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Idiots booing Dyer

Guest Knightrider

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Guest Kenton Magpie

How does NUFC get their money to pay these wages???



So then you pay the wages of whoever works at your regular supermarket.


Listen mate, if you and others alike want to be soopa fans all your life then be my guest, but i pay hard earned money to watch Nufc along with many others and if you are telling me that some of the money the fans hand over if not all doesnt contribute towards player wages then you are kidding yourself, if fans wish to boo a player it is up to them, it is a free country and since when did paying the wages of workers at my local supermarket have anything to do with it!? I'd wage a decent bet that the structure and the workings of a supermarket is far different to that of a Premier League football club



Small point, don't call me mate.


Ok i'll repost my original comment in a manner to suit your needs, please feel free to mention anything else to your distaste and i'm sure i'll be able to correct that in time.


Listen, if you and others alike want to be soopa fans all your life then be my guest, but i pay hard earned money to watch Nufc along with many others and if you are telling me that some of the money the fans hand over if not all doesnt contribute towards player wages then you are kidding yourself, if fans wish to boo a player it is up to them, it is a free country and since when did paying the wages of workers at my local supermarket have anything to do with it!? I'd wage a decent bet that the structure and the workings of a supermarket is far different to that of a Premier League football club



Cheers, though I don't really think I deserve the 'supafan' label either, I've been less than impressed with many players and whole games in my time, you also speak as if you're the only person to pay 'hard earned wages', money you willingly pay, as do many of us, of course it goes towards the running of the club, a huge chunk of which is wages for players, so in that sense you're right. I don't however think booing our players is productive, ever, unless by productive I mean making players less motivated, and also making any potential signings think we're a bunch of twats.


I never said I was the only one to pay hard earned wages, what i said was 'I pay hard earned money to watch Nufc along with many others' so lets clear that one up straight away and you can say but I give the money over willingly, well last season was the last season I did that and let me tell you it was a hard decsion to make after 10 years being a season ticket holder ( note that isnt an attempt by me to be a soopa fan) but i had finally had enough of being fed shit from inside the club about how we will fair in the comming season. And on the point of Dyer being booed, what has he done in his 8 years here that makes you feel any booing is harsh?

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Like i said Pie, you are one dimensional and an absolute fuking idiot to go with it.


Pathetic supporter of the club, exactly whats been wrong with it for the last 10 years, hope you are proud.


Dyer has a few flashy moments, morons like Pie think he's a god.


Glad you are a dying breed.

Where did I say he was a God? Or did you make that up? Alex also pointed out that Dyers willingness wasnt at fault - I assume he is pathetic too?

Fans' like yourself who condone the booing of a player in our colours are clearly not the brightest. And to accept it is to condone it before you start rattling on about 'I didnt...'. That you arent the brightest is evident in most of the tripe you tend to spout. If we are at loggerheads in our opinions then that is fine by me. If you are unable to debate in a civil manner then that in itself is sad. There are many intelligent Newcastle fans who have followed the club for over 30 years and get irritated by bairns who don't know their arse from their elbow. So I would hardly call us a dying breed. Sadly some of the new generation with the wit of pondlife seem all too happy to suggest their idea is everyone elses. It isn't. For that we can be happy.

Nb: A few flashy moments involved being integral to 3 top 5 finishes. Prior to that he was also one of the few who could make things happen. He needs a change of scene. Our revival in the last season coincided with his return. That is fact. However, if he is here next season then he will get my support simply because of the shirt he is wearing. Whether I like him or not. Once he is gone it will be a different story. Ask your mam why its best not to s*** on your own doorstep. Maybe she can explain it to you in your own language.


Dyer had fuk all to do with our good positions. He did his best to corrupt young talent and to give us a 'bling bling' tag because of the way he saw what being a footballer is all about.


A couple of flashy moments is enough to impress morons like yourself, more seasoned fans will see Dyer was nothing but trouble for our club and cost a great manager the sack.


