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Oguchi Onyewu signs on loan


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Guest andynufc84


Anyway, despite the signing of this gooch kid NUFC STILL need to sign another quality centre half in the summer.


We need a linchpin, a leader and an inspiration at the back. We need someone who will inspire conifdence to whoever plays aongside him.


In my opinion we should go all out to find this player, even though it will be a difficult task. Oh and not forgetting at least one full back.

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If Brambvle could just concentrate and read play better, he'd be one hell of a player, but he has consistently failed in those areas while a number of managers and coaches have now also failed to work on those things and there comes a time when you have to give up the chase. I don't know why Bramble hasn't improved those parts of his game, I don't think you either have it or don't in this case, because there are countless examples that prove otherwise, but for whatever reason, it just hasn't happened for him. I do wonder whether he actually realises the severity of these problems though and he has to shoulder most of the responsibility for his own game. By all accounts he's a quiet lad but not the brightest and isn't one for taking things in, or rather he struggles to do so. Not his fault of course but not wors either. Shame because he does have ability.


I've said this many time before, he is thick as fuk.


I bet his IQ is borderline retarded. I'm not trying to be funny or nasty, but you can just tell the lad is missing a brain.


It has to come naturally to him, or not at all. That's why parts of his game are excellent, and have been from day dot, and why other parts just haven't caught up.


I hoped it was case of not telling him once, but 10 times, then i thought maybe he needs telling 100 times, but the reality is it could be 1000 times before it sinks in.


I still think it could, and why i wouldn't be too quick to release for free.


The last throw of the dice is Pearson for me. He was starting to improve, just like all the defenders when Pearson came in, then picked up an injury, so we haven't had the full on Pearson effect on Titus, maybe this guy can crack him, fingers crossed.





What gets me is some thick players have forged great careers for themselves over the years. Look at Gazza, thick as whale's spunk, but a fine footballer. They even say the less their head is filled with shite, i.e. the less they think, the more able they are to concentrate on their game and develop. So what is Bramble's problem? Saying it's his IQ just seems to easy an answer for me, not to mention harsh as lets face it, none of us know the man. The way he speaks and his quiet nature doesn't mean he's thick. I reckon it's his attitude to the game, his game and himself. He's the Emile Heskey of defenders.


Yes but as defender you need to be clever these days. Study opponents and be one step ahead. If not then you really need natural skill and ability, and lots of luck.


Gazza as an attacker, just like Rooney can afford not have high level of intelligence as its all natural and its literally second nature, and they only get better by playing more and more. They can afford to make mistakes and not learn for games on end, defenders cant these days.


When you get natural skill and a decent level of intelligence in a footballer, you produce players like Shearer, Keane, Henry, Terry, Lampard Owen & Gerrard etc... All players who can study, learn the game, and improve themselves properly.


My opinion anyway, its totally flawed i know, but i cant think of any other reason Titus isnt developing properly, i dont buy the he hasn't got it in him stance, i do accept poor coaching playing its part, but i expected more by now.

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i'm from the US and have seen gooch play numerous times.  he really stormed onto the seen over the last year and a half. before late world cup qualifying i hadn't even heard of him, but after watching a few games i always wanted him to be in the squad.  people will talk about his world cup performace, which trust me was not near his best. he's got the ability, awareness, and physicality to compete at this level.  but all ye ne sayers don't start criticizing him after flippin two games. he's 24 i believe but not nearly maxed out on potential yet. in the long run this will be a very good signing and i'm looking forward to seeing him partner taylor at the back. newcastle will again be a stout defense




Well, people who base their opinions on players from the WC have about as much credibility as those who base it on FM.

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Guest andynufc84


Titus has had his oppourtunity at this club in my opinion


We can't afford to sell him cos our squad isn't good enough, I just always feel he will make these silly mistakes and I don't think the best coasch in the world would change this.


His decision making is very poor at times and he loses concentration at crucial times, its irrelevant if he has the attributes to be a top defender


You let your guard down in the prem you will be punished, end of story

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Guest Knightrider

If Brambvle could just concentrate and read play better, he'd be one hell of a player, but he has consistently failed in those areas while a number of managers and coaches have now also failed to work on those things and there comes a time when you have to give up the chase. I don't know why Bramble hasn't improved those parts of his game, I don't think you either have it or don't in this case, because there are countless examples that prove otherwise, but for whatever reason, it just hasn't happened for him. I do wonder whether he actually realises the severity of these problems though and he has to shoulder most of the responsibility for his own game. By all accounts he's a quiet lad but not the brightest and isn't one for taking things in, or rather he struggles to do so. Not his fault of course but not wors either. Shame because he does have ability.


