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Let's be honest...

Guest hindu times

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Guest hindu times

Do you really think we would have won last night even if Bobby, Souness, Keegan, Gullit or Dalglish were in charge? I don't.


We have alway been good at shooting ourselves in the foot, and gifting goals to oppositions. It's just the Newcastle way.

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With Bobby, possibly, yes. Certainly couldn't write it off, like you just have. Souness, who knows, he could've sat on the lead, which may not have been pretty, but might have stopped us by losing by 2 goals. Keegan, probably not, would've gone for it, and got caught out.


Gullit? Dalglish? Meh, not really "recent" managers anymore. I know Keegan isn't, then, but he's different clearly.

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We had lost the game before it started due to our motivation, and our mentality on how to approach the fixture.


Bobby, Souness, Keegan, Gullit and Dalglish all possessed experience at winning these kind of ties as either a player or manager, while Bobby and Keegan would have definitely had them all motivated.


Subsequently, I could see all of them getting the team playing much better than Roeder did last night.

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Do you really think we would have won last night even if Bobby, Souness, Keegan, Gullit or Dalglish were in charge? I don't.


We have alway been good at shooting ourselves in the foot, and gifting goals to oppositions. It's just the Newcastle way.


I think we COULD have won last night, yes.


If we didn't have that fucktard Roeder as a manager, we could have done it. It wasn't pre-destined.

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We had lost the game before it started due to our motivation, and our mentality on how to approach the fixture.


Bobby, Souness, Keegan, Gullit and Dalglish all possessed experience at winning these kind of ties as either a player or manager, while Bobby and Keegan would have definitely had them all motivated.


Subsequently, I could see all of them getting the team playing much better than Roeder did last night.



Funnily enough this was very much a 'Gullit fixture'.

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Do you really think we would have won last night even if Bobby, Souness, Keegan, Gullit or Dalglish were in charge? I don't.


We have alway been good at shooting ourselves in the foot, and gifting goals to oppositions. It's just the Newcastle way.


If SBR was our manager yes

Because then we would have looked as a team who has some kind style of play

SBR was cappable of getting the best out of the players he had

Im sure if SBR was our manager yesterday we should have go through...ah dreams

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Guest WalkervilleMag

we went over, having trained all week ... on getting the desired result which was 0-0. soon as they scored we were fcked. 


We did not even try until the last 5 or 6 mins when it was blaitenly too late.


We had the tools to do it, AZ inmho are an average team who were just gifted a place in the Q-Finals by our lack of fight,Hunger,Pride,Balls.

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Even if it were true that the other managers would fail why does that excuse roeder fucking it up? 


Should everyone in jail right now be let off because, hey, at least they didn't kill millions of people like hitler? 


Do you see the fallacy of rationalizations? 


You have to look at each case as its own entity, objectively and thoroughly.  And the only conclusion that can be drawn based on last nights abortion of footballing effort on our part is that Roeder completely and utterly cocked it up. 

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Do you really think we would have won last night even if Bobby, Souness, Keegan, Gullit or Dalglish were in charge? I don't.


We have alway been good at shooting ourselves in the foot, and gifting goals to oppositions. It's just the Newcastle way.


I reckon we would have won under Bobby or Keegan - especially under Keegan.  We may have conceded 2 goals but we would have been attacking, attacking...constantly attacking.  Daglish - possibly.  But probably same result under Gullit and Pooness....we'll never know tho tbh :)

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Let's not forget that it was Roeder who took usfrom 15th to 7th place, through the Intertoto and through the UEFA group stage to get us this far. I don't think he called it right last night, and maybe one of our previous managers could have done better, but let's keep it in perspective.


He decided to play virtually the same team as won the first leg, which is understandable, and which I think most of the others would have done. I don't think he reacted quickly enough or correctly when it became clear the plan wasn't working.

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Guest given take

if souness was in charge you wouldnt of been there in the first place


yeah i know.


we'd be in the champions league

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Guest king harry

if souness was in charge you wouldnt of been there in the first place


yeah i know.


we'd be in the champions league


the championship

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Guest magpies_rawk

i don't buy the pre-destined curse nonsense. This is ridiculous. It's everything about this club that is rotten...from top to bottom.

no team is too intrinsically good or bad to succeed. look at West Ham, no longer "too good to go down" eh?  And Reading, "too poor to stay up"? i think not. It really is about good and responsible management, from the board right down to the coaching staff, players and not to mention fans.

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