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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Hell it's in my life time (hopefully) which is better than I've thought for a while.
  2. Seems to me he's jumped to a new station a bit quick if he's chosen Koastradio, can't imagine many people will have heard of the station, I know I hadn't.
  3. Looking for a fans buy out of the club now http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18606923
  4. Crazy talk that the chairman is looking to take the players to court to honour there old contracts at rangers as he said he has transferred them to the new company.
  5. Virgin don't own their TV channels, Sky do. Bought them for £160m 2 years back. Not sure if they would therefore get into bother bidding for the rights through Virgin as technically Sky would once again own all the football.
  6. They get to keep it and use it with their new company, it's ridiculous This could be challenged though and surely would be by the tax man
  7. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    I'd give him five years before he descends into alcoholism and/or gets arrested. erm he is an alcoholic who has just been arrested Thought he didn't drink?
  8. Original plans were for increase to 60,000+ seats the casino, apartments built into the stand and luxury hotel. This seems to be the way alot of clubs are going in a bid to increase revenue so nothing to say all of this still couldn't happen. Original costs were said to be £300m, not sure how much that would change now but surely revenue would increase hugely which is something the club have been looking to do for a while now.
  9. Even more so when the racist posts were directed towards a fake Perch account.
  10. Here's the photo http://t.co/9apvrYjy
  11. More graffiti up again, they managed to finish it this time
  12. Crap forgot I have a one off payment coming out next month
  13. Guess if they went out of business nothing to stop Rangers coming in at the bottom of the English league as well
  14. Is the badge still there ?
  15. Celtic had a lot of debt because of the expansion of Celtic Park in the 90's. but they were still struggling like rangers are now. So its a classic case of karma for all the gers fans who were laughing at Celtic during that time. What goes around truely does come around. Karma? What the f*** are you talking about!?! That's taxpayer money that Rangers are f***ing about with there. That's schools and hospitals at stake. If Rangers go under, so too will the SPL. And Celtic fans will have the smug grins wiped off their faces quick smart when Sky/ESPN pull out of the television contract and the money carpet is pulled from under their business viability too... Hadn't thought of that though, had you thanks to being a blinkered sectarian bigot... Rangers scumbags wouldn't stop the abuse for every one of them years and laughed at Celtic's debt no matter what it meant and had no sympathy the horrible bastards. But now who's laughing eh? even if the league gets worst Celtic will still be the team on top of the rest. At the end of the day it's Celtic who are havin the last laugh and the rangers scum are getting their come upping, f*** anything else. 14 points ahead yup yup. Thats something to gloat about in a league thats only ever a two horse race. doesnt matter if it were a 50 horse race being the best is being the best and success is success. And also you can only beat what's put before you so unless the fa let celtic in the english league then like I pointed out you can only beat what gets put against you and celtic are doing that well atm. Mate the league is an absolute joke and even fans of the Old Firm know it. Beating the likes of Motherwell and Dundee may bring them a trophy, but the trophy in itself is meaningless. Should Rangers go into liquidation an already uncompetitive league will be monopolised by Celtic, and sooner or later even they will tire of it. Would it not then allow a club like Motherwell or even Dundee to progress more as they will have the chance of Champions League and Champions League money ? Even if Rangers disappeared (which they won't) I could see them getting back in the bottom league and more or less doing a Juventus and coming straight back through the leagues due to fan base etc. Might end up then with 3 teams fighting out at the top.
  16. They seem happy with it http://ukzambians.co.uk/home/wp-content/themes/transcript1.6/timthumb.php?src=http://ukzambians.co.uk/home/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/418769_10150597192786380_782616379_8768981_591606275_n.jpg&q=90&w=629&zc=1
  17. ToonTastic

    Leon Best

    Think the reason the club are happy to move him on his simply because they can get semi decent money for him still and his standard of player is something we could probably get a lot cheaper from abroad or from our new youth setup.
  18. He'll then walk into the England job, their waiting for the verdict I bet.
  19. If the pitch is hard cause of the weather do you think Pardew will still start Ba or not risk his knee?
  20. ToonTastic

    Papiss Cissé

    Also has very little game time with the players around him which could cause problems. Full 90 might not be right.
  21. He's still going to play for Hartlepool while coaching Newcastle Benfield. havent they said he's not in their plans? Just going off this http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/16856443 fairy nuff, this article just below it http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/16638298 Looks like he'll still be a Hartlepool player then just not necessarily play lol
  22. He's still going to play for Hartlepool while coaching Newcastle Benfield. havent they said he's not in their plans? Just going off this http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/16856443
  23. He's still going to play for Hartlepool while coaching Newcastle Benfield.
  24. hmmm, one I know wants him sacked if they don't go up this season. Heard that from a few people now that Huddersfield fans aren't as happy with Clark as they once were. In fact just been looking on a huddersfield fourm, they appear annoyed at his constant talk about the unbeaten streak and the huge number of draws. Many saying his target was 92 points and promotion. He failed to reach 92 by hitting 87 and failed to be promoted so was in fact a failure not a success. Jesus I thought our fans could be tough on our manager sometimes.
  25. hmmm, one I know wants him sacked if they don't go up this season. Heard that from a few people now that Huddersfield fans aren't as happy with Clark as they once were.
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