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Guest Geordiesned

Fuck me 4 years down the line people still cling to the myth that the most respected manager we've ever employed had somehow 'lost the plot'.


Those who sang "you don't know what you're doing" - and those who defend this must be cock a hoop at the way the club has been since he left.


That in a nutshell is why we will never win a thing.


With our fans we don't deserve to.


And some people cling to the myth that because he's a top bloke he couldn't possibly do any wrong.

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Fuck me 4 years down the line people still cling to the myth that the most respected manager we've ever employed had somehow 'lost the plot'.


Those who sang "you don't know what you're doing" - and those who defend this must be cock a hoop at the way the club has been since he left.


That in a nutshell is why we will never win a thing.


With our fans we don't deserve to.


And some people cling to the myth that because he's a top bloke he couldn't possibly do any wrong.


I thought that was only Keegan man? ;)

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Guest Geordiesned

Fuck me 4 years down the line people still cling to the myth that the most respected manager we've ever employed had somehow 'lost the plot'.


Those who sang "you don't know what you're doing" - and those who defend this must be cock a hoop at the way the club has been since he left.


That in a nutshell is why we will never win a thing.


With our fans we don't deserve to.


And some people cling to the myth that because he's a top bloke he couldn't possibly do any wrong.


I thought that was only Keegan man? ;)


Ah sorry, my mistake.  :razz:

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Fuck me 4 years down the line people still cling to the myth that the most respected manager we've ever employed had somehow 'lost the plot'.


Those who sang "you don't know what you're doing" - and those who defend this must be cock a hoop at the way the club has been since he left.


That in a nutshell is why we will never win a thing.


With our fans we don't deserve to.


And some people cling to the myth that because he's a top bloke he couldn't possibly do any wrong.


I thought that was only Keegan man? ;)


Ah sorry, my mistake.  :razz:


A good point though from yourself of which I agree with.

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Whatever you think about Robson's time as our manager, or whether or not he should have a stand (or whatever) named after him, to use the announcement of his illness being terminal as something to score points with, is pretty pathetic if you ask me and in really bad taste. A simple statement saying that they weren't going to support any campaigns, or even better a private reply to those who had contacted them stating their position on the matter, would have more than sufficed. Instead they've taken the opportunity to have a dig in a rather smug and self-satisfied manner, not to mention the healthy dose of self-aggrandisement by implying that so many people are desperate for them to add their celebrity endorsement of their campaign that they can't cope with all the emails and have been forced to issue a public statement on the matter. :rolleyes:

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I doubt Bobby Robson could care less about the name of a stand, he looked rather sheepish when they unveiled that bust of him, it's just not important, statues and naming, it's all sentimental crap



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Guest elbee909

Alan Smith's bigger achievements were at other clubs, yet we're apparently meant to cheer on his shite performances according to nufc.com


Yes, that's exactly what they said.


If you want to boo, go to a fucking pantomime, if you going to leave early maybe just don't turn up at all, nobody will miss you.


Did I say I would EVER boo a Newcastle player?  No.  You're the one who needs to learn to fucking read.  Pardon me for simply pointing out the slight hypocrisy in them proclaiming they have no agenda and then having the temerity to say people should support Smith.  I would never boo a Newcastle player,  it's obviously counter productive but nufc.com have no place telling anyone what to do.  And neither do you.


I'm sure plenty of people would miss you but I'd happily upgrade their sniper rifles for them.

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Whatever you think about Robson's time as our manager, or whether or not he should have a stand (or whatever) named after him, to use the announcement of his illness being terminal as something to score points with, is pretty pathetic if you ask me and in really bad taste. A simple statement saying that they weren't going to support any campaigns, or even better a private reply to those who had contacted them stating their position on the matter, would have more than sufficed. Instead they've taken the opportunity to have a dig in a rather smug and self-satisfied manner, not to mention the healthy dose of self-aggrandisement by implying that so many people are desperate for them to add their celebrity endorsement of their campaign that they can't cope with all the emails and have been forced to issue a public statement on the matter. :rolleyes:


:clap: Precisely

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Alan Smith's bigger achievements were at other clubs, yet we're apparently meant to cheer on his shite performances according to nufc.com


Yes, that's exactly what they said.


If you want to boo, go to a fucking pantomime, if you going to leave early maybe just don't turn up at all, nobody will miss you.


