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Are We An Attractive Club To Join?


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Forget about the current takeover, forget about the funds that may be available. Let’s have a look at the Club & its ability to attract players. Let’s assume that the takeover and money are not an issue.


It is not that long ago that we were known as “The Entertainers”, were most peoples’ favourite second club and could compete with the best in the league when getting players for the simple reason that we were a team that good players wanted to join.


Even in recent times we have be able to pull a rabbit out of the hat and have to a large extent been able to compete with the big boys. Yes, it is accepted that we were also prone to paying over the odds and inflated wages and were probably already on the slippery slope back to relative mediocrity.


We struggled last season to get quality players in to improve the squad whilst Souness had only limited success. For sure we only got Owen as the Big 4 didn’t want him & he wanted to return to England.


Whilst the Big 4 are now able to challenge the European giants in transfers we are vying with teams that not so long ago could not compete with us.


Do we therefore need to take a fresh view of our club & accept that we are simply another club, perhaps one with a tainted reputation and that the quality of player we need to improve our squad is also the quality of player that will feel they have better alternatives?


Certainly, the transfer market so far has given us little cause to celebrate and Sam has stated that he has missed out on his top targets and must by now be also missing out on his secondary targets.


Forget about some of the signings that clubs with new money have made, we wouldn’t have been in for some of these anyway, albeit, that perhaps we should have been in for a few of them (perhaps we were?). Can we attract the better players?


The facts are that other clubs are strengthening and catching us up, others, it could be argued have overtaken us (Spurs for sure). We are steadily becoming less attractive as the gap narrows/ widens (delete as appropriate).


We are currently treading water. Remember to assume the takeover/ money is not an issue.


So, where do we stand? I think in the cold light of day we may need to take a reality check. I have been hoping that a significant break through in the transfer market would come and that this would lead to others. I’m beginning to think that we will get players in but it may be a bit of a last minute rush and with players who will not add anything other than a bigger squad.


In that case Sam and MA have a major job on their hands to improve things. For those that think we are still a major attraction; listen to the radio, we are advertising season tickets again. Our supporters are also questioning how attractive we are and we will not be filling the stadium by way of season ticket holders.


This is not a thread bemoaning Sam or MA. I think we may need to consider the club itself.

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Forget about the current takeover, forget about the funds that may be available. Let?s have a look at the Club & its ability to attract players. Let?s assume that the takeover and money are not an issue.


It is not that long ago that we were known as ?The Entertainers?, were most peoples? favourite second club and could compete with the best in the league when getting players for the simple reason that we were a team that good players wanted to join.


Even in recent times we have be able to pull a rabbit out of the hat and have to a large extent been able to compete with the big boys. Yes, it is accepted that we were also prone to paying over the odds and inflated wages and were probably already on the slippery slope back to relative mediocrity.


We struggled last season to get quality players in to improve the squad whilst Souness had only limited success. For sure we only got Owen as the Big 4 didn?t want him & he wanted to return to England.


Whilst the Big 4 are now able to challenge the European giants in transfers we are vying with teams that not so long ago could not compete with us.


Do we therefore need to take a fresh view of our club & accept that we are simply another club, perhaps one with a tainted reputation and that the quality of player we need to improve our squad is also the quality of player that will feel they have better alternatives?


Certainly, the transfer market so far has given us little cause to celebrate and Sam has stated that he has missed out on his top targets and must by now be also missing out on his secondary targets.


Forget about some of the signings that clubs with new money have made, we wouldn?t have been in for some of these anyway, albeit, that perhaps we should have been in for a few of them (perhaps we were?). Can we attract the better players?


The facts are that other clubs are strengthening and catching us up, others, it could be argued have overtaken us (Spurs for sure). We are steadily becoming less attractive as the gap narrows/ widens (delete as appropriate).


We are currently treading water. Remember to assume the takeover/ money is not an issue.


So, where do we stand? I think in the cold light of day we may need to take a reality check. I have been hoping that a significant break through in the transfer market would come and that this would lead to others. I?m beginning to think that we will get players in but it may be a bit of a last minute rush and with players who will not add anything other than a bigger squad.


