW has been highlighted as a priority position on here every single transfer window since the takeover. Minteh is the only player that has come in (other than 15-16 year olds for the academy) and we’ve had to sell them just as they seem ready for the big stage. Unless we can shift Almiron or Murphy I’m not at all convinced we’ll go big on RW when we haven’t in earlier windows. So yes, the prospect of a Minteh coming in and developing as a long term first XI solution for RW is definitely a loss as it stands.



Edited by Unbelievable

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54 minutes ago, nufc123 said:

just reading reports, and they are positive and negative.





This is true of pretty much every player not currently in that 'elite 100m+' tier. Botman was seen as slow, Isak not prolific enough, Gordon there was more negative than positive. 

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1 hour ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

Talking about 'losing Minteh' really boggles my mind :lol:


A guy who was signed as an investment, never played for us and was arguably never intended to play for us.


I hope you're right tbh, we'll only really know next season if we get to see him at Brighton. I would like to think we'll have bought someone better and we aren't relying on Almiron going toe to toe with him from our side.

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16 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

I’m still not sure the elite RW we need is available for us this window tbh. Genuinely can’t think of a realistic option.


We haven't really signed a player we would describe as elite at the time of signing them. Our best signings have all come in and fit in really well and exceeded expectations.


Respect to Miggy, but it's not going to be difficult to get improvement down that side. A winger that takes people on more consistently and delivers a ball from wide without hesitation already makes us far more dangerous.


Any of the names we've been linked with are significant improvements going forward. The most highly rated ones being Raphinha and Gonzalez.



Edited by KaKa

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2 minutes ago, Holmesy said:

The most frustrating thing in all of this is the noise coming out of the club that there has been a reset staff-wise, hence the delay in signings.

If that's true, it's absolutely wank planning! 


The club has rightfully always had the attitude that it's about getting the right people or players, rather than the timing of those.


It's not ideal, but not the end of the world.

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Just now, KaKa said:


We haven't really signed a player we would describe as elite. Our best signings have all come in and fit in really well and exceeded expectations.


Respect to Miggy, but it's not going to be difficult to get improvement down that side. A winger that takes people on more consistently and delivers a ball from wide without hesitation already makes us far more dangerous.


Any of the names we've been linked with are significant improvements going forward. The most highly rated ones being Raphinha and Gonzalez.

We have no chance with Raphinia imo, not sure we have been linked apart from a poor Spanish source. Gonzalez seems too old (in footballing terms) for what we would target.

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Just now, SUPERTOON said:

We have no chance with Raphinia imo, not sure we have been linked apart from a poor Spanish source. Gonzalez seems too old (in footballing terms) for what we would target.


Gonzalez turned 26 this year. No different from Barnes last year.


I don't think he'd be considered too old. 


The likes of Bruno and Joelinton are 27 and 28 now and in their prime, which we should capitalise on.


I think the likes of Man Utd and Chelsea are getting carried away with signing or promoting youngsters and we should take advantage of that.



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11 minutes ago, Holmesy said:

The most frustrating thing in all of this is the noise coming out of the club that there has been a reset staff-wise, hence the delay in signings.

If that's true, it's absolutely wank planning! 


I mean, it's not ideal. But none of this was planned starting with Ashworth leaving.


Mitchell needs to intimately understand everything about the squad and Howe's plans, including many of the questions routinely asked on here (is 4-3-3 the long term plan? what's needed to address the defensive issues? is Tino ready to start? is Hall the LB? what's the plan for Kelly? what was/is the plan for Barnes? can Gordon play on the right? how do we adjust when we lose Miggy's running? etc etc etc.). Then he needs a full report on the youth teams, an understanding of the players Nickson/Howe were targeting, and a full understanding of the financial picture.

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1 hour ago, Upthemags said:

Fact is we have to be last-movers on account of how judiciously we have to spend our precious little money under PSR. If we had a revenue cushion of hundreds of millions, no doubt we'd be wheeling and dealing like the big 6, but we just don't, and so we have to be shrewd. Much shrewder, actually, than our competition, since we need to squeeze every ounce of value we have out of our spending budget.


Makes for a boring transfer window when we'll swoop in at the eleventh hour to grab someone we feel has been undervalued, with a club eager to sell for whatever reason (PSR issues, logjam, what have you), but that's what comprises a successful window for us and where we are as a club at the moment. Mom gave you some pocket change to spend at the candy store, and the rich kids are grabbing everything off the shelf they fancy... We'll have to wait until the smoke clears, and see if we can snag a gem the others have missed/overlooked.


Absolute faith in Mitchell to get it done

Sorry why is that a fact? 

That suggests the best deals to be had in the window are at the very end? That goes directly against common thought. 

Clubs don’t need PSR sales in August. What you do get is clubs with players to loan. Quality players are usually signed at a premium towards the end of a window. Or there’s deadwood available. 

Im sorry. Judicious clubs do their work early.  

We lost half our leadership team in July and hired a new point man for transfers who needs to assess everything about the club which is taking time. That’s the most logical reason for moving slowly in the market.  And that we may need to shift more players to ensure we can afford the players we want come next June. 

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