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Henry signs for Barcelona


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Henry brings nothing new to Barcelona, though he is fantastic player.. They could handle without him.


But Barca need Yaya Toure as their new pivote, it was their biggest problem last season because Marquez simply seems past it.


It's like us signing Tevez versus us signing someone like Agger. There is no doubt that Tevez is far better footballer, but we need central defender more.


So I'm not saying Yaya Toure is better player than Henry, because he ain't. I'm just saying they need his type of player badly. But signing Henry is maybe the biggest transfer of this summer in Europe, because he is one of the best players in the World.

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well at least he's not going to beat wor al's preimership record now.  :thup:


who's closest to him now? Michael Owen?


Andy Cole. But he's 35 and is 72 behind Shearer. Owen is next amongst active players - he isn't even halfway to Shearer's 260.


Don't think that record will ever be broken, certainly not for ages. I don't think anyone will be able to keep pace with Shearer's efforts in the first half of his career. Too much chess nowadays, don't think anyone is going to get close to 30 in a season for a good long while. If someone does break it, I dont think it will be a foreign player as I doubt they'll spend enough time in this country to do it. Of current players I think the most likely is Darren Bent...and well, thats not very likely at all is it :idiot2:


Henry does have the record for most premiership goals for one club tho  :razz:

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French striker Thierry Henry has completed his £16.1m move from Arsenal to Spanish club Barcelona.


Looks well pissed off.


Fuming isn't he:





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Got to praise Barca's reaction to losing the league on the last day of the season, go buy Henry for £16m straight away, while releasing statements they are keeping with their manager and will spend to improve.


Madrid win the league for the 1st time in years and are looking to sack their manager! (not the 1st time they've done this either)



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French striker Thierry Henry has completed his £16.1m move from Arsenal to Spanish club Barcelona.


Looks well pissed off.


Fuming isn't he:








I meant at the press conference now you plank. :razz:

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French striker Thierry Henry has completed his £16.1m move from Arsenal to Spanish club Barcelona.


Looks well pissed off.


Fuming isn't he:








I meant at the press conference now you plank. :razz:




Virgin Media :(

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Madrid win the league for the 1st time in years and are looking to sack their manager! (not the 1st time they've done this either)


Yeah, in 2003 Del Bosque only managed to win them the league.  The fact that he didn't win them their 3rd Champions League in his 4 years in charge aswell was a more than adequate reason for sacking him..


Ridiculous club.


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Madrid win the league for the 1st time in years and are looking to sack their manager! (not the 1st time they've done this either)


Yeah, in 2003 Del Bosque only managed to win them the league.  The fact that he didn't win them their 3rd Champions League in his 4 years in charge aswell was a more than adequate reason for sacking him..


Ridiculous club.



Laughable decision, and i wished them to never win owt again, worked for some years, they deserved it imo.


But this isn't the 1st time, in fact this isn't the 1st time they've sacked Cappello after he won them the league (According to SSN's, i don't remember that time tbh)



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Guest Toon83

looks like Henry will be followed by Yaya Toure -


Central midfielder Yaya Touré has arrived in Barcelona on a flight from Paris.


FC Barcelona and AS Monaco are negotiating the possible incorporation of the Ivory Coast international in the Catalan club for next season. If terms are settled, the club will shortly be disclosing the details, as well as the programme for the player’s medical examination and official presentation as an FC Barcelona player.


source: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://www.fcbarcelona.com/&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=2&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dbarcelona%2Bfc%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26hs%3DE2B

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I'd be unhappy with those facial lines though tbf.


Looks happy enough to me :D




You're a genius: the photoshopper equivalent of Henry, tbh.

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