In that case Sam and MA have a major job on their hands to improve things. For those that think we are still a major attraction; listen to the radio, we are advertising season tickets again. Our supporters are also questioning how attractive we are and we will not be filling the stadium by way of season ticket holders.


This is not a thread bemoaning Sam or MA. I think we may need to consider the club itself.



Outside the top 4 ish...We are the most attractive club to join. Everton and Spurs have wage issues and I have a feeling Spurs have hit their glass ceiling about now and will be ruing missing out on the CL recently. West Ham just aren't attractive apart from being in London and they won't be in contention for anything unless they spend another £30-40m having just avoided relegation.


The club that has come up alongside us is Aston Villa and I see a reneaisance for them over the next 2/3 years till MON takes the England job.


So the ans is outside the top 4 we along with Villa have the least restrictions on getting high value players and this will be bourne out imo over the next couple of weeks.


It's too early to tell with Man City, they have cash to spend and a competent manager, but I think players given the choice would rather come here...mostly.

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Aye, I think we are/can be attractive to footballers.  The problem being, we have been dragged through the shit the last few seasons and became a bit of a joke. 


We can get this all back but it will take time, blood, sweat n tears.  This take over wasn't going to make us instantly succesful.


We will get back up there but it will take time, we may have to sign some lesser players  to help us get back up there in the mean time.



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Guest Skittles

Forget about the current takeover, forget about the funds that may be available. Lets have a look at the Club & its ability to attract players. Lets assume that the takeover and money are not an issue.


It is not that long ago that we were known as The Entertainers, were most peoples favourite second club and could compete with the best in the league when getting players for the simple reason that we were a team that good players wanted to join.


Even in recent times we have be able to pull a rabbit out of the hat and have to a large extent been able to compete with the big boys. Yes, it is accepted that we were also prone to paying over the odds and inflated wages and were probably already on the slippery slope back to relative mediocrity.


We struggled last season to get quality players in to improve the squad whilst Souness had only limited success. For sure we only got Owen as the Big 4 didnt want him & he wanted to return to England.


Whilst the Big 4 are now able to challenge the European giants in transfers we are vying with teams that not so long ago could not compete with us.


Do we therefore need to take a fresh view of our club & accept that we are simply another club, perhaps one with a tainted reputation and that the quality of player we need to improve our squad is also the quality of player that will feel they have better alternatives?


Certainly, the transfer market so far has given us little cause to celebrate and Sam has stated that he has missed out on his top targets and must by now be also missing out on his secondary targets.


Forget about some of the signings that clubs with new money have made, we wouldnt have been in for some of these anyway, albeit, that perhaps we should have been in for a few of them (perhaps we were?). Can we attract the better players?


The facts are that other clubs are strengthening and catching us up, others, it could be argued have overtaken us (Spurs for sure). We are steadily becoming less attractive as the gap narrows/ widens (delete as appropriate).


We are currently treading water. Remember to assume the takeover/ money is not an issue.


So, where do we stand? I think in the cold light of day we may need to take a reality check. I have been hoping that a significant break through in the transfer market would come and that this would lead to others. Im beginning to think that we will get players in but it may be a bit of a last minute rush and with players who will not add anything other than a bigger squad.


In that case Sam and MA have a major job on their hands to improve things. For those that think we are still a major attraction; listen to the radio, we are advertising season tickets again. Our supporters are also questioning how attractive we are and we will not be filling the stadium by way of season ticket holders.


This is not a thread bemoaning Sam or MA. I think we may need to consider the club itself.


i think you hit the nail on the head...



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Excellent, a new thread. Keep them coming.


It's a chicken and egg situation for me, if we can get things moving on the pitch, suddenly these players that are dragging their heels a bit would be happy to join. Everything else is in place, City, Stadium, Support, Lifestyle, Money, all these points are easily filled here. With a good manager which we now have (touch wood) if he can start to move us in the right direction we can really snowball from here.


I know money is a major draw for players but I believe if things aren't right on the pitch it's much harder to attract the right kind of player. Keegan sold the dream a few years back, and made a good squad overperform for a couple of seasons. We then reaped the rewards with players like Ginola, Asprilla, Batty, Sir Les and Shearer jumping on board, hopefully Sam can do the same in his own way.