I've said this many time before, he is thick as fuk.


I bet his IQ is borderline retarded. I'm not trying to be funny or nasty, but you can just tell the lad is missing a brain.


It has to come naturally to him, or not at all. That's why parts of his game are excellent, and have been from day dot, and why other parts just haven't caught up.


I hoped it was case of not telling him once, but 10 times, then i thought maybe he needs telling 100 times, but the reality is it could be 1000 times before it sinks in.


I still think it could, and why i wouldn't be too quick to release for free.


The last throw of the dice is Pearson for me. He was starting to improve, just like all the defenders when Pearson came in, then picked up an injury, so we haven't had the full on Pearson effect on Titus, maybe this guy can crack him, fingers crossed.





What gets me is some thick players have forged great careers for themselves over the years. Look at Gazza, thick as whale's spunk, but a fine footballer. They even say the less their head is filled with shite, i.e. the less they think, the more able they are to concentrate on their game and develop. So what is Bramble's problem? Saying it's his IQ just seems to easy an answer for me, not to mention harsh as lets face it, none of us know the man. The way he speaks and his quiet nature doesn't mean he's thick. I reckon it's his attitude to the game, his game and himself. He's the Emile Heskey of defenders.


Completely different though not having to think in Gazza's position, as his game was based on instinct and the things Gazza could do with a football definitely can't be taught, whereas playing at the back you need to be taught drills etc.


OK, I'll raise ya: Woodgate?

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If Brambvle could just concentrate and read play better, he'd be one hell of a player, but he has consistently failed in those areas while a number of managers and coaches have now also failed to work on those things and there comes a time when you have to give up the chase. I don't know why Bramble hasn't improved those parts of his game, I don't think you either have it or don't in this case, because there are countless examples that prove otherwise, but for whatever reason, it just hasn't happened for him. I do wonder whether he actually realises the severity of these problems though and he has to shoulder most of the responsibility for his own game. By all accounts he's a quiet lad but not the brightest and isn't one for taking things in, or rather he struggles to do so. Not his fault of course but not wors either. Shame because he does have ability.


I've said this many time before, he is thick as fuk.


I bet his IQ is borderline retarded. I'm not trying to be funny or nasty, but you can just tell the lad is missing a brain.


It has to come naturally to him, or not at all. That's why parts of his game are excellent, and have been from day dot, and why other parts just haven't caught up.


I hoped it was case of not telling him once, but 10 times, then i thought maybe he needs telling 100 times, but the reality is it could be 1000 times before it sinks in.


I still think it could, and why i wouldn't be too quick to release for free.


The last throw of the dice is Pearson for me. He was starting to improve, just like all the defenders when Pearson came in, then picked up an injury, so we haven't had the full on Pearson effect on Titus, maybe this guy can crack him, fingers crossed.





What gets me is some thick players have forged great careers for themselves over the years. Look at Gazza, thick as whale's spunk, but a fine footballer. They even say the less their head is filled with shite, i.e. the less they think, the more able they are to concentrate on their game and develop. So what is Bramble's problem? Saying it's his IQ just seems to easy an answer for me, not to mention harsh as lets face it, none of us know the man. The way he speaks and his quiet nature doesn't mean he's thick. I reckon it's his attitude to the game, his game and himself. He's the Emile Heskey of defenders.


Completely different though not having to think in Gazza's position, as his game was based on instinct and the things Gazza could do with a football definitely can't be taught, whereas playing at the back you need to be taught drills etc.


OK, I'll raise ya: Woodgate?


Touche, but you also have to remember the fact Gazza is probably the most talented player this country has ever produced and Woodgate if it weren't for injuries would have been one of the greatest defenders we've ever produced. Woodgate is also a highly intelligent footballer and is one of the best readers of a game out there whereas Bramble isn't so players like that do really need to be taught drills etc.

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Guest Knightrider

If Brambvle could just concentrate and read play better, he'd be one hell of a player, but he has consistently failed in those areas while a number of managers and coaches have now also failed to work on those things and there comes a time when you have to give up the chase. I don't know why Bramble hasn't improved those parts of his game, I don't think you either have it or don't in this case, because there are countless examples that prove otherwise, but for whatever reason, it just hasn't happened for him. I do wonder whether he actually realises the severity of these problems though and he has to shoulder most of the responsibility for his own game. By all accounts he's a quiet lad but not the brightest and isn't one for taking things in, or rather he struggles to do so. Not his fault of course but not wors either. Shame because he does have ability.