Did I say I would EVER boo a Newcastle player?  No.  You're the one who needs to learn to fucking read.  Pardon me for simply pointing out the slight hypocrisy in them proclaiming they have no agenda and then having the temerity to say people should support Smith.  I would never boo a Newcastle player,  it's obviously counter productive but nufc.com have no place telling anyone what to do.  And neither do you.


I'm sure plenty of people would miss you but I'd happily upgrade their sniper rifles for them.


Except they didn't, they expressed the opinion that booing him was idiotic. My comprehension is fine thanks.


Kill yourself by the way, you know, if we're going to talk macho bullshit let's go the whole hog.

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Guest elbee909

Alan Smith's bigger achievements were at other clubs, yet we're apparently meant to cheer on his shite performances according to nufc.com


Yes, that's exactly what they said.


If you want to boo, go to a fucking pantomime, if you going to leave early maybe just don't turn up at all, nobody will miss you.


Did I say I would EVER boo a Newcastle player?  No.  You're the one who needs to learn to fucking read.  Pardon me for simply pointing out the slight hypocrisy in them proclaiming they have no agenda and then having the temerity to say people should support Smith.  I would never boo a Newcastle player,  it's obviously counter productive but nufc.com have no place telling anyone what to do.  And neither do you.


I'm sure plenty of people would miss you but I'd happily upgrade their sniper rifles for them.


Except they didn't, they expressed the opinion that booing him was idiotic. My comprehension is fine thanks.


Kill yourself by the way, you know, if we're going to talk macho bullshit let's go the whole hog.


Well you assumed I'd boo Smith, which I wouldn't, and never expressed.  They expressed the opinion that he was worthy of positive support.  Which he isn't.  That doesn't = negative, i.e. anti-support.  I just think that there are players out there that are better and trying harder that are far more worthy of our time.  I don't appreciate their no agenda stance when in the next update they clearly have one.  Two ordinary fans, after all.  Yeah, with a big team of sponsors.


I think with your tendency to jump to wrong conclusions about someone you don't know, via missing the actual point I was making - well, there's enough of a bullshit quota filled right there.  You started with the slanging match so you're the one with the problem.

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Whatever you think about Robson's time as our manager, or whether or not he should have a stand (or whatever) named after him, to use the announcement of his illness being terminal as something to score points with, is pretty pathetic if you ask me and in really bad taste. A simple statement saying that they weren't going to support any campaigns, or even better a private reply to those who had contacted them stating their position on the matter, would have more than sufficed. Instead they've taken the opportunity to have a dig in a rather smug and self-satisfied manner, not to mention the healthy dose of self-aggrandisement by implying that so many people are desperate for them to add their celebrity endorsement of their campaign that they can't cope with all the emails and have been forced to issue a public statement on the matter. :rolleyes:


That's just sooooo unlike them.


Top post BTW.

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Whatever you think about Robson's time as our manager, or whether or not he should have a stand (or whatever) named after him, to use the announcement of his illness being terminal as something to score points with, is pretty pathetic if you ask me and in really bad taste. A simple statement saying that they weren't going to support any campaigns, or even better a private reply to those who had contacted them stating their position on the matter, would have more than sufficed. Instead they've taken the opportunity to have a dig in a rather smug and self-satisfied manner, not to mention the healthy dose of self-aggrandisement by implying that so many people are desperate for them to add their celebrity endorsement of their campaign that they can't cope with all the emails and have been forced to issue a public statement on the matter. :rolleyes:


Super post. I've been thinking of how to respond to their piece on SBR for a couple of days because it really fucked me off.


No need now - you've nailed it imo.

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Guest Heneage

f*** me 4 years down the line people still cling to the myth that the most respected manager we've ever employed had somehow 'lost the plot'.


Those who sang "you don't know what you're doing" - and those who defend this must be cock a hoop at the way the club has been since he left.


That in a nutshell is why we will never win a thing.


With our fans we don't deserve to.


And some people cling to the myth that because he's a top bloke he couldn't possibly do any wrong.


Who sacks a gaffer 4 games in?

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Guest neesy111

keegan has done a far greater amount to the club than bobby, and he was at the end his time here whether he got sacked or not


i tend to agree with what nufc.com said, but didn't like the way they went about it

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  • 4 weeks later...

Point of no return?


So, he's not been sacked. But that doesn't rule out the possibility that Kevin Keegan has walked away from Newcastle United of his own accord.


And if he still remains in post, is there any future for him or this just a postponement of the inevitable parting of the ways once again?


It remains to be seen whether the public opinion that manifested itself on Tuesday has played any part in a U-turn by the club's hierarchy.


