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Probable England team

Guest duffyg

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That front 3 won't work. I'd prefer Crouchy for Rooney then Rooney for Dyer.



That's if I gave a s***.


id rather have dyer as part of a forward line than lennon!


All said and done, Lennon is more effective than Dyer, even though he does have poor parts he needs to improve.


Not sure about that, would like to see Lennons goal and assist stats compared to Dyer this season even though Dyer has probably played far less games.


Dyer has scored quite a few this season. Has Lennon even scored? Regardless a few goals can't disguise the fact Lennon is more of a potent threat than Dyer.


Dyer's link up is better, but he can't skin a man for pace like Lennon even though his is fast. Lennon will stay on the wing the whole game and give us a constant outlet, whereas Dyer will drop further looking for it.


If we're playing 3 up front I'd prefer someone who'd stay on the wing and commit defenders than another Rooney-type.


I have seen Lennon completely bottle taking on players a few times, most shockingly was agaisnt Jamaica, we were pissing all over them yet everytime he was in a position to take on the full back he gave it back to Neville (i think).


it was a friendly....and his debut.At the world cup proper he wasn't bottling it.He changed the match every time he came on.


Yes it was a friendly and against s**** opposition when we were cruising, surely that would be the perfect time for him to rip them apart. Im not saying he doesnt do it because I have seen him do it lots of times (I have also seen Dyer dribble past people lots of times) but I'm saying I have also seen him bottle it for whatever reason.

a 19 year old his debut..he wanted to keep it simple.


he performed when asked at the world cup...which is more important.

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I'd go for:




Neville       Woody        Ferdinand    Bridge




Lennon                                            Barry




Lampard hasn't deserved the england shirt in quite a while. I feel the mixture in midfield would have a nice balance of biteand flair. If you have Rooney, Dyer, Lennon and Gerrard in the same team all you need is one player to perform, to get the others playing well.


I actually like the team first posted but it relies on Lennon and Dyer supporting Rooney as the one way Rooney struggles is when his back is to the goal.



Bridge is injured.


Barry left back, Dyer left mid, Crouch up front. :cheesy:

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That midfield is shite. All decent players on their own but theres no balance. Carrick and Lampard are pussies, we'll never get the ball off Spain without more spunk in there.




Agreed, Xavi will control the midfield like last time.

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to be fair, comarisons between Dyer and Lennon can only really go as far as pace. Dyer is probably better more central and recently in a forward position whereas Lennon is a winger and probably wouldnt do much in a central position wether it be off the striker or centre mid. Dyer is better at finishing than Lennon and probably a bit smoother round the edges overall. With the formation England are playin I'd rather play Dyer than Lennon as one of the forward three if like someone said above, Crouch was brought in. If it was to be a propper winger then it would be Lennon, but if that is the case it'd basically be like playing 4-4-2 with 3 centre mids and a right mid cos Rooney isnt really gonna play as a left winger, which would mean total inbalance.

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I always end up watching the England games, even though they are nearly always utter s***.


Make a point of watching the U21s though, normally far more entertaining. Sky tonight. :thup:


I too shall be watching the U21s, purely to see how Cahil, Young and Agbonlahor get on (the latter two should play, I'd imagine).


Normally I wouldn't bother with England, I really don't care about the national team, but I'll watch tonight to see how Barry does.

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Actual team, from SSN:



G Neville



P Neville








is that a joke?


Unfortunately not, it's currently on the breaking news ticker on SSN.


I'm glad Foster is getting a game but the rest of the team is fucking atricious.


Barry should be in there ahead of SWP. Carragher ahead of Woodgate IMO. Some of the other selections like Phil Chuckle and Dyer are not ideal but excusable given injuries. Plus the midfield is now even worse with Gerrard bumped right. The rediculously ponderous pairing of Carrick and Lampard will be lucky to get within 5 yards of Xavi's shadow.

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


mclarens finally lost the plot!


phil nevelle!!! bahahahahahaha


swp ????????


according to sky, dyer on the left??????!!!!!!!!!!


good to see dyer starting, hope he only plays 60mins..(prays for no injuries).

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My admiration for Barton grows by the day...


What was it he was supposed to have said about them (Gerrard, Rooney, Lampard) releasing books?


Basically said that them releasing books after the WC was a disgrace.


"We got to the Quarter Finals of the World Cup, I played shit.  Hey, who wants to read my book?" was what he sarcastically said refering to Gerrard and Lampard.

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Guest optimistic nit

Actual team, from SSN:



G Neville



P Neville








is that a joke?


Unfortunately not, it's currently on the breaking news ticker on SSN.


I'm glad Foster is getting a game but the rest of the team is f****** atricious.


Barry should be in there ahead of SWP. Carragher ahead of Woodgate IMO. Some of the other selections like Phil Chuckle and Dyer are not ideal but excusable given injuries. Plus the midfield is now even worse with Gerrard bumped right. The rediculously ponderous pairing of Carrick and Lampard will be lucky to get within 5 yards of Xavi's shadow.


gerrards best position is definately imo on the right. we are playing spain i take it, so it'll be a friendly with little bairing so i think its good he's trying new things. Barry has been robbed but thats not a bad selection (blatent woody bias btw).

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gash team, how SWP gets in when he often (Chelsea at full strength) fails to even make the bench yet alone the first team. Is there some sort of contractual obligation that when you're the England manager you must give Phil Neville caps. He will have 55 caps after this, here a short selection of players he has more caps than:

Stanley Matthews

Trevor Francis

Geoff Hurst

Jack Charlton

Steve Coppell

Trevor Brooking

Roger Hunt

Nat Lofthouse

Stan Mortenson

Jackie Milburn

Dixie Dean


He is soon to overtake: Haynes,Gazza,Greaves,Beardsley

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Guest optimistic nit

Barton by all acounts is a right thug although i'll try not to judge him on the second hand info. really someone with 11A*'s at gcse should show a little more maturity i think, i do hate lampard though.

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