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Blatently listening to my radio piece last night ;)


Sorry, was listening to the Shipping Forecast - Rain.


What station were you on, what did you say & what conclusion did you reach?


Asking people outside of the toon, they'll always say aye biggish club but no-where near as big as they think. This statement seems to have been bourne out of some jealousy but is getting truer season by season.

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Guest Gemmill

Tsunami, honestly I think the problem is that you haven't quite come to terms yet with just how far we've fallen away from the top 4.  We ARE now a mediocre team with a very nice stadium that is full most weeks.  But that's it. 


We can't attract the very best players (have we ever really though, apart from Shearer?) so we have to settle for the next tier - the ones who really want to be playing for the big 4 but who aren't good enough.  And then we have to hope that Spurs aren't interested because the lure of London is a pretty enticing one.


Our goal now is squad building - that means defenders for the odd few million here or there, and it very probably doesn't mean big name signings.  But that's ok with me.  I want to see us have a squad of good players that we can form into a winning team.  Then we can start decorating it with the odd star as it becomes apparent that we've got a chance of going places.  That's all we can hope for at the minute.  And it's all we should expect.


Once you come to terms with this, I think you'll find life a lot easier. ;)

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Tsunami, honestly I think the problem is that you haven't quite come to terms yet with just how far we've fallen away from the top 4.  We ARE now a mediocre team with a very nice stadium that is full most weeks.  But that's it. 


We can't attract the very best players (have we ever really though, apart from Shearer?) so we have to settle for the next tier - the ones who really want to be playing for the big 4 but who aren't good enough.  And then we have to hope that Spurs aren't interested because the lure of London is a pretty enticing one.


Our goal now is squad building - that means defenders for the odd few million here or there, and it very probably doesn't mean big name signings.  But that's ok with me.  I want to see us have a squad of good players that we can form into a winning team.  Then we can start decorating it with the odd star as it becomes apparent that we've got a chance of going places.  That's all we can hope for at the minute.  And it's all we should expect.


Once you come to terms with this, I think you'll find life a lot easier. ;)



Gosh what a wimp.  :razz:

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Funny thing is I can't think of any player Spurs have signed who I would have said we should have been challenging them for, or who I think would have turned us down flat in order to join them.


Outside of the top four I still think we are right up there alongside any other club in the premiership as far as being an option for players.


However, at the moment I think Sam has been looking at players who have indeed been targets for top four clubs or clubs of that ilk abroad.

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Guest Gemmill

Outside of the top four I still think we are right up there alongside any other club in the premiership as far as being an option for players.


We are, but you're dealing with young lads in their 20s who want to live in the big city, so like it or not, Spurs have an advantage over us.  And to be honest, from a going-places point of view, I'd go to Spurs ahead of NUFC as things stand.  I think they've got the jump on us at the minute.

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Guest Gemmill

Tsunami, honestly I think the problem is that you haven't quite come to terms yet with just how far we've fallen away from the top 4.  We ARE now a mediocre team with a very nice stadium that is full most weeks.  But that's it. 


We can't attract the very best players (have we ever really though, apart from Shearer?) so we have to settle for the next tier - the ones who really want to be playing for the big 4 but who aren't good enough.  And then we have to hope that Spurs aren't interested because the lure of London is a pretty enticing one.


Our goal now is squad building - that means defenders for the odd few million here or there, and it very probably doesn't mean big name signings.  But that's ok with me.  I want to see us have a squad of good players that we can form into a winning team.  Then we can start decorating it with the odd star as it becomes apparent that we've got a chance of going places.  That's all we can hope for at the minute.  And it's all we should expect.


Once you come to terms with this, I think you'll find life a lot easier. ;)



Gosh what a wimp.  :razz:


Just the facts, Parky.  FACT.

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Tsunami, honestly I think the problem is that you haven't quite come to terms yet with just how far we've fallen away from the top 4.  We ARE now a mediocre team with a very nice stadium that is full most weeks.  But that's it. 


We can't attract the very best players (have we ever really though, apart from Shearer?) so we have to settle for the next tier - the ones who really want to be playing for the big 4 but who aren't good enough.  And then we have to hope that Spurs aren't interested because the lure of London is a pretty enticing one.


