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There was no booing from anywhere near me , in level 7 , so dont try and use the bring back the noise campaigners as an easy route to blame because it aint happening mate.


never said I was blaming you or the ultra's, just said that i sounded as if it was coming from the area you were in (from the front of lvl 7, it appeared to be coming from the back).


Seemed to be coming from the posh seats from where i sat.

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never said I was blaming you or the ultra's, just said that i sounded as if it was coming from the area you were in (from the front of lvl 7, it appeared to be coming from the back).


I am about 10 rows back from the top of the Gallowgate and I could here boos coming from my left.  So i dont think it was just up in access 7.

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Was probably just a few fans spread out across the ground. I'm surprised people are saying they didn't hear it, though.


That'll be the ones who pretend to go, but actually base their match opinions on SSN and MOTD.

You couldn't actually hear it where I sit (NE Corner) at full-time. It's quite a 'sheltered' part of the ground with a low roof (I'm one row from the back). I only heard about it in the boozer afterwards.

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I'm in the milburn, near the gallowgate.  There was a fair bit of booing, sounded like from behind the goal


I heard a fair bit from the top of the Gallowgate, not massive amounts, but there was a definite undercurrent beneath the mild applause. It would have just been a few little groups/individuals scattered about, methinks.

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Was probably just a few fans spread out across the ground. I'm surprised people are saying they didn't hear it, though.


That'll be the ones who pretend to go, but actually base their match opinions on SSN and MOTD.

You couldn't actually hear it where I sit (NE Corner) at full-time. It's quite a 'sheltered' part of the ground with a low roof (I'm one row from the back). I only heard about it in the boozer afterwards.


I don't know why, but that made me smile. Like it's for Speacials nad the old, or something. Sorry. :)

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Was probably just a few fans spread out across the ground. I'm surprised people are saying they didn't hear it, though.


That'll be the ones who pretend to go, but actually base their match opinions on SSN and MOTD.


Ooh, unsubstantiated inferences. Nice.




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Was probably just a few fans spread out across the ground. I'm surprised people are saying they didn't hear it, though.


That'll be the ones who pretend to go, but actually base their match opinions on SSN and MOTD.


Ooh, unsubstantiated inferences. Nice.








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Was probably just a few fans spread out across the ground. I'm surprised people are saying they didn't hear it, though.


That'll be the ones who pretend to go, but actually base their match opinions on SSN and MOTD.

You couldn't actually hear it where I sit (NE Corner) at full-time. It's quite a 'sheltered' part of the ground with a low roof (I'm one row from the back). I only heard about it in the boozer afterwards.


I don't know why, but that made me smile. Like it's for Speacials nad the old, or something. Sorry. :)

It is ;)

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Was probably just a few fans spread out across the ground. I'm surprised people are saying they didn't hear it, though.


That'll be the ones who pretend to go, but actually base their match opinions on SSN and MOTD.

You couldn't actually hear it where I sit (NE Corner) at full-time. It's quite a 'sheltered' part of the ground with a low roof (I'm one row from the back). I only heard about it in the boozer afterwards.


I don't know why, but that made me smile. Like it's for Speacials nad the old, or something. Sorry. :)

It is ;)


i know, but i wanted you to say it.

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Just read this morning their take on the Mido chants and the subsequent journalistic efforts on faithfully reporting it to the nation.


.Com have got it spot on as far as I'm concerned.


aye, its a very good piece that

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they have since added this, again, well said lads.



BBC: Boro

biased cobblers


Tuesday night's edition of the BBC's local news programme Look North made no attempt at balance in their reporting of Sunday's Tees-Tyne game - preferring instead to take the opportunity to slate all things black and white.


Despite being broadcast in a studio on Tyneside, the sports segment presented by an odd pair indulged in some good old-fashioned misrepresentation of events at the Riverside.


Bumbling twit Mark Tulip initially tried to accuse Newcastle fans of homophobia before reading his autocue properly to drop in that new buzz word, Islamophobia (or is Islamaphobia - there's probably an explanatory wallchart free with The Guardian this weekend).


