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Guest SwissMagpie

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Guest SwissMagpie

What do u think about the lad? is he good enough for us? Juve whats him for 7 million Euros.I think that he has the potential.he showed it In Geneve and in Swiss national team.and in Arsenal he had one good year.

i think we should try and get him.(and not because he is swiss)

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Guest nufcandy

not sure he's good enough tbh and looks too much like mr ramage .... so logic says he cant be very good :p

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£3m would be good.  Certainly an improvement on what we've had.  I know theres certain people who hate the "its an improvement on Bramble" arguement, but we aren't going to be able to attract really big names until we're in Europe at least, never mind the Champions League.


Should be better than Gooch, Bramble and Moore - 3 from last season, which would suggest he would have walked into our team then.


For £3m,  :thup: from me.

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Exactly what we don't need, a young inexperienced error prone centre back. We've already got  Taylor.


We need a experienced defender who's been there and done it to control the whole defence.

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Exactly what we don't need, a young inexperienced error prone centre back. We've already got  Taylor.


We need a experienced defender who's been there and done it to control the whole defence.

Give a name of someone that fits that bill then.  Someone that we've been linked with, and have a realistic chance of getting.  And don't say Hyypia, because that one's dead.
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£3m yes, but rather we got someone with experience


Don't want him myself but i have to laugh at this lack of experience talk.




FA Cup...Tick

Champions League...Tick

World Cup...Tick

Euro Championships...not sure..probably..you will have to look that one up for yourselves



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Burst into the Arsenal team in fantastic form, looked a top prospect then his form seemed to dip severely and injuries didn't help. A bit overhyped when he first came onto the scene.


Decent defender at the end of the day, he'd be good for competition but not someone I'd build a defence around.


Ultimately I think his injuries would put me off.

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Guest Toon83

A victim of his own hype, overhyped when he came in at Arsenal playing alongside Toure who was the real star.


Makes to many mistakes these days, no better than Titus IMO

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I don't rate him. It baffles me he has been at a top 4 club for this long.


Struggles big time against pace and for a big lad is too easily pushed off the ball/beaten in the air (see him being torn to pieces by Drogba for this at its worst). He has had the odd good game though.


He might blossom in Italy where it's slower paced, less physical and nobody plays like Bolton or Watford

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