I've said this many time before, he is thick as fuk.


I bet his IQ is borderline retarded. I'm not trying to be funny or nasty, but you can just tell the lad is missing a brain.


It has to come naturally to him, or not at all. That's why parts of his game are excellent, and have been from day dot, and why other parts just haven't caught up.


I hoped it was case of not telling him once, but 10 times, then i thought maybe he needs telling 100 times, but the reality is it could be 1000 times before it sinks in.


I still think it could, and why i wouldn't be too quick to release for free.


The last throw of the dice is Pearson for me. He was starting to improve, just like all the defenders when Pearson came in, then picked up an injury, so we haven't had the full on Pearson effect on Titus, maybe this guy can crack him, fingers crossed.





What gets me is some thick players have forged great careers for themselves over the years. Look at Gazza, thick as whale's spunk, but a fine footballer. They even say the less their head is filled with shite, i.e. the less they think, the more able they are to concentrate on their game and develop. So what is Bramble's problem? Saying it's his IQ just seems to easy an answer for me, not to mention harsh as lets face it, none of us know the man. The way he speaks and his quiet nature doesn't mean he's thick. I reckon it's his attitude to the game, his game and himself. He's the Emile Heskey of defenders.


Yes but as defender you need to be clever these days. Study opponents and be one step ahead. If not then you really need natural skill and ability, and lots of luck.


Gazza as an attacker, just like Rooney can afford not have high level of intelligence as its all natural and its literally second nature, and they only get better by playing more and more. They can afford to make mistakes and not learn for games on end, defenders cant these days.


When you get natural skill and a decent level of intelligence in a footballer, you produce players like Shearer, Keane, Henry, Terry, Lampard Owen & Gerrard etc... All players who can study, learn the game, and improve themselves properly.


My opinion anyway, its totally flawed i know, but i cant think of any other reason Titus isnt developing properly, i dont buy the he hasn't got it in him stance, i do accept poor coaching playing its part, but i expected more by now.


And Woodgate? BTW I'm not disagreeing with you here, that may well be the case for Bramble, although I stress again, we don't actually know if he's thick or not do we, and even if he was thick, I still refuse to see how that's him fucked then because as already touched on, many thick players have made it. I wouldn't say Woodgate is the sharpest tool in the box, but he's a great player when fit and I wouldn't say it is all natural ability either because he's no athlete, he's not particularly strong and technique wise he's not too hot either, but he somehow manages to read things better than most. How come though, if he's thick and why should it stop Bramble? I think there are deeper reasons for Bramble's inability to concentrate for 90 minutes and I'd say confidence and mental strength are the key issues and not IQ, low or otherwise.


Take Woodgate for example, lets just say for arguements sake he is thick, but he's outgoing, confident and he's also mentally tough which has enabled him to get through his injuries and that court case.


Is Bramble confident? By all accounts he's not, he's shy, quiet and self concious. Is he mentally strong? I don't think he is, you just have to see his face when he makes a rick or when the crowd groan. Is he thick? Maybe, but I say, so?

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Guest Knightrider

If Brambvle could just concentrate and read play better, he'd be one hell of a player, but he has consistently failed in those areas while a number of managers and coaches have now also failed to work on those things and there comes a time when you have to give up the chase. I don't know why Bramble hasn't improved those parts of his game, I don't think you either have it or don't in this case, because there are countless examples that prove otherwise, but for whatever reason, it just hasn't happened for him. I do wonder whether he actually realises the severity of these problems though and he has to shoulder most of the responsibility for his own game. By all accounts he's a quiet lad but not the brightest and isn't one for taking things in, or rather he struggles to do so. Not his fault of course but not wors either. Shame because he does have ability.


I've said this many time before, he is thick as fuk.


I bet his IQ is borderline retarded. I'm not trying to be funny or nasty, but you can just tell the lad is missing a brain.


It has to come naturally to him, or not at all. That's why parts of his game are excellent, and have been from day dot, and why other parts just haven't caught up.


I hoped it was case of not telling him once, but 10 times, then i thought maybe he needs telling 100 times, but the reality is it could be 1000 times before it sinks in.


I still think it could, and why i wouldn't be too quick to release for free.


