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Madman attempts to murder Oba!


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It's a disaster!


Just think what we could've done with the compensation money. We could've bought a decent striker with it.


I'm starting a charity to train African Snipers NOT to miss their target. All donatons to the Oba Must Go charity will be most welcome.


I thank you in advance.

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Steven Seagal wouldn't leave.


As soon as the gunmen squared off, he would have done that silly slapfight thing, broken arms at the elbows, stabbed William Forsythe in the head with a corkscrew and fucked Kelly Lebrock. And none of it would have been implausible.

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Why haven't you still left btw?


Because, when i made that particular comment: "If Roeder is still here, ban me", it was genuinely perceived as sarcasm - IE, similar to a 'joke' or play on words. And/or, it was in the moderators' hands, as apposed to mine, and they have decided against taking this particular action. Hope that answers your question.


Why haven't you fucked yourself, yet?

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Guest maddog2

s*** i'm speechless.


can't believe you all are having a field day with the jokes, especially that f****** birdbrain red robot.

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Guest Gemmill

s*** i'm speechless.


can't believe you all are having a field day with the jokes, especially that f****** birdbrain red robot.


Fuck off. :)

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Guest maddog2

s*** i'm speechless.


can't believe you all are having a field day with the jokes, especially that f****** birdbrain red robot.


f*** off. :)


seriously they are all sick!

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Guest Invicta_Toon

s*** i'm speechless.


can't believe you all are having a field day with the jokes, especially that f****** birdbrain red robot.


f*** off. :)


seriously they are all sick!


not racist though :lol:

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Guest Alan Shearer 9

Looks like Oba's not the only one with a dodgy aim when it comes to shooting. Boom boom! Seriously though, good point about the compensation money, missed out a big opportunity there.

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It's a disaster!


Just think what we could've done with the compensation money. We could've bought a decent striker with it.


I'm starting a charity to train African Snipers NOT to miss their target. All donatons to the Oba Must Go charity will be most welcome.


I thank you in advance.


Wow, you're usually pretty funny when you're being deliberately controversial. Poor show.

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Martins shouldn't be allowed 2 play international football anymore in Nigeria.

We dont want our £10million main man being shot at!!

The club can't stop him.

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Fuckin madness that, happy he's OK.


Had a gun pulled on me and some friends once, some drunk old French guy in a public park in Montpellier. Having a few beers, he kept trying to scab bottles off us, gave him one but eventually told him to get lost. Walked away ten steps, pulled out his gun and looked at it, then looked back at us. Few of us saw it and said to get moving, shitting a brick as we walked very fastly away. Luckily he didn't fire though, I'd imagine the sound of bullets all around you as you hide in a car is terryfying.

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Martins is probably the fastest bloke in Nigeria so i dont think they would have caught him.

But from point blank range......he's a lucky man,and so are we.

It could benefit us tbh.

Might want to settle up here where he knows he's safe.

Hope his mates alright though  :thup:

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