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The media can f*ck off and so can the doom mongers

Guest Knightrider

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Guest Knightrider

It seems there is a circle of opinion growing that the club's apparent media blackout isn't helping things, well I say about bloody time we gave them fuck all. Even when they'd had info they've stirred the shit, giving them some now won't change how they operate, if anything it will make things worse. Why should we pander to them and denounce every bit of rumour, gossip or bull shit they spout. Others don't. I get the impression some fans actually enjoy all of this and want the club to play ball and feel the club somehow has to keep us all informed. No they don't. They just have to make sure that club we all support is going in the right direction and we are heading in the right direction, contrary to mass hysteria.


1 new manager with new ideas - tick


1 new owner/boardroom who has already invested mega money into the club - tick


80m plus of debt in the process of being wiped out - tick


4 quality new signings with the promise of more to come - tick


A group of players already at the club who have the makings of a decent squad - tick


A canny bunch of youngsters at the club - tick


New off the pitch changes in diet, fitness, sports medicine, scouting and just about everything else that has been lamented in recent years - tick


Freddy Shepherd history - tick


The Halls history - tick


Most of the dead wood out - tick


Owen staying - tick


Martins staying - tick


Fuck me, Luque looking like all is not lost - tick


N'Zogbia looking confident - tick


Bramble history - tick


The team looking fit and ready ahead of the new season - tick


Pre-season results going well - tick


In short we have a lot going for us and a whole lot more positive things to come.


Our only real problems at the moment is of a footballing one, in particular new signings.


Be fucking happy because this time last year we had hundreds of problems and it isn't as if our problems in the transfer market are unique to us, half the fucking country is having the same problems.


The turnaround in the 2 and a bit months Big Sam has been here has been a huge gigantic leap forward for our club, while the 2 weeks Ashley and Mort have been in full control (YES IT IS 2 WEEKS!) can't be judged because that would be plain idiotic.


You can't wipe the debt, deal with the media and police, put on 3 home games and buy a new defence in 2 fucking weeks, while also carrying out a much needed review of the entire club from top to bottom, not the board and not Big Sam.


If we go into this season a left-back and a centre-back short, I'll still class that as a huge leap forward. Let me remind you this time last year we hadn't even bought Martins, Ameobi was badly in need of an op, Owen was starting out on a year long road to recovery and Glenn fucking Roeder and Freddy Shepherd were telling us about their amazing plans for the club. We had also sent Milner away to Villa to sell him, only to bring him back at the 11th hour which if that doesn't highlight to you how far we've come, nothing will.


Cut Mort and co some slack, and the new manager.


If you or anyone else expected everything to be hunky dory for the big kick-off, who have you been following the last few fucking years exactly? This is Newcastle United man :lol:


By all means be concerned and discuss things, but jesus man, some of the crap being spouted and the hysteria is just daft, and it isn't even confined to message boards, what's this about Dyer's house being egged? Howay people, rise above it man.


Every single manager we've had have talked in depth about the difficulty of managing this club and most of them point the finger towards the media and the way fans can overreact or be hyper critical. Even KK, a journalist's wet dream who was a fans man, says these things.


Well fuck them and fuck you


Rant over.

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Come on let's ave it!!  :razz:


Let's be 'avin you.


To be honest, if right now we'd got Distin and Ben Haim, 90% of this forum would be declaring it the best close season in history.


Time to panic? Have a word.

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Guest Knightrider

It's all good Parky, everything that isn't 100% spot on is natural when new people get together to work together, when so many changes take place in such a short space of time. We have to get out of this "now now now" phase and think about what things will be like once Sam and Mort have been working together for a few years, when our team comes together. You can't run until you can walk, some are expecting us to do a fucking marathon.

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I'd still rather we'd have bought a fucking top striker to play alongside Owens/The Nigerian Walter Mitty.


But, in fairness, it coudl have been worse. Fat Convict is a decent enough striker for a season or so, and if we'd turned to fucking Ameobi, it'd be proper time to panic. Hopefully, by next season, Carroll will be pushing on, and showing what a waste of skin Shola "this season i'll break into the national team" Ameobi is.


Other than that, the ones moaning about not enough signings will only be proven (partly) right if we end up

(a) signing the likes of Smith up front ahead of defenders, or

(b) going into the new season with no new left back.


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Some good points, but your overall abusive opinion is over the top, especially the thread title (doom mongers?) and the first sentence. It's very simple; we've been taken over yet there's almost been complete radio silence from the new owner and the chairman, which can never be a good thing, especially as the manager you so support is expressing his worries publically..

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I like to be as optimistic as the next guy, but an injury to Taylor or Rozenhal quickly makes it all look a bit bleak - despite all the other ticks a decent defence is still missing.


We can most likely tick it next week or 10 days though. :)

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Spot on there.


I don't know what people want the board to come out and say, if we get 4 more players in which i expect we will then everybody will have done their job this summer and there should be nothing to complain about. There's no need for the board to say anything.



