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Not that optimistic, but who's better?


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Now I started this window very optimistically, with transfers coming in thick and fast, but the recent lack of activity has somewhat, like most people, put the brakes on my hopes for the coming season somewhat. I look at our team and squad and think it isn't strong enough for a top 6 finish, but who's is?


A lot of teams have spent a lot of money this summer, but outside what looks to be the top three teams I'm just not that impressed by what I see. Arsenal have got some very talented players, but where are the goals going to come from? Cesc and Rosicky didn't get too many last year, I can't see Gilberto scoring as many again and they don't seem to have any wingers. Tottenham have got a good team, but I don't rate their midfield. Lennon is quick and a talent, but Malbranque, Jenas, Tainio, Zokora and Huddlestone don't strike me as a top 4 midfield. Everton have barely improved and don't have the biggest squad, and Reading and Blackburn look to be stood still/maybe even creeping backwards relatively. West Ham have spent a lot but they still have a lot of weaknesses and Man City have a long way to go. Villa could be solid, but haven't really brought anyone of note in, imo. Pompey look like one of the better bets, but I just don't see them doing as well as last season. Bolton will decline as well, I reckon.


It's going to be a weird league this one, in my opinion. I'd be very surprised if the top three aren't Chelsea, Man U and Liverpool, probably followed by Arsenal and Spurs, and from there on it looks much of a muchness. A couple of decent signings and we could easily come at the top of the remaining pile, but as things stand anyone could.


With all this money being spent you might expect an amazing league, but it seems to me a lot of teams are spending a lot of money on making themselves no more than decent.

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Now I started this window very optimistically, with transfers coming in thick and fast, but the recent lack of activity has somewhat, like most people, put the brakes on my hopes for the coming season somewhat. I look at our team and squad and think it isn't strong enough for a top 6 finish, but who's is?


A lot of teams have spent a lot of money this summer, but outside what looks to be the top three teams I'm just not that impressed by what I see. Arsenal have got some very talented players, but where are the goals going to come from? Cesc and Rosicky didn't get too many last year, I can't see Gilberto scoring as many again and they don't seem to have any wingers. Tottenham have got a good team, but I don't rate their midfield. Lennon is quick and a talent, but Malbranque, Jenas, Tainio, Zokora and Huddlestone don't strike me as a top 4 midfield. Everton have barely improved and don't have the biggest squad, and Reading and Blackburn look to be stood still/maybe even creeping backwards relatively. West Ham have spent a lot but they still have a lot of weaknesses and Man City have a long way to go. Villa could be solid, but haven't really brought anyone of note in, imo. Pompey look like one of the better bets, but I just don't see them doing as well as last season. Bolton will decline as well, I reckon.


It's going to be a weird league this one, in my opinion. I'd be very surprised if the top three aren't Chelsea, Man U and Liverpool, probably followed by Arsenal and Spurs, and from there on it looks much of a muchness. A couple of decent signings and we could easily come at the top of the remaining pile, but as things stand anyone could.


With all this money being spent you might expect an amazing league, but it seems to me a lot of teams are spending a lot of money on making themselves no more than decent.


Very much agree with your last sentence. Some really average players are just 'shifting around'.


Hopefully though, by the time the transfer window closes, our position will be MUCH stronger that right now, and we will in the coming season be scrapping with Arsenal/Spurs/Villa, for 4th spot.


The season after, I hope that Ashley/Allardyce will have overseen, managed and financed enough improvement to start (start) a challenge on the current three at the very top. If not then, then the season after.


All a bit vague, but it depends so much on Ashley's intentions - as yet still not clear!

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Portsmouth will be in europe this time next year. I'm absolutely convinced. They'll barely concede a goal all season. I don't think Nugent, Utaka, Kanu, Benjani and co are going to get many goals but I don't think they'll need them. Portsmouth will be the "Best of the rest" IMO.


...cue Sol Campbell breaking his legs and them getting relegated. :uglystupid2:

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Portsmouth will be in europe this time next year. I'm absolutely convinced. They'll barely concede a goal all season. I don't think Nugent, Utaka, Kanu, Benjani and co are going to get many goals but I don't think they'll need them. Portsmouth will be the "Best of the rest" IMO.