Another pathetic fan that cant see past someone who runs very fast, a simpleton, thats all you are, a dying breed. Toon fans have grown up leaving s*** stains like you behind, thank god that the rubbish is being taking out.




"Pie" continues to show all the symptoms of a rabid toontastic loonie, clever lad types who think everyone who disagrees with them is "thick" ie feels a constant need to tell everyone how clever he is. Thats 3 or 4 people he thinks are "thick" in this thread alone.


Winchester mag for starters is one of the most dedicated NUFC fans going.


And Kieron Dyer has been the biggest underachiever at this club in the last decade. If you want an example of a player who gave everything, look no further than the bloke Souness peddled when he should have peddled Dyer.


Pie is probably a fuckin dustman.


He's clearly got a chip on his grubby shoulder, from where he lifts his bins.

If the cap fits......


you can doff it to me




clearly rattled by now, he's stopped replying






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How does NUFC get their money to pay these wages???



So then you pay the wages of whoever works at your regular supermarket.


Listen mate, if you and others alike want to be soopa fans all your life then be my guest, but i pay hard earned money to watch Nufc along with many others and if you are telling me that some of the money the fans hand over if not all doesnt contribute towards player wages then you are kidding yourself, if fans wish to boo a player it is up to them, it is a free country and since when did paying the wages of workers at my local supermarket have anything to do with it!? I'd wage a decent bet that the structure and the workings of a supermarket is far different to that of a Premier League football club



Small point, don't call me mate.


Ok i'll repost my original comment in a manner to suit your needs, please feel free to mention anything else to your distaste and i'm sure i'll be able to correct that in time.


Listen, if you and others alike want to be soopa fans all your life then be my guest, but i pay hard earned money to watch Nufc along with many others and if you are telling me that some of the money the fans hand over if not all doesnt contribute towards player wages then you are kidding yourself, if fans wish to boo a player it is up to them, it is a free country and since when did paying the wages of workers at my local supermarket have anything to do with it!? I'd wage a decent bet that the structure and the workings of a supermarket is far different to that of a Premier League football club

I'll repost my point too. Any fucker who boos a player in our colours is a complete bellend. Free country or not and irrespective of wage structure.


Do you practice being a moron? Or were you a born natural?

If you condone booing players at our club then you don't deserve a pulse never mind a ticket to the game. I'll happily boo Craig Bellamy though. Parasitic little prick got what was coming to him. I may even boo Dyer when he leaves. For those in our colours it will never happen. Simply because it serves no purpose. Other than in the mind of the average numbnut. There appear to be a plethora (that word ok, Leazes?) of them about. Sadly.
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Like i said Pie, you are one dimensional and an absolute fuking idiot to go with it.


Pathetic supporter of the club, exactly whats been wrong with it for the last 10 years, hope you are proud.


Dyer has a few flashy moments, morons like Pie think he's a god.


Glad you are a dying breed.

Where did I say he was a God? Or did you make that up? Alex also pointed out that Dyers willingness wasnt at fault - I assume he is pathetic too?

Fans' like yourself who condone the booing of a player in our colours are clearly not the brightest. And to accept it is to condone it before you start rattling on about 'I didnt...'. That you arent the brightest is evident in most of the tripe you tend to spout. If we are at loggerheads in our opinions then that is fine by me. If you are unable to debate in a civil manner then that in itself is sad. There are many intelligent Newcastle fans who have followed the club for over 30 years and get irritated by bairns who don't know their arse from their elbow. So I would hardly call us a dying breed. Sadly some of the new generation with the wit of pondlife seem all too happy to suggest their idea is everyone elses. It isn't. For that we can be happy.

Nb: A few flashy moments involved being integral to 3 top 5 finishes. Prior to that he was also one of the few who could make things happen. He needs a change of scene. Our revival in the last season coincided with his return. That is fact. However, if he is here next season then he will get my support simply because of the shirt he is wearing. Whether I like him or not. Once he is gone it will be a different story. Ask your mam why its best not to s*** on your own doorstep. Maybe she can explain it to you in your own language.


