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OMG! New strip revealed early - first post updated

Guest AcidBurn

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Guest smoggeordie

Presumably, NSG, if the numbers are white - it will be in a panel.


Or on a plain black back. :(


I've been told a black panel

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Guest smoggeordie



this looked really good actually...to bad the "main" stripes are going to be white


Move the pink square down and the align the R on rock under the N on northern and i think thats as close as you can get to a prediction.


Eh? So it's like:







With the pink square under the "hern". I'm only guessing like, it's probably bollocks.

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Guest smoggeordie

That collar looks s***, and everything Nick is saying sounds absolutely horrible!


Like I said, it could all be bollocks, but this is what i'm anticipating:



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Great planning who ever thought that up. By the 2nd day (unless the shorts are yellow or something) the majority of the kit would of been shown.


Should of started from the bottom.

This shows what the majority of people on this board are like, far too eagar to complain and criticize. Who cares if we see most of the kit tomorow, it's not like it matters.


What? I wasn't complaining ya slag :lol:

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the pink square makes no sense to me. and im not sure I am a fan of the black oblong on the front or panels for name and number. im a big fan of just placing them on the shirt. when watching the match, im pretty sure you can tell the difference between solano and dyer and martins and nzog and taylor and huntington etc.



interesting to see the rest. im sure we will see socks tomorrow or maybe shorts. i guess the last peice will be the rest of hte shirt. but who knows.

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sorry for double post...but isnt this the first kit since grand-dad collar that has white stripe dead center?


the old thick stripe, predom black shirt had the black in the middle and 2 whites outside.


at first glace this shirt looks like a "classic" style shirt. but I highly doubt it will be a classic style one.

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Excusing the botched MS paint job, this is what it's going to look like;




im agree


(bar the sponsor ofc)... everyone elses black stripes are far too small

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Aye that would be a nice shirt aswell. Can't believe some are getting worked up by the potential of a little pink square on the shirts "Oh know dey will fink we iz lyke dem gayz or summit" :lol:

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