...cue Sol Campbell breaking his legs and them getting relegated. :uglystupid2:


cant they take 6 games with Nugent the lone striker though?

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If we can get our defence sorted out with a few new players, I can see us up there with Spuds and whoever.


Our attack can match anyone out side the top three. And if the defence is stronger than in previous seasons, we might just see the odd 1-0 win rather than going 1-0 up then drawing or losing it in the final 15mins.

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Portsmouth will be in europe this time next year. I'm absolutely convinced. They'll barely concede a goal all season. I don't think Nugent, Utaka, Kanu, Benjani and co are going to get many goals but I don't think they'll need them. Portsmouth will be the "Best of the rest" IMO.


...cue Sol Campbell breaking his legs and them getting relegated. :uglystupid2:


I've taken issue on you with this before Spec :lol: I do reckon you're overratting them though. They'll have two good (but one ageing) centre backs, a good shot stopper but not much by the way of full backs. They're also shit away from home and I don't think their centre mid is up to much, not to mention the lack of goals. Can't see them finishing any higher than last year tbh - they may have a better team now but they were performing well above themselves for long periods last season.


EDIT: Just to add to that though, your assertion that it won't matter that their strikeforce is a bit wank on paper doesn't matter and they'll still make Europe somewhat backs up my opinion that a lot of clubs have spent money without really getting anywhere.

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Fullbacks...Hreidarsson (wank) and Lauren(Past it?)...meh. Their midfield is alright tho - Taylor - Muntari - Mendes - O'Neill? 3 out of 4 are good players. And who knows, they might sign a better striker like Yakubu or Defoe. Remember seeing an interview with Harry not so long ago about how he had left the #9 shirt open...could happen. I'm convinced they're doing well anyway. Honestly don't think you need to be that good to qualify for Europe. Just solid and consistent. Everton got to 4th a few years back with absoultely nowt up front...Marcus Bent on his own FFS, similar story for Pompey this time I think. Not 4th, 7th maybe. I can feel it in me bones!  blueyes.gif


re; a lot of clubs spending money and going nowhere. I think that outside of the clubs who were already good, there's only one club who has done owt. I don't think there are many people gutted at missing out on Chopra, Koumas, Kamara or Ljungberg. We on the other hand, are going to do much better ( :coolsmiley:). Tho I bet there are fans on other parts of the interweb saying "Who the fuck is Gelson? I'd rather have Etuhu." or "Who the fuck is Etuhu? I'd rather have Muntari?" or "Who the fuck is Muntari? I'd rather have Parker"...etc. The old blue tinted glasses are out in force...typical pre-season optimism and that.

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Hopefully though, by the time the transfer window closes, our position will be MUCH stronger that right now, and we will in the coming season be scrapping with Arsenal/Spurs/Villa, for 4th spot.


I'm starting to doubt this. If you lot think you are getting twitchy over the lack of signings, you want to see what some of our boards are like.


We need 4 or 5 quality signings, pref by Aug 11th, or we will go backwards next season.

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Thing is, no real clubs apart from Spurs are getting that much stronger. For examle Fulam have spent 20 mill, aye, but they're just Joe Average players. Alot of money gets spent every close season and it's always the same teams bar the odd surprise in the top 6, the same teams fighting for 7th-14th and then the bottom 6, who knows.

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Thing is, no real clubs apart from Spurs are getting that much stronger. For examle Fulam have spent 20 mill, aye, but they're just Joe Average players. Alot of money gets spent every close season and it's always the same teams bar the odd surprise in the top 6, the same teams fighting for 7th-14th and then the bottom 6, who knows.


...and in this situation, where a lot of teams are on the same level, a lot is going to come down to the manager (and, to an extent, injuries). It's time to step up, BSA.

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Guest khyberpass

As we stand we're in the shit!!!


Bugger talking about top 6....


we've got a defence that will concede too many; a midfield not creating or scoring enough; and a strike force prone to injury.....


we need as a minimum:


1 x LB (Baines £6M)

1 x CB (Hyppia £3M)


1 x top quality CM (Deco/Appiah - £10M?)

1 x top quality LM (Pedersen<blackburn> - £6M)


1 x healthy striker (Crouch - £15M)


in perfect world, would also have additional RB, CB, DM!



The team we have now will struggle to be in top 10, let alone top 6...

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