Dyer had fuk all to do with our good positions. He did his best to corrupt young talent and to give us a 'bling bling' tag because of the way he saw what being a footballer is all about.


A couple of flashy moments is enough to impress morons like yourself, more seasoned fans will see Dyer was nothing but trouble for our club and cost a great manager the sack.


Another pathetic fan that cant see past someone who runs very fast, a simpleton, thats all you are, a dying breed. Toon fans have grown up leaving s*** stains like you behind, thank god that the rubbish is being taking out.




"Pie" continues to show all the symptoms of a rabid toontastic loonie, clever lad types who think everyone who disagrees with them is "thick" ie feels a constant need to tell everyone how clever he is. Thats 3 or 4 people he thinks are "thick" in this thread alone.


Winchester mag for starters is one of the most dedicated NUFC fans going.


And Kieron Dyer has been the biggest underachiever at this club in the last decade. If you want an example of a player who gave everything, look no further than the bloke Souness peddled when he should have peddled Dyer.


Pie is probably a fuckin dustman.


He's clearly got a chip on his grubby shoulder, from where he lifts his bins.

If the cap fits......


you can doff it to me




clearly rattled by now, he's stopped replying






I am sure you like Gentlemen to doff all kinds to you but you can leave that between yourself and men in public lavatories Leazes. Cheers for the offer though.  :razz:
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It's not about whether it's harsh or not, vast majority of players I have no affection for, they're paid handsomely to do things the rest of us aren't very good at but wish we were. I've often said some terrible things about many of them at matches, but really, what was the sense in booing someone who was actually having a decent game for us every time he touched the ball? Spurred as far as I could tell by some stories in the rags about him leaving. So what, he's leaving or not, if he ends up at some club and we play them.....I wouldn't boo him then either, I wasn't well up for the Jenas abuse last season.....OK, I joined in with 3-1 to the goldfish bowl, but only because it was quite funny.

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It's not about whether it's harsh or not, vast majority of players I have no affection for, they're paid handsomely to do things the rest of us aren't very good at but wish we were. I've often said some terrible things about many of them at matches, but really, what was the sense in booing someone who was actually having a decent game for us every time he touched the ball? Spurred as far as I could tell by some stories in the rags about him leaving. So what, he's leaving or not, if he ends up at some club and we play them.....I wouldn't boo him then either, I wasn't well up for the Jenas abuse last season.....OK, I joined in with 3-1 to the goldfish bowl, but only because it was quite funny.

Sums it up well. One or two who leave deserve abuse. Bellamy certainly comes into that category simply for trying to run the fucking club. He is popular with people with a similar IQ to him though. He got constant abuse simply because of what he had done. Similar to Ginola really although Ginola didnt piss about anything like Bellamy. Dyer will get it, Jenas will but maybe not with the same level of vitriol. Conversely others like David Kelly and Les Ferdinand deserve what they get.

I can rarely be arsed. Didnt boo Waddle, Gazza or Ginola simply because I cant be arsed and they were good enough to ram it down our throat. No need to spur them on (no pun intended).

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Worst thing Jenas did was the goldfish bowl comment, which I have to say is quite true. Still funny his reaction on missing an open goal though, he wanted the ground to swallow him up.

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Worst thing Jenas did was the goldfish bowl comment, which I have to say is quite true. Still funny his reaction on missing an open goal though, he wanted the ground to swallow him up.

True. Never understand the disdain for him. Never did much wrong really up here and we made a profit. Some fuck the club over and people get dewy eyed over them.

Was amusing seeing him do that but he's a non entity. Not someone I could get wound up about.

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Like i said Pie, you are one dimensional and an absolute fuking idiot to go with it.


Pathetic supporter of the club, exactly whats been wrong with it for the last 10 years, hope you are proud.


Dyer has a few flashy moments, morons like Pie think he's a god.


Glad you are a dying breed.

Where did I say he was a God? Or did you make that up? Alex also pointed out that Dyers willingness wasnt at fault - I assume he is pathetic too?

