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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Is he not playing so well because of the lack of a contract ? Give him 2 year max
  2. ToonTastic

    Darlington FC

    Nothing wrong with restarting a club that had to fold. But any logic was blown out of the water with that ridiculously arrogant statement. I'm guessing it was a sarcastic comment about my post rather than being arrogant.
  3. ToonTastic

    Darlington FC

    Isn't that one of the main problems though, I read somewhere it's costing them around £80k a month to stay in that stadium. So the £200k wouldn't last to long. It was said on the news last night but maybe the best thing that could have happened was the end of the club and then starting again without having to have the stadium costs each month.
  4. OTT. Don't think it is, he's shit scared when he has the ball always looks to get shot far to quick and causes him to make mistakes
  5. Taken from the story where he says he is happy to wait.
  6. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/newcastle-united/nufc-news/2011/12/13/danny-simpson-snubs-nufc-contract-deal-72703-29942862/
  7. ToonTastic

    Steven Taylor

    Could well have to be in for Colo
  8. ToonTastic

    Steven Taylor

    Ryder changed mind a little suggesting depends on whether operation is needed or not and success of that so could be longer than 6 weeks
  9. It was a thigh injury pardew has said, said a week out at best but could be a couple. Said Taylor is more serious. Leaves us huge problems next week. Some see this as the end of the world. I see it as a great opportunity for our youngsters. What about giving Jeff Henderson a go? I don't view it as end of the world but two inexperienced centre backs in the PL could be terrible for the team and for their development if mistakes are made. One in alongside Taylor or Colo fair enough.
  10. It was a thigh injury pardew has said, said a week out at best but could be a couple. Said Taylor is more serious. Leaves us huge problems next week.
  11. Someone said it after the big piece from Stan Collymore and Collymore agreed, if you don't want someone to know your depressed they won't know.
  12. Wasn't there something a while back where Newcastle United said they would do applause when a past player died rather than silence ?
  13. For those who think something else might be involved read this http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2066511/Stan-Collymore-reveals-extent-depression-battle.html and if nothing else I hope it encourages anyone else suffering in silence like Gary Speed obviously was to get help from a GP, Samaritans or whoever they can talk to. Hopefully gets rid of the stigma from some people that people should just cheer up and stop complaining when suffering with this illness. RIP Gary, already hugely missed.
  14. Always worries me when a player is being thought of so highly in place of another player before he's really been seen in this league. One mistake and the criticism is twice as bad, see Ben Arfa and his return to the team.
  15. When can you ever be sure like? With this club never, even after contracts have been signed.
  16. There going back to when the cricket club created the football club Stanley.
  17. We sure this lad wouldn't be the replacement for Colo seen as he hasn't signed a contract yet ?
  18. Should never have changed it from the original rule of if your in an offside position your offside. None of the phases in play, active and inactive players it just causes problems in the game.
  19. I was listening to pardew on the radio and he was saying that due to the international break hes had chance to study all man citys games in detail and he'd noticed that the teams who do well against them are the teams that have a go at them , Man utd apart but he said that was down to the sending off. So I expect him to go for it, they are used to teams sitting deep with their passing ability they can exploit tight spaces anyway, you need to get the ball in their half, you'd rather Kompany be on the ball more than david silva, so I think well play a high line attempting to push them into their own half. I agree the teams who have done well have played that way but still lost. Who's to say if we play our game of keeping possession but sitting back we won't do better than they managed?
  20. Follow Englands example against Spain. Who cares how dull the game is, if we could steal 3 points like England did that would be champion.
  21. ToonTastic


    I'm guessing he's hoping it's tabloid trash which would make a nice change rather than the board sticking there foot in it again
  22. ToonTastic


    By sounds of things it was recorded, the guy who recorded it wasn't sure what to do with it and was advised to give it to the papers and so offered it to the mirror. Can't imagine the Mirror would stick it in the paper as fact and quotes from Derek without being able to back it up otherwise they'd be taken to court. Where was this posted? Would be curious to know who 'advised' him to 'give' it to the papers... Wasn't posted here I don't think. Steve Wraith (I know I know) was asked for advice on what to do with it. He didn't reply to the person in question but appears pleased with there choice I'm just really wanting to know where it was posted before news of the story broke this week - surely someone must've mentioned it (even if it was a friend of a friend repeating a rumour). Nowt on TT or TF from what I can see. I dont think it was. He wasn't sure what to do asked around and sent it to the papers. Noubt to say the person who recorded it was a poster on forums like this or twitter etc so no reason why it had to make it online before the papers.
  23. ToonTastic


    By sounds of things it was recorded, the guy who recorded it wasn't sure what to do with it and was advised to give it to the papers and so offered it to the mirror. Can't imagine the Mirror would stick it in the paper as fact and quotes from Derek without being able to back it up otherwise they'd be taken to court. Where was this posted? Would be curious to know who 'advised' him to 'give' it to the papers... Wasn't posted here I don't think. Steve Wraith (I know I know) was asked for advice on what to do with it. He didn't reply to the person in question but appears pleased with there choice
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