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It's all good Parky, everything that isn't 100% spot on is natural when new people get together to work together, when so many changes take place in such a short space of time. We have to get out of this "now now now" phase and think about what things will be like once Sam and Mort have been working together for a few years, when our team comes together. You can't run until you can walk, some are expecting us to do a fucking marathon.


Mort is a decent fella and he will be the first to hold his hand up and say he has let Sam down a bit. But it is clear he is a fast learner and a top pro in his own field which will help sort us out behind the scenes. I agree it will take time to gel and as you said last week Sam is a bit of a whiner. :razz:


We have a billionaire owner and imo the 3rd strongest manager in the league with plenty of fight in him.


Come on! :razz:

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Spot on there.


I don't know what people want the board to come out and say, if we get 4 more players in which i expect we will then everybody will have done their job this summer and there should be nothing to complain about. There's no need for the board to say anything.




No need for the board to explain what their plans are with the club..? I've said it before, there's millions of things that would be of interest to hear from the new owners of the club we all support:


- What are his aims?

- Is he here for the long haul?

- What are his plans with SJP?

- What kind of owner/chairman does he envision being?

- Will he attend the games?

- Does he think a Director of Football is the way forward in football?

- Will he invest in talent or does he want finished articles?

- Does he want to invest in our youth academy and what will he expect to get out of it?

- Does he want to be in the expanded G14?

- What are his plans with regards to future tv coverage of toon matches?

- Does he want a primarily English/British squad or does he not really care?

- Is it important for him that Geordies remain in key positions in the club?

- Will Shearer keep his ambassador of the club role?

- Is Shearer regarded as a possible manager for the future?

- Does he value the importance of an elaborated scouting network?

- ...


for starters.. In my opinion when you take over an institution that is so important to so many people not communicating at all is not what should be happening..

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I've never felt so positive going into a new season for years, at least 4 years at a guess.  We've made massive headway as a club but still need to move forwards, the team still needs work but I'm confident that we are better off now than 12 months ago.


We're 2 or 3 players away from having a very good first team, sort that out and we'll be able to enjoy our football because I've been pleasantly surprised by the football we've played so far under Allardyce and the players fitness looks miles ahead of where it was last season when we had Roeder getting them ready.


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I've never felt so positive going into a new season for years, at least 4 years at a guess.  We've made massive headway as a club but still need to move forwards, the team still needs work but I'm confident that we are better off now than 12 months ago.


We're 2 or 3 players away from having a very good first team, sort that out and we'll be able to enjoy our football because I've been pleasantly surprised by the football we've played so far under Allardyce and the players fitness looks miles ahead of where it was last season when we had Roeder getting them ready.




Agreed Mick. I'd like to add that they are a lot more postive on the ball and less indescisive.

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Guest Knightrider

If one was to look at a football club as an ongoing project, any football club, then as a project, we haven't even started yet man, but already so much good has been done and while the very nature of football demands urgency, if we can't be patient with a seemingly coup of a new owner and a very good manager, what chance do we have of ending that long long wait for silverware?


My biggest concern right now isn't whether we'll sign a left-back or not, but how much damage the media shit stirring and fan hysteria could possibly do. Going off the reaction to Dyer's appearance from the sub's bench, reports that the player's home has been egged, and some of the views on here and other forums, as well as pre and post match chat at the actual match, well, you'd think the events of the last few weeks, i.e. a new billionaire owner and new manager, never really happened and this is July 2006 under Freddy Shepherd and Glenn Roeder.

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Come on let's ave it!!  :razz:


Let's be 'avin you.


To be honest, if right now we'd got Distin and Ben Haim, 90% of this forum would be declaring it the best close season in history.


Time to panic? Have a word.


But we didn't sign Distin and Ben Haim, so have a word about what exactly?



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Guest Knightrider

No need for the board to explain what their plans are with the club..? I've said it before, there's millions of things that would be of interest to hear from the new owners of the club we all support:


- What are his aims?

- Is he here for the long haul?

- What are his plans with SJP?

- What kind of owner/chairman does he envision being?

- Will he attend the games?

- Does he think a Director of Football is the way forward in football?

- Will he invest in talent or does he want finished articles?

- Does he want to invest in our youth academy and what will he expect to get out of it?

- Does he want to be in the expanded G14?

- What are his plans with regards to future tv coverage of toon matches?

- Does he want a primarily English/British squad or does he not really care?

- Is it important for him that Geordies remain in key positions in the club?

- Will Shearer keep his ambassador of the club role?

- Is Shearer regarded as a possible manager for the future?

- Does he value the importance of an elaborated scouting network?

- ...


for starters.. In my opinion when you take over an institution that is so important to so many people not communicating at all is not what should be happening..


You expect him to come out and discuss all this after just 2 weeks as the new owner of NUFC? I suspect the review will help determine his mind about a good number of the questions you raised, while Mort's impending meeting with all the major supporter fanzines, clubs and websites will shed some light on a few other things you raised. Of course, N.O will no doubt report on this so keep your eyes peeled on the main site and forum as I understand the meeting between fan groups and the new Chairman will happen very soon.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

are you actually crying HTT?


fairy godmother and the ugly sister not living up to expectations?

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