Fans' like yourself who condone the booing of a player in our colours are clearly not the brightest. And to accept it is to condone it before you start rattling on about 'I didnt...'. That you arent the brightest is evident in most of the tripe you tend to spout. If we are at loggerheads in our opinions then that is fine by me. If you are unable to debate in a civil manner then that in itself is sad. There are many intelligent Newcastle fans who have followed the club for over 30 years and get irritated by bairns who don't know their arse from their elbow. So I would hardly call us a dying breed. Sadly some of the new generation with the wit of pondlife seem all too happy to suggest their idea is everyone elses. It isn't. For that we can be happy.

Nb: A few flashy moments involved being integral to 3 top 5 finishes. Prior to that he was also one of the few who could make things happen. He needs a change of scene. Our revival in the last season coincided with his return. That is fact. However, if he is here next season then he will get my support simply because of the shirt he is wearing. Whether I like him or not. Once he is gone it will be a different story. Ask your mam why its best not to s*** on your own doorstep. Maybe she can explain it to you in your own language.


Dyer had fuk all to do with our good positions. He did his best to corrupt young talent and to give us a 'bling bling' tag because of the way he saw what being a footballer is all about.


A couple of flashy moments is enough to impress morons like yourself, more seasoned fans will see Dyer was nothing but trouble for our club and cost a great manager the sack.


Another pathetic fan that cant see past someone who runs very fast, a simpleton, thats all you are, a dying breed. Toon fans have grown up leaving s*** stains like you behind, thank god that the rubbish is being taking out.




"Pie" continues to show all the symptoms of a rabid toontastic loonie, clever lad types who think everyone who disagrees with them is "thick" ie feels a constant need to tell everyone how clever he is. Thats 3 or 4 people he thinks are "thick" in this thread alone.


Winchester mag for starters is one of the most dedicated NUFC fans going.


And Kieron Dyer has been the biggest underachiever at this club in the last decade. If you want an example of a player who gave everything, look no further than the bloke Souness peddled when he should have peddled Dyer.


Pie is probably a fuckin dustman.


He's clearly got a chip on his grubby shoulder, from where he lifts his bins.

If the cap fits......


you can doff it to me


clearly rattled by now, he's stopped replying


I am sure you like Gentlemen to doff all kinds to you but you can leave that between yourself and men in public lavatories Leazes. Cheers for the offer though.  :razz:


I'm not sure what people do in public lavatories apart from have a piss or a crap, perhaps you can enlighten us



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How does NUFC get their money to pay these wages???



So then you pay the wages of whoever works at your regular supermarket.


Listen mate, if you and others alike want to be soopa fans all your life then be my guest, but i pay hard earned money to watch Nufc along with many others and if you are telling me that some of the money the fans hand over if not all doesnt contribute towards player wages then you are kidding yourself, if fans wish to boo a player it is up to them, it is a free country and since when did paying the wages of workers at my local supermarket have anything to do with it!? I'd wage a decent bet that the structure and the workings of a supermarket is far different to that of a Premier League football club



Small point, don't call me mate.


Ok i'll repost my original comment in a manner to suit your needs, please feel free to mention anything else to your distaste and i'm sure i'll be able to correct that in time.


Listen, if you and others alike want to be soopa fans all your life then be my guest, but i pay hard earned money to watch Nufc along with many others and if you are telling me that some of the money the fans hand over if not all doesnt contribute towards player wages then you are kidding yourself, if fans wish to boo a player it is up to them, it is a free country and since when did paying the wages of workers at my local supermarket have anything to do with it!? I'd wage a decent bet that the structure and the workings of a supermarket is far different to that of a Premier League football club

I'll repost my point too. Any fucker who boos a player in our colours is a complete bellend. Free country or not and irrespective of wage structure.


Do you practice being a moron? Or were you a born natural?

If you condone booing players at our club then you don't deserve a pulse never mind a ticket to the game. I'll happily boo Craig Bellamy though. Parasitic little prick got what was coming to him. I may even boo Dyer when he leaves. For those in our colours it will never happen. Simply because it serves no purpose. Other than in the mind of the average numbnut. There appear to be a plethora (that word ok, Leazes?) of them about. Sadly.


