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St James' Park


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19 minutes ago, tomlynnherrington said:

A Premier League game against Leicester or a Champions League Group game against Sporting Lisbon? The former will always be more attractive to me,and probably to most other supporters.

You’re probably right - but it would be Sporting all the way from me.  League football pales next to the excitement of European knockouts - and for me the entire purpose of doing well in the league is European qualification 

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If SJP is to be renovated/rebuilt then the footprint will extend and move slightly. I can see the main stand coming further towards Barrack Road, and the Leazers going further into Leazers Park. New stadiums need the room for increased faculties, and like others have mention seat size etc.

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I’ve never quite understood why a deal can’t be done in terms of building a new ground just behind the current SJP - and still keeping the ground’s name - while converting the current site into a park to make up for the loss elsewhere


I know people talk about the history, but you’d only be moving a matter of yards - and besides, not one of those stands at SJP has borne witness to a major trophy win.


There is no chance really of converting the current ground into a different arrangement to make a bigger stadium, as any knockdown - rebuild would take too long, and the club would need to play elsewhere.  One of the drawbacks of being a one-club city is the lack of other stadia which can be used temporarily - the only ground which could be used is the SOS, and both sets of fans ultimately wouldn’t go for it (which is daft when you really think about it - but who said football support was rational?)

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52 minutes ago, TheBrownBottle said:

I’ve never quite understood why a deal can’t be done in terms of building a new ground just behind the current SJP - and still keeping the ground’s name - while converting the current site into a park to make up for the loss elsewhere


I know people talk about the history, but you’d only be moving a matter of yards - and besides, not one of those stands at SJP has borne witness to a major trophy win.


There is no chance really of converting the current ground into a different arrangement to make a bigger stadium, as any knockdown - rebuild would take too long, and the club would need to play elsewhere.  One of the drawbacks of being a one-club city is the lack of other stadia which can be used temporarily - the only ground which could be used is the SOS, and both sets of fans ultimately wouldn’t go for it (which is daft when you really think about it - but who said football support was rational?)


This is the one for me, the best stadium in the world built just north of SJP with an immaculately landscaped approach on the current site and further investment in the surrounding park. Everyone wins; the Leazes terrace lot will be over the moon to be looking out onto open space, Leazes park gets tarted up, the owners can flex their financial might, a billion quid invested in the local area & the club/fans get the perfect stadium for capacity, atmosphere, corporate revenue. Call it what you like.





Edited by BoSelecta

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5 minutes ago, BoSelecta said:


This is the one for me, the best stadium in the world built just north of SJP with an immaculately landscaped approach on the current site and further investment in the surrounding park. Everyone wins; the Leazes terrace lot will be over the moon to be looking out onto open space, Leazes park gets tarted up, the owners can flex their financial might, a billion quid invested in the local area & the club/fans get the perfect stadium for capacity, atmosphere, corporate revenue. Call it what you like.






Does seem like a complete no-brainer. 

Even better if you, for arguments sake, set up a new company called "Leazes Park Regeneration Enterprise" and rent the stadium back to the club for a quid a season. 


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12 hours ago, TRon said:


You could argue the merits of Keegan or SBR with equal merit, only difference was the ambition of those sitting above making the decisions. During Keegan's years, the sky was the limit, we were beating Man U and Arsenal to sign the best players in England. After that we were signing Lee Bowyer on a free transfer from West Ham.


Not saying that was Freddie Shepherd's fault directly, but clearly the ambitions had been lowered.


I think the Sir Bobby team would have given the Keegan team a game like. Bobby was unlucky that Arsenal were hitting their peak as well as Man Utd being a force still so getting 2nd or higher was unlikely.

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10 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:


I think the Sir Bobby team would have given the Keegan team a game like. Bobby was unlucky that Arsenal were hitting their peak as well as Man Utd being a force still so getting 2nd or higher was unlikely.

I know this isn't really the thread for it but a Keegan best XI vs SBR best XI would be interesting. 