Our goal now is squad building - that means defenders for the odd few million here or there, and it very probably doesn't mean big name signings.  But that's ok with me.  I want to see us have a squad of good players that we can form into a winning team.  Then we can start decorating it with the odd star as it becomes apparent that we've got a chance of going places.  That's all we can hope for at the minute.  And it's all we should expect.


Once you come to terms with this, I think you'll find life a lot easier. ;)


Thanks Gemmill. Your expectations have been low for a while then? I know the craic; having witnessed the perfomances since SBR left.

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Gemma and Kaka both make fair points. A British lad would be aware of Newcastle, the city and the supporters. A foreigner would in all probability prefer to live and play in London.


It points to two possibilities, one is that he is trying to buy foreigners, two is that the other clubs are offering more money or whatever. And THAT is extremely bad, if true.



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On a football basis, I'd say clubs like Newcastle, Everton, Villa would be far more attractive to players than, say, West Ham.


However, nowadays, especially for foreign players, as NE5 said, West Ham have a massive advantage in being a London club.


Interesting though, now that all clubs can afford to pay stupid wages, factors such as the "I want to play for that man" come into it more. That's where managers like SA, MON and to a lesser extent,  possibly even Moyes come into it.  Alan Curbishley, great achiever with limited resources though he is, well, can you really imagine a player really, really wanting to play for him?


Oh, and Gemill is right, Spurs are far more attractive than any of the clubs mentioned above, at the moment.

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On a football basis, I'd say clubs like Newcastle, Everton, Villa would be far more attractive to players than, say, West Ham.


However, nowadays, especially for foreign players, as NE5 said, West Ham have a massive advantage in being a London club.


Interesting though, now that all clubs can afford to pay stupid wages, factors such as the "I want to play for that man" come into it more. That's where managers like SA, MON and to a lesser extent,  possibly even Moyes come into it.  Alan Curbishley, great achiever with limited resources though he is, well, can you really imagine a player really, really wanting to play for him?


Oh, and Gemill is right, Spurs are far more attractive than any of the clubs mentioned above, at the moment.


This is why am pissed off were not going for Baines and the likes of.


Were not going to bring in any decent foreign talent this season due to the lack of fight and ability from the team last season and not even managing to get us into the Inter toto, so we must bring in hungry, young and talented Brits, Baines & Davies are a perfect combo for this club. If we could persuade Sol the meatball to come along for the ride we'd be laughing.


But nowt seems to be happening for some reason, but still were linked with Deco & Ronaldinho, its a fuking incredible football club, we were made to sell papers, god forbid we'd become a normal winning side.



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Guest jackmisfit

Why wouldn't Newcastle be attractive to any player? At the end of the day, trophies are nice, but money talks.

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Why wouldn't Newcastle be attractive to any player? At the end of the day, trophies are nice, but money talks.


Everybody has got money these days, though, that's the thing.


Except for Everton

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But nowt seems to be happening for some reason, but still were linked with Deco & Ronaldinho, its a fuking incredible football club, we were made to sell papers, god forbid we'd become a normal winning side.


I know this is probably preaching to the converted, but this is what i find incredible. As if there weren't more base things to fix first, and as if the trophy signing thing hadn't been tried before. I'm aware I'm possibly touching a sensitive subject as an outside here, however, so I'll back off, but you know what I mean.


FWIW, I imagine SA is the kind of manager who WOULD put the basics right first as a matter of urgency.



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But nowt seems to be happening for some reason, but still were linked with Deco & Ronaldinho, its a fuking incredible football club, we were made to sell papers, god forbid we'd become a normal winning side.


I know this is probably preaching to the converted, but this is what i find incredible. As if there weren't more base things to fix first, and as if the trophy signing thing hadn't been tried before. I'm aware I'm possibly touching a sensitive subject as an outside here, however, so I'll back off, but you know what I mean.


FWIW, I imagine SA is the kind of manager who WOULD put the basics right first as a matter of urgency.




No, its exactly what am talking about.


SA hopefully can do it, but the cheap options he's looking at at the back just say the same shite again to me, i want quality signings, £5m+ players and 4 of them, then were somewhere near ready for next season.


Its not asking a lot imho.

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