Bored are we ? Has the missus - if you have one - been nagging you or something today  mackems.gif Or is it that time of the month for you  mackems.gif


Fantastically funny that you say you support Kieron Dyer because he "gave everything on the pitch", yet are oblivious to the fact that in comparison to how Craig Bellamy played for the club and the desire he showed on the pitch, he can't tie his shoelaces.


But we already know you haven't really supported the club like you say you have.



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Toon Ultras showing their true colours....


"As Dyer left the stadium, a group of youngsters converged on his car, beat their hands on the windows and told him to “f*** off down to London”. While the incident involved a small vocal presence, it left the 28-year-old shaken; along with the player himself, many fans have accepted that his long, fraught spell on Tyneside has drawn to a natural conclusion."

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Toon Ultras showing their true colours....


"As Dyer left the stadium, a group of youngsters converged on his car, beat their hands on the windows and told him to “f*** off down to London”. While the incident involved a small vocal presence, it left the 28-year-old shaken; along with the player himself, many fans have accepted that his long, fraught spell on Tyneside has drawn to a natural conclusion."


Toonultras would be banging on his window asking for one of his shoes - to be held aloft as tribute to their King. Oh "and have you got any Shearer shirts going spare, he's our hero you know KIERON"

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Booing visibly reduces the confidence of all the players on our side and increases the confidence of the opposition. Teams actively employ tactics to 'quieten the crowd' or 'get the crowd on the home team's back' as they know the role of the crowd in a big game, if not every game.


If you want to argue that booing doesnt have a negative impact, then you'll need a strong argument for why cheering doesnt have a positive impact.



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How does NUFC get their money to pay these wages???



So then you pay the wages of whoever works at your regular supermarket.


Listen mate, if you and others alike want to be soopa fans all your life then be my guest, but i pay hard earned money to watch Nufc along with many others and if you are telling me that some of the money the fans hand over if not all doesnt contribute towards player wages then you are kidding yourself, if fans wish to boo a player it is up to them, it is a free country and since when did paying the wages of workers at my local supermarket have anything to do with it!? I'd wage a decent bet that the structure and the workings of a supermarket is far different to that of a Premier League football club



Small point, don't call me mate.


Ok i'll repost my original comment in a manner to suit your needs, please feel free to mention anything else to your distaste and i'm sure i'll be able to correct that in time.


Listen, if you and others alike want to be soopa fans all your life then be my guest, but i pay hard earned money to watch Nufc along with many others and if you are telling me that some of the money the fans hand over if not all doesnt contribute towards player wages then you are kidding yourself, if fans wish to boo a player it is up to them, it is a free country and since when did paying the wages of workers at my local supermarket have anything to do with it!? I'd wage a decent bet that the structure and the workings of a supermarket is far different to that of a Premier League football club

I'll repost my point too. Any fucker who boos a player in our colours is a complete bellend. Free country or not and irrespective of wage structure.


Do you practice being a moron? Or were you a born natural?

If you condone booing players at our club then you don't deserve a pulse never mind a ticket to the game. I'll happily boo Craig Bellamy though. Parasitic little prick got what was coming to him. I may even boo Dyer when he leaves. For those in our colours it will never happen. Simply because it serves no purpose. Other than in the mind of the average numbnut. There appear to be a plethora (that word ok, Leazes?) of them about. Sadly.


Bored are we ? Has the missus - if you have one - been nagging you or something today  mackems.gif Or is it that time of the month for you  mackems.gif


Fantastically funny that you say you support Kieron Dyer because he "gave everything on the pitch", yet are oblivious to the fact that in comparison to how Craig Bellamy played for the club and the desire he showed on the pitch, he can't tie his shoelaces.


But we already know you haven't really supported the club like you say you have.



