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Allardyce - Dyer replacement revealed Thursday


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If it's Smith it'd really be an underwhelming signing. He hasn't had a stretch of competitive football in how long..??!


His finishing ability is overrated. If he was really that good of a striker surely he would have played more for Manyoo and/or his career goalscoring record would be much better than it currently is. Comparing him to Shearer is an insult to Shearer. Smith is a grafter. Works hard, runs alot but no real end product. He isn't the striker to get you many goals, he's there for the hold-up play but honestly how many games will he be getting in that position? Does anyone prefer him over Owen, Martins and Viduka? Some may even prefer Ameobi over him. So is he worth £6m then? Especially in our situation of need.


Further, his attributes don't make him the best of midfielders as well. Does he have an eye for a pass? Not that I've seen. Does he have the dribbling skills to drive a team forward or launch counter-attacks (in the way Dyer can)? Again, haven't seen any evidence of that. He's versatile, I'll give you that. But he's not one who'll impact the game and as we've seen over the past couple of years, we seriously need someone to dominate the game from the center of the park (in the way Butt, Barton etc. can do). He's very limited as a midfielder. Not agile or creative enough to dictate the flow of the game, which means the only thing he can do is be the defensive 'stopper', which I would think is what Butt is there for. Is a substitute DM worth £6m?

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Guest zeta87

If it's Smith it'd really be an underwhelming signing. He hasn't had a stretch of competitive football in how long..??!


His finishing ability is overrated. If he was really that good of a striker surely he would have played more for Manyoo and/or his career goalscoring record would be much better than it currently is. Comparing him to Shearer is an insult to Shearer. Smith is a grafter. Works hard, runs alot but no real end product. He isn't the striker to get you many goals, he's there for the hold-up play but honestly how many games will he be getting in that position? Does anyone prefer him over Owen, Martins and Viduka? Some may even prefer Ameobi over him. So is he worth £6m then? Especially in our situation of need.


Further, his attributes don't make him the best of midfielders as well. Does he have an eye for a pass? Not that I've seen. Does he have the dribbling skills to drive a team forward or launch counter-attacks (in the way Dyer can)? Again, haven't seen any evidence of that. He's versatile, I'll give you that. But he's not one who'll impact the game and as we've seen over the past couple of years, we seriously need someone to dominate the game from the center of the park (in the way Butt, Barton etc. can do). He's very limited as a midfielder. Not agile or creative enough to dictate the flow of the game, which means the only thing he can do is be the defensive 'stopper', which I would think is what Butt is there for. Is a substitute DM worth £6m?


hear hear second that

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As for the 433 argument, he has an eye for goal and a telling pass, his link up play is good and is far more attack minded than fucking parker.


he is none of those positive things you speak of. Go talk to a Man Utd fan (one who actually saw him play), and ask what they think. He's not a good midfielder, and he's never scored enough goals to be classed as a good striker.

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If it is Smith would he get into the first 11 when all are fit - no - would Dyer - yes.


We are having to sell a current England international for what in today's market is relative buttons & look like replacing him with a squad player for around the same money.


Sam is saying that he is struggling to get players in due to the lack of european football, I don't see this hampering WH or MC at the moment. I'm thinking here that Sam hasn't been in the frame for the likes of Deco, Ronaldinho & may have been tempted by some of the signings made by clubs with a similar standing to our own.



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We're better off signing a proper midfielder for £6m. Smith's a striker, he's said so on many occasions and hasn't played in midfield for how long? A year and something? We wouldn't get value for money considering the fact that our strikeforce already seems complete as it is. Even if Gudjohnsen signed it'd be an underwhelming signing unless one of our strikers left. Surely there's an actual midfielder out there who's available for six fucking million pounds ? None of this signing a striker to play midfield nonsense.

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If it is Smith would he get into the first 11 when all are fit - no - would Dyer - yes.


We are having to sell a current England international for what in today's market is relative buttons & look like replacing him with a squad player for around the same money.


Sam is saying that he is struggling to get players in due to the lack of european football, I don't see this hampering WH or MC at the moment. I'm thinking here that Sam hasn't been in the frame for the likes of Deco, Ronaldinho & may have been tempted by some of the signings made by clubs with a similar standing to our own.




What defenders have West Ham and Man City signed that you'd want here?

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Assuming that we're getting Smith for six million...


If he's going to play up front, it looks to be a pointless signing (as I said in the other thread, I'd rather see Ameobi, Owen, Martins, Viduka and possibly Luque ahead of him). 


If he's going to play in midfield, it looks like a poor signing (he just isn't that good at anything in particular- except running at people and getting red cards).


If six million pounds is the going rate for another 'body' in the squad, fair enough because, IMO, that's all he'll be.  I bet he doesn't think that he's going to be so far down the pecking order though.

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If it is Smith would he get into the first 11 when all are fit - no - would Dyer - yes.



No, I don't think so. Would rather have some combination of Barton, Butt, Geremi, or Emre in the midfield. Owen, Viduka, or Martins up top. Milner on the right (and Dyer doesn't want to play there). And Duff or N'Zogbia on the left. Can't even seeing him play at right back-- would rather see Solano (but then, again he doesn't want to play there either)


Edit: Perhaps Smith is not the best fit; but, I don't really see how Dyer fit in either.

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well going by these quotes from Allardyce, it sounds as if it is Smith.


"Toon's response will be to try to sign at least three new players, of whom Alan Smith is one. "There might be an interest in Alan Smith now," Sam Allardyce confirmed. "Has there been a bid made for Alan from Newcastle? There have been many bids made."


from footy365




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Altoguh I thnk it probably is smith I hope I get suprised and its Gudjohnsen


Exactly what I've been thinking...

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I had a feeling it might be Everton he has agreed to join when I woke up this morning, this thread is certainly funny if Smith is not coming near us. :)


I'd love it if he didn't come! Please no god not him, anybody but him!


He should fit in well at Everton with all the jumped up wankers there!

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Guest lebowski

I had a feeling it might be Everton he has agreed to join when I woke up this morning, this thread is certainly funny if Smith is not coming near us. :)


I thought I read somewhere that he has said he wants to go to Everton. I like the lad but I'm not convinced that he is what we are after right now. Gudjohnsen would be far tastier for mine.

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Guest arkanoider

He is not the replacement for Dyer but spanish newspaper Marca has said in their website (http://www.marca.com/edicion/marca/futbol/1a_division/sevilla/es/desarrollo/1022963.html) that Newcastle United and Sevilla will  very soon seal a 4M € move for the central defender Dragutinovic.



Dragutinovic has aggreed to the NUFC contract which will enable him to earn three  times more than he does in Sevilla.



"El Newcastle pagará cuatro millones por Drago

El Sevilla ya sabe que tiene que vender a Dragutinovic porque es el deseo del jugador, que ya ha llegado a un acuerdo con el Newcastle cobrando tres veces más de lo que lo hace en Nervión por tres temporadas más otra opcional.


El Sevilla lo tiene asimilado y no ve con malos ojos la operación, ya que recibirá cuatro millones de euros más otro en función de objetivos. Hay que recordar que el serbio, aunque acabó muy bien la temporada siendo titular en las dos finales, nunca ha sido indiscutible en el Sevilla y que costó en su día un millón de euros.


Eso sí, el Sevilla no hará oficial su venta hasta que firme al sustituto del central serbio."


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