His sidekick meanwhile (some Radio5 cheeky boy) contenting himself with waving some Teesside rag round his head and providing unfunny and inaccurate comments on the segment of match footage.


Aside from some lame digs at Mike Ashley, this pair of clowns struggled to hide their disappointment at Newcastle's failure to lose the game - and we thought mackem Jeff Brown was biased. 


And guess what? Footage of Mido in front of the Newcastle fans was stopped just before the first of his two-fingered salutes - it obviously never happened then and as well as racists we're all liars.


Let's hope the FA actually take the time to canvas opinion from both sides before just regurgitating the twaddle that some newspapers printed as the BBC look to have done.


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Quite sad, isn't it? The standard of journalism in this country. I thought the chants were bad crack but what is ten times worse is the way the 'facts' are manipulated by the media in order to whip up a frenzy. You only notice when it happens to you but it clearly goes on all the time. A good story is far more important than the truth. Even with supposedly respectable media outlets like the Beeb.

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Witch hunt continues:

Guardian Toon

vendetta Day 3


Yet more self righteous bollocks on Wednesday from Louise Taylor, who combines a career as a Guardian writer with moral arbiter for the nation.


(We hear she also does a neat sideline in penning tripe for the official mackem magazine - which may or may not be significant):


Newcastle United fans who subjected Mido, Middlesbrough's Egyptian striker, to Islamophobic abuse during Sunday's match at The Riverside could soon be banned from watching football.


The Football Association launched an investigation yesterday into events on Teesside when officials began studying audio and video footage of the game. Sources said that racist chants directed at Mido from visiting Newcastle supporters were "clearly audible" and it is understood that the FA will contact Cleveland police today and ask for their cooperation in identifying those involved before making them the subject of banning orders.

An FA spokesman said last night: "We are very much in favour of banning orders being imposed on anyone identified as engaging in racist behaviour in football. The FA will obviously work with the police on all football disorder related matters."


During Sunday's 2-2 draw, when Mido, a Muslim, scored Boro's first equaliser, the Egypt international was taunted with anti-Arab chants. Five arrests were made at the game and, while none were racism-related, police were aware of the abuse. But the police did not initially pursue the matter yesterday as Middlesbrough informed them the club would not be making a formal complaint. A Cleveland police spokeswoman said they would, however, cooperate with the FA investigation.


Newcastle's failure to issue a statement condemning Islamophobic abuse in football raised eyebrows in certain quarters - not least among their supporters in Egypt where the Tyneside club commands a sizeable following - but Middlesbrough will not be asking them to say sorry. "I don't think it's necessary," said Boro's manager Gareth Southgate, who is close to signing another Egypt international, Mohammed Shawky, a central midfielder from Cairo's Al-Ahly for £250,000. "I don't think a club can always take responsibility for the actions of its supporters."

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Guest johnson293

Quite sad, isn't it? The standard of journalism in this country. I thought the chants were bad crack but what is ten times worse is the way the 'facts' are manipulated by the media in order to whip up a frenzy.


Agree - as mentioned in the article - its a shame the fans who were there gave the media another ready made story to sh*t stir with, after Mike Ashley's non-speaking statement against their constant 'club for sale' stories.


As it goes, I dont think the chants were that bad - certainly not 'Racist' as the chants were about the widely reported acts of the players religion rather the colour of his skin.


Its just the current politically sensetive world we live in where saying anything against that religion is a big NO-NO incase it insites (sp.) them to blow summit else up!!!


Funny how none of the media have reported the 'V' signs made to supporters by Mido??!!

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An FA spokesman said last night: "We are very much in favour of banning orders being imposed on anyone identified as engaging in racist behaviour in football. The FA will obviously work with the police on all football disorder related matters."


So if they do that, Everton away last year I watch highlight on MOTD i could see at least 20 toffee's making monkey noises at OBa why have none of them been banned for life ?

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