Reeled you in with the CB comment Leazes. Piece of piss tbh. It'll be amusing to see you factually base this 'we already know...' comment on some evidence. Although fact and you are like chalk and cheese arent they? For instance we all know Souness was a 'top boss' in your esteemed opinion. Much as you may try to wriggle out of it like a 2 year old. As Chez says above though, booing can't be good for the club but maybe thats not what its about in your world. It is in mine. I also find your comments about wishing AIDs on someone a bit distasteful, maybe you and your friends in the gentlemens bogs could help him out on that score though. Sleep well  :razz:
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Guest Cheetzy

Toon Ultras showing their true colours....


"As Dyer left the stadium, a group of youngsters converged on his car, beat their hands on the windows and told him to “f*** off down to London”. While the incident involved a small vocal presence, it left the 28-year-old shaken; along with the player himself, many fans have accepted that his long, fraught spell on Tyneside has drawn to a natural conclusion."


Yes , Your Bitter NSG at the leaflet you created and frankly you should be ashamed of yourself. If you bothered too read on the forum's instead of blaming the Toon Ultra's that those who are associated with this were disgusted at the behaviour of the local riff raff at the game and have already distanced themselves from anything associated with the riff-raff. It's easy for you too come on a forum and point fingers at people but just because the Toon Ultra's were easy too pick out in that end it doesn;t mean all were associated with it so grow up mate ehh!!

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Toon Ultras showing their true colours....


"As Dyer left the stadium, a group of youngsters converged on his car, beat their hands on the windows and told him to “f*** off down to London”. While the incident involved a small vocal presence, it left the 28-year-old shaken; along with the player himself, many fans have accepted that his long, fraught spell on Tyneside has drawn to a natural conclusion."


Yes , Your Bitter NSG at the leaflet you created and frankly you should be ashamed of yourself. If you bothered too read on the forum's instead of blaming the Toon Ultra's that those who are associated with this were disgusted at the behaviour of the local riff raff at the game and have already distanced themselves from anything associated with the riff-raff. It's easy for you too come on a forum and point fingers at people but just because the Toon Ultra's were easy too pick out in that end it doesn;t mean all were associated with it so grow up mate ehh!!


Buy a dictionary.

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Booing visibly reduces the confidence of all the players on our side and increases the confidence of the opposition. Teams actively employ tactics to 'quieten the crowd' or 'get the crowd on the home team's back' as they know the role of the crowd in a big game, if not every game.


If you want to argue that booing doesnt have a negative impact, then you'll need a strong argument for why cheering doesnt have a positive impact.




Don't expect an answer to this, as reason and logic are beyond the thicko/pack/charva mentality.



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Booing visibly reduces the confidence of all the players on our side and increases the confidence of the opposition. Teams actively employ tactics to 'quieten the crowd' or 'get the crowd on the home team's back' as they know the role of the crowd in a big game, if not every game.


If you want to argue that booing doesnt have a negative impact, then you'll need a strong argument for why cheering doesnt have a positive impact.




Don't expect an answer to this, as reason and logic are beyond the thicko/pack/charva mentality.



Spot on. Its not going to do anything for the knuckle-dragging fraternity.
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Guest Geordienproud

Toon Ultras showing their true colours....


"As Dyer left the stadium, a group of youngsters converged on his car, beat their hands on the windows and told him to “f*** off down to London”. While the incident involved a small vocal presence, it left the 28-year-old shaken; along with the player himself, many fans have accepted that his long, fraught spell on Tyneside has drawn to a natural conclusion."


Yes , Your Bitter NSG at the leaflet you created and frankly you should be ashamed of yourself. If you bothered too read on the forum's instead of blaming the Toon Ultra's that those who are associated with this were disgusted at the behaviour of the local riff raff at the game and have already distanced themselves from anything associated with the riff-raff. It's easy for you too come on a forum and point fingers at people but just because the Toon Ultra's were easy too pick out in that end it doesn;t mean all were associated with it so grow up mate ehh!!


Buy a dictionary.


your a typical NO cunt, slag off anything new to do with Newcastle, even if like the toon ultras they are trying to improve things around the club, your jsut in a foul mood because someone else made your poster better without your permission, grow up eh

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