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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. ToonTastic


    By sounds of things it was recorded, the guy who recorded it wasn't sure what to do with it and was advised to give it to the papers and so offered it to the mirror. Can't imagine the Mirror would stick it in the paper as fact and quotes from Derek without being able to back it up otherwise they'd be taken to court.
  2. I've said it elsewhere but if we're that strapped for cash to meet the UEFA ruling why not do what Man U have done and issue a share dealing for 40% of his shares ?
  3. Surely it's not as simple as that though? There are a load of ways to raise money and cut costs. Every club in Europe hasn't renamed its stadium for a corporate sponsor. Has it? Its going that way though (and yes some of these are for differing reasons) - Bayern, PSV, Man City, Arsenal off the top of my head - massive clubs with sponsored stadia. Spurs are going to do it, as will Chelsea. Liverpool wont as they want to move stadium, Man Utd wont as the whole Man U brand is worth more than renaming the Stadium. I bet PSG will rename soon The Man U brand is but Old Trafford isn't so could very easily be sold off for huge amounts of cash. The Man U board said what we were doing in 2009 was a good idea and they were looking at it.
  4. Would be crazy if they did as I think the number who wouldn't buy it would be a hell of a alot. That's not to say they wouldn't use http://www.soccerscene.co.uk/ instead so it's still his brand but less fans will know it's his. I agree, but then the logic of renaming the ground or plastering it with SD logos doesn't make sense to me either. I just don't think Ashley cares about the bad reaction locally, his eye is on the international exposure for his brand. Difference is shirt sales bring in a huge revenue still for the club. Putting logos up all over the stadium doesn't stop many fans from turning up and good results on the pitch gives him the exposure. Losing shirt sales costs him cash which he doesn't need to do. I hope you're right. So do I lol I know i wouldn't buy a shirt with that logo on it.
  5. Would be crazy if they did as I think the number who wouldn't buy it would be a hell of a alot. That's not to say they wouldn't use http://www.soccerscene.co.uk/ instead so it's still his brand but less fans will know it's his. I agree, but then the logic of renaming the ground or plastering it with SD logos doesn't make sense to me either. I just don't think Ashley cares about the bad reaction locally, his eye is on the international exposure for his brand. Difference is shirt sales bring in a huge revenue still for the club. Putting logos up all over the stadium doesn't stop many fans from turning up and good results on the pitch gives him the exposure. Losing shirt sales costs him cash which he doesn't need to do.
  6. Aspire4Sport would be a good guess, aren't they one of the biggest over there ?
  7. Would be crazy if they did as I think the number who wouldn't buy it would be a hell of a alot. That's not to say they wouldn't use http://www.soccerscene.co.uk/ instead so it's still his brand but less fans will know it's his.
  8. ToonTastic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Baggio wanting a glory ball in the 89th minute rather than having the player keep hold of the ball and your calling Ben Arfa? Dear me.
  9. Crazy thought here. Can the contract not be given to Colo who talks through it with his own agent.
  10. ToonTastic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Except pardew said he was great and did exactly what he told him to do which makes your argument null
  11. I assume the only real change is the colour ready for winter. The ball dynamics surely can't change mid season.
  12. I keep hearing this from pundits. We've played 10 of the 19 teams we can play against. Included in those 9 teams we have to play are Everton of course and Norwich, Swansea, West Brom, Bolton. So pundits thing the games we've played so far were poor teams that has to make that collection poor teams. Therefore the only good teams are Liverpool, Man U, Chelsea and Man City. By that logic we fully deserve to be a top 5 team.
  13. Some young lad who quickly deleted his account once people started making complaints about him.
  14. Page created in 17.068 seconds with 20 queries.
  15. It's also on freeview, well for a certain period on a night
  16. Nothing to stop someone creating exact copies and putting them up when he goes.
  17. http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/4199/ilcm3935.th.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us http://www.nufcblog.co.uk/2011/04/19/manchester-united-memeories-newcastle-5-0-man-utd/
  18. Does it do it with different browsers ?
  19. He went straight to hospital I'm guessing it's just a case that they had to make sure he was able to travel safely since it was suspected that he'd broke his neck
  20. He was down for 25mins apparently, went off with a drip attached. Suspected broken neck let's hope it doesn't turn out to be or if it is he makes a full recovery like Dion Dublin did.
  21. So does that mean the premier league will look to get around this ruling by putting their logo on all the feeds they put out, therefore allowing them to maintain how and to who the foreign providers distribute? Crop video stream and stream is no longer copyright. Only way I can see control staying is Sky buying the lot or Premier League buying the lot and selling it on, if that is indeed possible ?
  22. ToonTastic

    Alan Pardew

    It's a dangerous game that, we've heard managers say that before about their fast starting teams, problem is when they eventually reach that 40 point target, those teams often switch off and lose focus. If I were him I would be just saying that we are trying to gain as many points as we can and we'll just see where that leaves us, no reason at all why he can not privately target a top 7 or 8 finish. Every season should always target 40 points first then create new targets. Helps prevent us having seasons like the one when we got relegated.
  23. ToonTastic


    f*** Agent Bruce, I think we need to start praising Agent Quinn Isn't Quinn off to Man City to replace Cook(?) who got sacked from the board?
  24. Amazed how many people still use IE6, have they never seen http://www.ie6countdown.com/
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