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1 hour ago, bobbydazzla said:

I swear down Blaydon Races is sung so fast these days that there’s a sonic boom just before the 2nd verse 




Doesn’t help that nobody knows the words or just sings Scotswood Road in the first and second part. It’s awful. 

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Who put the ball in the mackems net

Who put the ball in the mackems net

Who put the ball in the mackems net

Alexander Isak

Super super Al


Rehash of their sewpa kev shite. Should get right on their tits

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I got a chant going on Saturday but sadly only in small numbers… ?


Black Cat Bar is Black & White

Stadium Of Light is fcuking shite

we’ll not meet for 10 more years

Geordie Boys are on the beers…

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1 hour ago, Choppy Chop Chop said:

Don't know why  "Sunderland will never die they've never lived that's the reason why" to the red flag tune is not sung at Derby matches   

Be lucky if there was 200 of the 6000 there on Saturday knew that one

Pal started singinging mackems on a string and he got looked at in disgust

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On 08/01/2024 at 11:48, jack j said:

Who put the ball in the mackems net

Who put the ball in the mackems net

Who put the ball in the mackems net

Alexander Isak

Super super Al



Glad to hear someone nicked me song and it got.going in the corner today. Obviously neewhere else joined in

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Reet then lads & lasses, have been up all night with the ghosts of John Lennon and Rob from Milli Vanilli and we’ve come up with a BANGA 


We pass him the ball

He shoots

And then he scores a goal

Oh this is high time for Alexander Isaaaaaaak


This time next year I’ll be turning my Brit award into a beer pump, make my words



Edited by bobbydazzla

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On 17/12/2023 at 20:13, Lush Vlad said:

Doesn’t help that nobody knows the words or just sings Scotswood Road in the first and second part. It’s awful. 

Good deed for the day (and please, if you ever get that far, sing ‘Dr Gibbs’ not Dr Gibbs’s—latter and subsequent ‘ribs’s’ sounds fucking ridiculous). 

I went to Blaydon Races, 'twas on the ninth of June,
Eighteen hundred an' sixty-two, on a summer's afternoon;
We took the 'bus from Balmbras, she was heavy laden,
An’ away we went along Collingwood Street, that's on the road to Blaydon.

Oh me lads! You should’ve seen us ganning,
Passing the folks alang the road just as they were standin';
Aal the lads and lasses there, aal wi' smiling faces,
Gannin' alang the Scotswood Road, to see the Blaydon Races!

We flew past Armstrong’s factory,  up to the Robin Adair, [famous pub on Scotchy Rd]
Just gannin' doon to the railway bridge, the bus wheel flew off there.
The lasses lost their crinolines [hooped petticoat worn under long Victorian skirts], an' the veils that hide their faces,
I got two black eyes an' a broken nose ganning to Blaydon Races!
We got the wheel back on an’ away we went again,
‘Cept some that had their noses broke went back ower hyem;
Some to the Dispensary and some to Doctor Gibbs,
An' some sought out the Infirmary to mend their broken ribs.
Noo when we got to Paradise [small village along the Tyne—still a bus stop there] a bonny game begun;
There were fower-an-twenty on the bus, man, hoo we danced an' sung;
They called on me to sing a song, I sung them "Paddy Fagan",
I danced a jig an' I swung me twig the day I went to Blaydon!
We flew across the Chain Bridge reet into Blaydon toon,
The bellman he was callin' there, they call him Jackie Broon;
I saw him talkin' to sum chaps, an' them he was persuading,
To gan an' see Geordie Ridley's show,  at the Mechanics' Hall at Blaydon.
The rain had poured aal the day, an'  the grounds they were quite muddy,
Coffee Johnny had a white hat on – they were shootin' "Whi stole the cuddy?” 
There were spice stalls, an' monkey shows, an' old wives selling cider,
An' a chap with a hapenny roond aboot, shooting: “Noo me boys for riders!"

George (Geordie) Ridley (10.2.1807-9.9.1864, both Gateshead)


Geordie Ridley a, ahem, dear friend and contemporary of mine, was a canny Gateshead lad. He worked down the pit from 8-18 until he saw sense and moved on to be  waggon rider. Well, this good sense perhaps wasn’t as wise, at least in the short-term, as it seemed. By 21 he was retired and unfit for manual labour following being ridden ower by something he was supposed to be riding. Dafty. 
Anyhoo, he needed to find a way of putting bread on the table and ale doon his gullet. So he took the bold step of turning his interest, and self taught skills for poetry and song writing, into a new career. He banged out some classics in a short 5 year spell in the spotlight. Cushie Butterfield, Joey Jones, The Sheels lass for me, Johnny Luik up (he frigging loved me like…) and the obvious, amongst his most loved classics. He had a little spell as a publican towards the end, anarl, though it wasn’t an easy gig down by the quayside in those days. 




Edited by Coffee_Johnny

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Lyrics to to the 2020’s makina remix:

I went to Blaydon Races, 'twas on the ninth of June,
Eighteen hundred an' sixty-two, on a summer's afternoon;
We took the 'bus from Balmbras, she was heavy laden,
An’ away we went along Collingwood Street, that's on the road to Blaydon.

Oh me lads! You should’ve seen us gannin




Edited by bobbydazzla

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7 minutes ago, bobbydazzla said:

Lyrics to to the 2020’s makina remix:

I went to Blaydon Races, 'twas on the ninth of June,
Eighteen hundred an' sixty-two, on a summer's afternoon;
We took the 'bus from Balmbras, she was heavy laden,
An’ away we went along Collingwood Street, that's on the road to Blaydon.

Oh me lads! You should’ve seen us gannin





23 mins 30 in - they’ve done a Makina version of Blaydon Races:



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 22/01/2024 at 00:46, bobbydazzla said:

Lyrics to to the 2020’s makina remix:

I went to Blaydon Races, 'twas on the ninth of June,
Eighteen hundred an' sixty-two, on a summer's afternoon;
We took the 'bus from Balmbras, she was heavy laden,

Oh me lads! You should’ve seen us gannin





FTFY - they don’t get the first verse right :) 

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