I haven't really put any thought into it but my initial feeling is that Bobby's "peak" team had more weaknesses than Keegans (eg RB, whoever was CB with Woodgate)

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4 hours ago, TheBrownBottle said:

I’ve never quite understood why a deal can’t be done in terms of building a new ground just behind the current SJP - and still keeping the ground’s name - while converting the current site into a park to make up for the loss elsewhere


I know people talk about the history, but you’d only be moving a matter of yards - and besides, not one of those stands at SJP has borne witness to a major trophy win.


There is no chance really of converting the current ground into a different arrangement to make a bigger stadium, as any knockdown - rebuild would take too long, and the club would need to play elsewhere.  One of the drawbacks of being a one-club city is the lack of other stadia which can be used temporarily - the only ground which could be used is the SOS, and both sets of fans ultimately wouldn’t go for it (which is daft when you really think about it - but who said football support was rational?)

This is absolutely my preference (assuming SJP can never really be extended as we’d like).


We can have a world class stadium, in the city centre, with the park built around it. 

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Repurpose Leazes Park, create a nice open space in between the Strawberry and the new Gallowgate. Moving away from the area would be like creating a different club given the raft of changes we're likely to see across the board and it would always have a weird feel to supporting us from that moment on.

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1 hour ago, Optimistic Nut said:


I think the Sir Bobby team would have given the Keegan team a game like. Bobby was unlucky that Arsenal were hitting their peak as well as Man Utd being a force still so getting 2nd or higher was unlikely.

I think the defence let Bobbys team down, which is something always attributed to Keegan despite Keegan having the best defensive record apart from Man Utd and Liverpool at the time. It's actually a myth about Keegans team would always win or lose 4-3. The one 4-3 at anfield and I have very faint memories of a 4-3 loss to cambridge (someone can correct me) when we were in the old 2nd division. We chalked a 4-3 win against Villa and that's it I think.

With Bobby we could never be the best with O'Brien, Bramble and later on Carr. Even with Woodgate in the team we leaked 6 against Man Utd. I'm picturing Beardsley, Cole, Ferdinand, Ginola running havoc there 


Anyway, for another thread.....

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4 hours ago, Optimistic Nut said:


I think the Sir Bobby team would have given the Keegan team a game like. Bobby was unlucky that Arsenal were hitting their peak as well as Man Utd being a force still so getting 2nd or higher was unlikely.


Yeah I would reckon Bobby was actually the better manager, but we didn't have the same ambition when he was there as we did during Keegan's first stint.

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17 hours ago, TRon said:


I think there was also real suspicion at how things were being run under Shepherd, we hired plenty of big name managers, and there was always a couple of trophy signings, but they were usually surrounded by second rate team-mates. So we probably had Shearer playing alongside Andy O'Brien at some point, then when it all went to shit, we brought in Graeme Souness to fix things. :bluestar:


It was nothing like the SJH/Keegan days where we were genuinely competing for the best players in England, and some of the best in the world.

In some of KK's teams each individual midfielder and centre forward cost more  than the back 4(5 with Harper in nets) did collectively. 

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Guest dazzanufc1892
5 hours ago, gazzatoon said:


it would be a disaster to move stadiums. This is much better idea. 


Why out of interest? SJP is a state compared to many other stadiums. If you've been to spurs and then go to ours its embarrassing

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11 hours ago, TheBrownBottle said:

You’re probably right - but it would be Sporting all the way from me.  League football pales next to the excitement of European knockouts - and for me the entire purpose of doing well in the league is European qualification 

Sporting over Leicester next season? Sporting over Leicester for the 5th season running in the CL group stage? I know where you’re coming from ?

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1 hour ago, bowlingcrofty said:

As much as we hate to admit it, they’ll have massive plans to develop corporate hospitality. SJP just won’t have the capacity to develop that section like they’ll want to.

Could they not build a corporate facility on the car park in front of the main stand with direct access to the main stand? It looks like wasted space to me.

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1 hour ago, bowlingcrofty said:

As much as we hate to admit it, they’ll have massive plans to develop corporate hospitality.

Why would we hate that? It’s the only way these days. Such a great way to bring loads of money into the club. 

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