Alternatively the wording of the statement can be interpreted as the club wanting to keep KK around, but not being able to reach an agreement with him to do so.


In the final analysis, this may come down to cash - in the form of whether severance pay is owed. Or not.


A backlash quickly followed the widespread reports of KK's unconfirmed departure, in the form of texts and emails to media organisations and fans making their way to SJP.


If our inbox is any indication, the trickle of anti-Ashley comments received in recent days has become a torrent.


And unlike Sky etc. and their random fan feedback (some of which is obviously mischief-making by fans of other clubs), many of those emailing us are active supporters.


By that we mean those who have endured recent ticket price rises, relocations and negotiated various other obstacles in their quest to shell out and watch this team.


Their responses can be described as bewildered, seething, embarrassed, bitter and generally "gutted" - not just at the fact KK had apparently gone, but that we'd imploded once again within weeks of the start of another season.   


They all agree on one thing though - that Dennis Wise has never been a friend to Newcastle fans and would enjoy zero support were he to assume control of the team.


PS: SkySports played their joker on Tuesday afternoon by interviewing Freddy Shepherd live on the phone - a timely reminder that we've been through this pantomime before.


The faces (and accents) of the cast may change, but script remains farcical, scarcely believable and unique to this particular theatre of nightmares.


All the knockers, all the doom-mongers and everyone who labels us "unmanageable" will once again have a field day, as we manage to push news of two £30m+ acquisitions by the Manchester clubs off the top of news bulletins.


What an utter mess.


Trying to make sense of this mess is a frankly impossible task, but the departure of Milner, attempts to get rid of Barton on Monday and the ongoing situation where players are sought and signed without input from Keegan all seem to play their part. The Owen factor remains unknown.


As regular readers will known, we're not Kevin Keegan's greatest fans and don't necessarily subscribe to the notion that his way is the only way we will progress.


The question that continues to perplex us is simple:


Why did Ashley appoint Keegan in the first place?


Simply as a Avram Grant-type stop-gap to placate the crowd post-Allardyce and steer the club through to the end of the season in the top flight?


Because he mistakenly believed the presence of KK in the dugout would sell every matchday seat, every corporate table and every club shirt?


We've said before that we just refuse to believe that people bending the owner's lug in the away end at Wigan, Stoke or wherever were urging the club to dump Allardyce and replace him with KK - it just wasn't on the agenda.


Within a fortnight of him arriving, Wise was brought in and the cracks started to appear. That was partly due to a deliberate policy by some journalists to discredit Ashley and his staff by revealing details of their movements etc.


And don't forget the almost gleeful manner in which KK's failure to win his first nine games was reported nationally - from people who were willing the club to fail.


But in addition to that there's an apparent discomfort on the part of KK that his powers and influence were limited - and that Dennis Wise seems to have power of veto on everything other than the actual selection of the first team starting XI and subs.


That includes not only player sales and acquisitions, but contractual matters for existing players and staff.


The recent internal restructuring of the playing side of the club was designed with stability longevity in mind - not being dependent on the identity of the manager.


That being the case, the departure of that manager wouldn't be a major issue ordinarily. When that manager

is KK though, things become radically different - as is becoming apparent.


Had he never been tempted back to SJP, then he'd be as much yesterday's man as Sir Bobby. Unfortunately the whole cult of personality that was re-ignited back in January by KK's return means that any popularity competition at present is no contest.



Sums the day up for me tbh, for all the whinging about adverts and how they're making money from their site, I'd subscribe to it if only for moments like this when you wonder if the world has gone mad and no-one else can see things the way you can.


Thankfully not all toon supporters are like the mongs on SSN, thankfully there are some sensible heads when all around are losing theirs.

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Guest Mucky01

agreed, Keegan was always the messiah for far too many, bringing him back has been great and now Ashley has created a reincarnated messiah that is at loggerheads with their insane business plans, methinks it’ll be a bumpy ride for a long while yet. But we’ve been through this before and have to take stock through the madness – as .com are trying to do.


Sometimes I hate NUFC with great pain and anger, just like now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alan Smith's bigger achievements were at other clubs, yet we're apparently meant to cheer on his s**** performances according to nufc.com


Yes, that's exactly what they said.


If you want to boo, go to a f***ing pantomime, if you going to leave early maybe just don't turn up at all, nobody will miss you.


Did they ever ask us to cheer on Marcelino, Luque, Boumsong, etc. because of their past achievements? Like sh*te did they.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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