The last throw of the dice is Pearson for me. He was starting to improve, just like all the defenders when Pearson came in, then picked up an injury, so we haven't had the full on Pearson effect on Titus, maybe this guy can crack him, fingers crossed.





What gets me is some thick players have forged great careers for themselves over the years. Look at Gazza, thick as whale's spunk, but a fine footballer. They even say the less their head is filled with shite, i.e. the less they think, the more able they are to concentrate on their game and develop. So what is Bramble's problem? Saying it's his IQ just seems to easy an answer for me, not to mention harsh as lets face it, none of us know the man. The way he speaks and his quiet nature doesn't mean he's thick. I reckon it's his attitude to the game, his game and himself. He's the Emile Heskey of defenders.


Completely different though not having to think in Gazza's position, as his game was based on instinct and the things Gazza could do with a football definitely can't be taught, whereas playing at the back you need to be taught drills etc.


OK, I'll raise ya: Woodgate?


Touche, but you also have to remember the fact Gazza is probably the most talented player this country has ever produced and Woodgate if it weren't for injuries would have been one of the greatest defenders we've ever produced. Woodgate is also a highly intelligent footballer and is one of the best readers of a game out there whereas Bramble isn't so players like that do really need to be taught drills etc.


See my post above.


Gazza was also confident, bubbly and very outgoing, he was also mentally strong. Of course later on we found out his confidence was a trick, but to even carry off a confidence trick you have to be mentally strong because you're basically undercover.

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Guest Knightrider

Another thing, you don't have to be an intelligent footballer ala Gazza or Beardsley to be a good footballer, even if you're playing in defence. Is Rio Ferdinand an intelligent player, or does he use his attributes like pace, control, athelticism and passing abilities to good effect thus masking his weaknessess? I'm going with the using his attributes to good effect thing and not the he's an intelligent footballer because positionally he's often found wanting, or would be if it weren't for his pace or those around him while his reading of play is also suspect, he's certainly no Terry or Tony Adams who while less talented than Ferdinand, like Woodgate is, read the game so well thus making up for any technical flaws in their game, like pace or control.

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Guest Knightrider

First you studied Bramble's facial tics, now Gazza was in fact an 'undercover' player.




Well he was, he lead two lives like an undercover agent, the confident happy go lucky public and on pitch Gazza, and the deeply toubled and tourtoured real Gazza in private. Have you read his book? Very good read (he's an arsehole and I don't feel any sympathy for him myself) but he's an interesting and complex character.

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If Brambvle could just concentrate and read play better, he'd be one hell of a player, but he has consistently failed in those areas while a number of managers and coaches have now also failed to work on those things and there comes a time when you have to give up the chase. I don't know why Bramble hasn't improved those parts of his game, I don't think you either have it or don't in this case, because there are countless examples that prove otherwise, but for whatever reason, it just hasn't happened for him. I do wonder whether he actually realises the severity of these problems though and he has to shoulder most of the responsibility for his own game. By all accounts he's a quiet lad but not the brightest and isn't one for taking things in, or rather he struggles to do so. Not his fault of course but not wors either. Shame because he does have ability.


I've said this many time before, he is thick as fuk.


I bet his IQ is borderline retarded. I'm not trying to be funny or nasty, but you can just tell the lad is missing a brain.


It has to come naturally to him, or not at all. That's why parts of his game are excellent, and have been from day dot, and why other parts just haven't caught up.


I hoped it was case of not telling him once, but 10 times, then i thought maybe he needs telling 100 times, but the reality is it could be 1000 times before it sinks in.


I still think it could, and why i wouldn't be too quick to release for free.


The last throw of the dice is Pearson for me. He was starting to improve, just like all the defenders when Pearson came in, then picked up an injury, so we haven't had the full on Pearson effect on Titus, maybe this guy can crack him, fingers crossed.





What gets me is some thick players have forged great careers for themselves over the years. Look at Gazza, thick as whale's spunk, but a fine footballer. They even say the less their head is filled with shite, i.e. the less they think, the more able they are to concentrate on their game and develop. So what is Bramble's problem? Saying it's his IQ just seems to easy an answer for me, not to mention harsh as lets face it, none of us know the man. The way he speaks and his quiet nature doesn't mean he's thick. I reckon it's his attitude to the game, his game and himself. He's the Emile Heskey of defenders.


Yes but as defender you need to be clever these days. Study opponents and be one step ahead. If not then you really need natural skill and ability, and lots of luck.


