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Is it going to be linked to the tannoy?


Nah man one in one out. Typical deluded George. Tannoy put in a transfer request and refused to turn up for sound check.

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60 sq. meters (per the .cock article) really isn't very big - 6 meters by 10 meters? Obviously, not fitting in my living room, but by contrast the giant screen in the Dallas Cowboys stadium is 1,070 sq. meters.






The one here at Busch Stadium is 155 sq. meters, and it's not anything special in the context of a sports stadium.





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This will have been a pardew idea taken from a holiday he was on.  "I want the stadium rocking....!" ;D


:lol: The only way this makes the stadium rock is from masses of fans turning away from the shit on the field, just to see it in HD on the damn wall and turn away from that as well.

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Guest neesy111

60 sq. meters (per the .cock article) really isn't very big - 6 meters by 10 meters? Obviously, not fitting in my living room, but by contrast the giant screen in the Dallas Cowboys stadium is 1,070 sq. meters.






The one here at Busch Stadium is 155 sq. meters, and it's not anything special in the context of a sports stadium.






Good point, most be expecting most of the crowd to have 20-20 vision.

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60 sq. meters (per the .cock article) really isn't very big - 6 meters by 10 meters? Obviously, not fitting in my living room, but by contrast the giant screen in the Dallas Cowboys stadium is 1,070 sq. meters.






The one here at Busch Stadium is 155 sq. meters, and it's not anything special in the context of a sports stadium.






Fuck me, when you put it like that. This is going to be pathetic.  :lol:

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[spoiler=Click to embiggen image]





So #31, the Vikings stadium, their screen is 636.5 Sq.Ft., which is rougly... you guessed it, 60sq meters.


Oh, and since this graphic was made, they destroyed that Vikings stadium and decided to build a new one, because it was shit and old. And fell apart.


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To be fair, I thought we were going to be subject to a ridiculo-massive screen pumping sportsdirect-tat ads into our brains.


And that happens! what a pile of cheap s***. And now i'm disappointed it isnt big/s*** enough?


For a billionaire (X 4) ashley is so small time.





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Hope it's windy as fuck on Sat and fucker blows off.


Hope the SackPardew.com group hack the signal and put a picture of their banner up.


:lol: Not that far off the dimensions as the Hopeless banner in truth. Could drape it in that.


Not that I'm arsed but it's so typically underwhelming, so NUFC.

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