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Shearer's MOTD contract?


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Anyone got any idea how long he signed with the BBC for?

Could be the length of time we are stuck with Roeder, no seceret Fred wants Al to manage us, and the way tuings are going he may need that to happen sooner rahter than later, but I do not see Al leaving the BBC until his contract is up so get used to Roeder being here until then.

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I thought it was 2 years? Im sure when he was questioned about going back into football he said something along the lines of "Well I have a contract for 2 years so it will be at least that long..."

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Guest toongimp

Shearer, the legend he is, I don't think he should take up the job yet. He needs to manage something like a championship team first- find his feet. Considering how much pressure we put Roeder (and others) under, do you think he can take it?

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Guest Der Kaiser

Would be nice for him to sign an extended contract with the BBC.

It would be a huge, huge risk to think that he is the answer to our problems.

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I am not saying we need him here as manager but it does seem to be Freds dream, 2 year contract so 1 year nealry up, another season with Roeder then and Fred will be onto Al to take the job.

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Appointing Shearer as a manager is going to be huge risk but i think he will do better job then Roeder

He has enormous respect from all the players and im sure he will get 100% from every one of them

He is great motivator and also can bring some quality players because Alan Shearer is notorious everywhere around the world,especially in England

The only problem that stand is Alan Shearer ready to manager big club like Newcastle?

Roy Keane is doing great job.Of course in the Championship but still...

Its huge risk but i'll take it because Shearer will do better job than this mouse Roeder

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Guest Sniffer

No reason to assume that anybody with inside knowledge of the game has to piss around at the likes of darlington before being given the opportunity at Newcastle. Where does anybody get the idea that we are a big club just because we have a strong support and the figures on the balance sheet have a couple more zeroes? It's not like AS has any managerial standards to live up to or the need to maintain a level of success by actually winning trophies.


Bollocks really when you actually think about it.

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Guest Der Kaiser

I though there were supposed to be divisions amongst the players when Shearer was at the club so I really don't believe he had the respect of all the players.


Also saying he is better than Roeder is just like saying Roeder is better than Souness. he may well be but he still isn't good enough for the job.


I would welcome a Shearer + established manager 'who knows what he's doing' situation. But at the back of my mind I have this feeling that it will always have to be Shearer's way or there'll be trouble (geordie legend, can do no wrong and all that), and so that could be too hard a pill to swallow for an established manager to have to play second fiddle to a playing legend who may know **** all about managing.

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Guest Der Kaiser

We may not have won trophies but we were a decent side a few years back. You get nothing (other than CL etc) for being a runner up but I would say a manager that could place us in the top 4 and win nothing as being far superior to the manager that lands us in the bottom half of the table (and still wins nowt).

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Guest LucaAltieri

No reason to assume that anybody with inside knowledge of the game has to piss around at the likes of darlington before being given the opportunity at Newcastle. Where does anybody get the idea that we are a big club just because we have a strong support and the figures on the balance sheet have a couple more zeroes? It's not like AS has any managerial standards to live up to or the need to maintain a level of success by actually winning trophies.


Bollocks really when you actually think about it.


Exactly. Give him a go. Can't do much worse. Sometimes a risk can pay off.

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Guest Sniffer

We've had " established " managers and in over 50 years all we've had is the Fairs cup. And a breathe of fresh air by a manager who was not " established " and it's been downhill ever since.

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Guest Der Kaiser

Pandering to fans which is just the sort of **** Shepherd would pull.

Can't think what to do?

Unable to run your football club properly?

Don't know what to do?


Get Shearer, get a few thousand in SJP to unveil him, and when it goes tits up blame the fans. 100% pure Shepherd. It will happen.

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At this present moment in time Shearer would be mad to take the Newcastle job. I've got a feeling he may leave management alone anyway, especially if he is enjoying his new lifestyle as much it seems. Why take a job that could go tits up at any time and risk losing his affinity with the fans. He may have been a hero as a player, but if he presided over a shambles on a par with the current regime those supporters who once hailed him a hero would be calling for his head.  And to be honest I just can't see Shearer wanting to cut his teeth at a league one or two club the whole thing would become a bit of a circus.



I think the only way Shearer would get in to management is if we ended up in the championship, similar to the way Keane has taken over down the road. Either that or if Southampton remain very much mid table in the Championship and get rid of Burley, kind of going back to his roots. I just couldn't see him taking over at the likes of Rochdale or Rotherham some time in the near future!

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Shearer might make sense as manager if we were in an emergency situation where an inspirational figure is what might make the difference – like the circumstances when Keegan arrived.


We're not in that kind of situation now. We need a Bobby Robson, not a Keegan. We need experience.

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Do you not think Shearer's life right now is too sweet to want to get involved in management? If I was in his shoes I'd have serious reservations.


If I could walk straight into the Toon job then OK, but I can't see him slogging it out in League One.

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Guest Sniffer

You mean like the other experienced managers that we've appointed over the last 50 years? Some of them with a track record as well. Yep...those are the ones we want.

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Guest Der Kaiser

Sniffer looking at the Prem era then SBR is the only decent manager that we've actually had.

Roeder would have probably done well with the Liverpool side that KD had, and KD at Blackburn (like Sven at Lazio) bought the title.

RG wasn't exactly and experienced decent manager and GS was an accident waiting to happen with a fair few failures littered behind him.

I can see why people would want Shearer but it is pure heart over head stuff and things have moved on one hell of a lot since the times when we had KK. I imagine Shearer would be as good for us as Southgate has been at Boro.

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You mean like the other experienced managers that we've appointed over the last 50 years? Some of them with a track record as well. Yep...those are the ones we want.


Yup better not go for experienced managers like that again. Or foreigners cos they were rubbish for us. Or managers like McFaul with a just a modicum of experience. You can forget them all. We need ones with no experience at all, complete novices like my mum or Shearer.


My mum would never let us down. :thup:



Look, I don't think anyone is saying he is not an option at a push, but to dismiss a potential Bobby Robson because Shearer could be the next Keegan is a bit nuts.

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Guest Sniffer

What you seem to forget is that no manager worth his salt wants the Newcastle job. And let's face it, there aren't many managers out there that we could atract that I'd actually want.

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What you seem to forget is that no manager worth his salt wants the Newcastle job. And let's face it, there aren't many managers out there that we could atract that I'd actually want.


Not one? Forget it then. Long live Roeder.

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