Gazza as an attacker, just like Rooney can afford not have high level of intelligence as its all natural and its literally second nature, and they only get better by playing more and more. They can afford to make mistakes and not learn for games on end, defenders cant these days.


When you get natural skill and a decent level of intelligence in a footballer, you produce players like Shearer, Keane, Henry, Terry, Lampard Owen & Gerrard etc... All players who can study, learn the game, and improve themselves properly.


My opinion anyway, its totally flawed i know, but i cant think of any other reason Titus isnt developing properly, i dont buy the he hasn't got it in him stance, i do accept poor coaching playing its part, but i expected more by now.


And Woodgate? BTW I'm not disagreeing with you here, that may well be the case for Bramble, although I stress again, we don't actually know if he's thick or not do we, and even if he was thick, I still refuse to see how that's him fucked then because as already touched on, many thick players have made it. I wouldn't say Woodgate is the sharpest tool in the box, but he's a great player when fit and I wouldn't say it is all natural ability either because he's no athlete, he's not particularly strong and technique wise he's not too hot either, but he somehow manages to read things better than most. How come though, if he's thick and why should it stop Bramble? I think there are deeper reasons for Bramble's inability to concentrate for 90 minutes and I'd say confidence and mental strength are the key issues and not IQ, low or otherwise.


Take Woodgate for example, lets just say for arguements sake he is thick, but he's outgoing, confident and he's also mentally tough which has enabled him to get through his injuries and that court case.


Is Bramble confident? By all accounts he's not, he's shy, quiet and self concious. Is he mentally strong? I don't think he is, you just have to see his face when he makes a rick or when the crowd groan. Is he thick? Maybe, but I say, so?


I'd say Woody isn't that intelligent as well, but not knock on wood (pardon the pun) thick like bramble.


He also has natural ability as a defender, something Bramble hasn't.


Bramble: Big athlete, with a few characteristics that have got him to this level, but the other stuff isn't natural for him, and with him also being pretty much dumb, he's not learning them quickly enough.


From what i hear this gooch guy is just like Titus, only he learns from his mistakes, if so he'll be a great asset to us. Whether he does it through having more ability, being more intelligent or having the sheer determination to better himself, i dont know, it could be the lot and probably is, i just feel if Titus was above average intelligence, he'd be a fantastic player, and wouldn't be dropping clangers.


I also, rightly or wrongly, believe the same can be said with Ameobi. Good athlete, has a few characteristics that have got him to this level also, but the natural ability isn't there, and neither is the intelligence to learn. But Ameobi is improving through more game time, and will continue to do so.

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First you studied Bramble's facial tics, now Gazza was in fact an 'undercover' player.




Well he was, he lead two lives like an undercover agent, the confident happy go lucky public and on pitch Gazza, and the deeply toubled and tourtoured real Gazza in private. Have you read his book? Very good read (he's an arsehole and I don't feel any sympathy for him myself) but he's an interesting and complex character.


Slightly off topic but have you read Paul McGrath's book mate? one of the best defenders I've ever seen and that was when he was getting on in years with all of the knee trouble, really if any defender had it all this man would be it. He'd walk into any side in the world today with his talent.

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Guest Knightrider

TT, in what way is Woodgate a natural and Bramble isn't? I'd say Bramble has more attributes than Woodgate, like pace, strength, control and passing, so if anything, for my money anyway, he's more of a natural. Woodgate isn't strong or quick, his control and passing isn't the greatest either but he does read the game well and is calm and collected - so doesn't need pace and such or not having these things doesn't effect him.


What do your base you opinion of Bramble being thick on BTW, his interviews? Again I'm not disagreeing with you here but you say you don't think Woodgate is as thick as him, based on what? I haven't heard about Bramble smashing a pint glass over his forehead, chasing Asians down the street and ending up in court, I haven't heard the rumours of liking to play in the snow where Bramble is concerned.


Nah, his IQ high or low isn't what stops him from concentrating or taking things in for me, I'd say it's a confidence thing and a mentality issue, he's mentally weak as piss and not strong enough to deal with commands, instructions, abuse, the spotlight (i.e. when he makes a mistake) or confident enough to go on and fulfil that potential he was blessed with. Not really his fault like I said and neither is it ours. I think personally it's too late in the day for him or anyone to do anything about it, it had to come in his teens very early 20s and it mostly had to come from him. I think by the time he joined us he though he'd made it and with all that money, the discipline went.


