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OMG! New strip revealed early - first post updated

Guest AcidBurn

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To be honest, i can't see a lot wrong with how they've done it. Certainly been interesting, depsite the predictability. A lot of people are usually eager to find out what the new kit is like and i don't see this as a bad way of doing things. Will have certainly have worked for the younger generation, i reckon. Who btw - are actually allowed to support Newcastle United, and view Newcastle sites.

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Previously on 24:


Freddy Shepherd cant finish his jigsaw because he dropped the pieces in his steak bake, and then ate them without realising. We are going to have to wait for him to digest them.

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the more i look at the site for nothern rock the mroe i feel like they would be putting





**rather than**






all of their branding has it the first way mentioned - but as NSG has informed us - i guess they may have some odd marketing folk?


Well, heres to Friday

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the more i look at the site for nothern rock the mroe i feel like they would be putting





**rather than**







have to agree



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I love the "Hmmm how can I prove I am a real man, oh yeah I will show my pure outrage that the shirt may have pink on it" *turns to a mirror flexing and shouting "WHO THE MAN HUH!"*

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