You can tell these things by injury you're less likely to recover quickly if you're mentally weak and low in confidence and Bramble is prone to the niggly injury and long layoffs that others seem to quickly recover from, or before they are meant to. I bet when he's out injured he wallows in self pitty and curses himself, just like when he makes a mistake out on the pitch. I think they call it hiding.

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Guest Knightrider

First you studied Bramble's facial tics, now Gazza was in fact an 'undercover' player.




Well he was, he lead two lives like an undercover agent, the confident happy go lucky public and on pitch Gazza, and the deeply toubled and tourtoured real Gazza in private. Have you read his book? Very good read (he's an arsehole and I don't feel any sympathy for him myself) but he's an interesting and complex character.


Slightly off topic but have you read Paul McGrath's book mate? one of the best defenders I've ever seen and that was when he was getting on in years with all of the knee trouble, really if any defender had it all this man would be it. He'd walk into any side in the world today with his talent.


I haven't but I was a big fan of his, I'll ebay it and give it a read. I'm not a big fan of player autobiographies in general, certainly modern players, but for past players I am as they have real stories to tell. Cheers.

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TT, in what way is Woodgate a natural and Bramble isn't? I'd say Bramble has more attributes than Woodgate, like pace, strength, control and passing, so if anything, for my money anyway, he's more of a natural. Woodgate isn't strong or quick, his control and passing isn't the greatest either but he does read the game well and is calm and collected - so doesn't need pace and such or not having these things doesn't effect him.


What do your base you opinion of Bramble being thick on BTW, his interviews? Again I'm not disagreeing with you here but you say you don't think Woodgate is as thick as him, based on what? I haven't heard about Bramble smashing a pint glass over his forehead, chasing Asians down the street and ending up in court, I haven't heard the rumours of liking to play in the snow where Bramble is concerned.


Nah, his IQ high or low isn't what stops him from concentrating or taking things in for me, I'd say it's a confidence thing and a mentality issue, he's mentally weak as piss and not strong enough to deal with commands, instructions, abuse, the spotlight (i.e. when he makes a mistake) or confident enough to go on and fulfil that potential he was blessed with. Not really his fault like I said and neither is it ours. I think personally it's too late in the day for him or anyone to do anything about it, it had to come in his teens very early 20s and it mostly had to come from him. I think by the time he joined us he though he'd made it and with all that money, the discipline went.


You can tell these things by injury you're less likely to recover quickly if you're mentally weak and low in confidence and Bramble is prone to the niggly injury and long layoffs that others seem to quickly recover from, or before they are meant to. I bet when he's out injured he wallows in self pitty and curses himself, just like when he makes a mistake out on the pitch. I think they call it hiding.


You dont point out things that make woodgate seem thick, you are pointing out things that make Woodgate a cock, big difference.


If he is mentally weak then there is a lot that we could do, psychologists, psychotherapists, hypnotherapists, changes in life circumstances, proper coaching etc.


Basically loan him to Arsenal and allow Wenger to get hold of him for half a season, if he cannot sort him out, im right, he's just slow to learn.  O0


The best way to learn is to teach imo, maybe we should start getting him talking to the young (i mean 9year olds) and taking coaching sessions, make him think about what it means to be a good defender. That with a Psychological review and hypnotherapy to take the edge off could help a great deal.

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Guest elbee909

Have anyone here ever done an IQ-test like? It's got FUCK ALL to do with football in any way. It's like saying you have to be good at geography to play football.


There is football intelligence however.  You'd hardly rate Beckham or Rooney up there with the top level physicists in the world but some of the stuff that footballers calculate in real time to play the game that they do is unbelievable.


The problem with them seeming thick is more down to their ability to articulate their ideas.  The good ones do that on the pitch anyway.  However it's pretty clear Bramble's never had much of a clue unfortunately.  Hardly even has to open his mouth, let alone kick a ball.  Up the field... again.

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Have anyone here ever done an IQ-test like? It's got FUCK ALL to do with football in any way. It's like saying you have to be good at geography to play football.


There is football intelligence however.  You'd hardly rate Beckham or Rooney up there with the top level physicists in the world but some of the stuff that footballers calculate in real time to play the game that they do is unbelievable.


The problem with them seeming thick is more down to their ability to articulate their ideas.  The good ones do that on the pitch anyway.  However it's pretty clear Bramble's never had much of a clue unfortunately.  Hardly even has to open his mouth, let alone kick a ball.  Up the field... again.

I didn't say that there isn't any intelligence in football, however, football intelligence and IQ (the way that it's measured) are completely different things. Do a quick google for IQ Test and see for yourselves.

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