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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. They use the closing down sale when they have a business name change. So when it changes from lillywhites to Sports Soccer it had a closing down sale. Same when it changed from Sports Soccer to Sports Direct.
  2. yeah i'm on their site now, just emailed them about anything that's going to happen Looks like they have already come up with their idea it's wait for it wait for it............................................................. A petition http://www.nust.org.uk/rename-petition For f***s sake what's the point any more. A post by Pud on Toontastic, directed at someone being a bipolar f***er. Sounds as if it's not the only thing going on. Lets give them a chance, eh? The Peterborough game is going to be the focal point for any action so lets not string NUST up yet. Surely therefore the more sensible option would have been to have made a post saying they are discussing the issue with many people and they will post more information on their plans once decisions have been made. A petition is a pointless waste of time and space.
  3. yeah i'm on their site now, just emailed them about anything that's going to happen Looks like they have already come up with their idea it's wait for it wait for it............................................................. A petition http://www.nust.org.uk/rename-petition For fucks sake what's the point any more.
  4. Depends what the income is from them. Out of the 44k on Saturday how many were season tickets/away fans/corporate areas? If we went 15k as pay on the door: Taking into account concessions maybe £200k a match plus whatever crap they eat/drink inside? Its probably going to take a long term plan on those figures for him to panic, the huge danger in the meantime is he sells Taylor/Colo/Jonas to recoup any such loss even if such a boycott occurred. He may use it as an excuse but basically it would be bollocks he would have no need to sell them if the fans turned up. Sell the club maybe but not individual players.
  5. yes he'll think we are even more stupid than he already thinks we are, he'll be pissing his pants if the crowd drops to 20k when he's already got the ticket money in! he's got the gate money already he'll not be bothered if there's just him and llambiar sitting there in the milburn with a couple of 1000 away fans in level 7. It wasn't 44k season ticket holders in the stands on Saturday you do know that don't you That and no food or drink sold on the day plus a mass protest outside, I somehow doubt he'll be sat their laughing
  6. Sky Sports News and that website are totally separate.
  7. At least it hopefully wont be called something crap like the DW Stadium Don't give him ideas !!
  8. I don't even understand why he has to do that ? Surely the money the club brings in will cover that ? It used to just we had debts to manage before as well which was our problem. Now we have no debt as he has it so surely we can afford to run the club without the need of extra cash. So if the cash isn't paying for wages and isn't paying for players where is it going ??
  9. I do actually cause the wheels were already in motion with certain buyers. All it takes is a big enough protest so that he thinks this isn't worth my while and accepts an offer like the £60m plus £20m at the start of next season. Offers are there he just has to be made to accept one.
  10. But he took this money out of the club? He may not have done but we don't know that he didn't pay off any of the debt owed to him using that money.
  11. Makes you think...I mean surely if he was to keep the club he would try and get Newcastle promoted and then sell up in the summer. But he appoints Hughton as our new permanent manager on a TWO YEAR contract that would take him until the end of the 2010/11 season. I can't see why the fat bloke would want to keep us for any longer than he needs too, if we get promoted, he can get a bigger sum of money and go, why would he want to remain associated with the club he is absolutely hated by its fan base? I mean this is just begging for violence, I wouldn't be surprised if something gets thrown at him or attacked at the next home game. Yeh that will be just what we need, Ashley will simply take his bat and ball home if that happens and refuse to put the £20m into the club. I sometimes wonder whether we the fans are the architect of our own demise rather than Ashley. He is simply reacting to the hatred directed at him and I can't really blame him for that, because most of us would react in the same manner in similar circumstances. Perhaps the club (Ashley etc) and fans all need to see a "marriage" guidance counsellor!!!! That seems to be the only way out of this self destructive circle we seem to be caught up in. The only person who is owed money is Ashley himself. If he decides to not put £20m into the club then it makes very little difference. Ashley has created the demise himself and for you to suggest otherwise is a joke in itself. To bring 44k fans to the championship only shows how damn bloody good the fans of Newcastle United are. He is an incompetent fool.
  12. ToonTastic

    Jonas Gutierrez

    If we get a half decent fee for him there won't be many complaints. There will be if the money disappears like it did with the Milner and N'Zogbia sales. Milner was bought in instalments by villa, I wouldn't be so sure the rest of the players who have left have not gone in the same way.
  13. Working together? Unity? We've essentially got a patsy manager the players can run rings around and owners who will use him as their f***ing puppet. Brilliant, great news, i'm ecstatic. Have you watched many games this season? We're top of the league because our players are the best of a s*** bunch. It's not because of any great managerial ability otherwise we would have actually turned up in the first half of a game in the last 5. It's not because the owner gives a flying f*** as he has made abundantly clear on a number of occasions. You think he's working for our good or working to squeeze as much cash as he can out the club whilst awaiting the best offer he can hope for and gambling on the hope of promotion. You see where we end up after January, when odds are our squad will be further depleted and fall to the level of those just below us in the Championship - it's been shown from the last 5 games that it only takes a few players to no longer be there (Taylor and Nolan could easily be sold in January) and we'd be totally f***ed. You think Hughton and Ashley will work together and bring in players of the same quality and reasonable value using their wealth of footballing knowledge and contacts? f***ing unbelievable. I have read these boards for a good few years and you've gone from one of the most sensible posters to a total parody of yourself. Whilst I often disagreed with what you said the fact it was well reasoned and interesting always made you one of the best posters on here, now you're so wrapped up in your desperate denialist contrarian outlook that every post makes me cringe. Got to agree with alot of that.
  14. Cos they bum Toontastic. Leave me out of it
  15. Sod that, already thought about it, just get FFS to go 50-50 with you, he has the money and the experience, it wouldn't be a bad thing compared to what we've got. FFS doesn't have the money. He has alot of money but he won't have £50m to be able to get quickly.
  16. There complaining about the board not keeping promises since they bought the club.
  17. I honestly dont have a clue what you are saying in any of that. The only sentence that makes any sence is the one which is b****** obvious ie the last one Sorry typing quick I was saying selling more players will prevent us going up. That doesn't help Ashley at all as it means the cost of the club has to come down again and we have a very weak team which needs lots of investment. That was the gist anyway
  18. Not worth £100m? Tell me how much it costs for state of the art all seater stadiums and top of the range academy/training facilities thses days? Plus you get a team close to getting back up with a few good signings and its a moneyspinner. If all debts are wiped and only the overdraft remains its actually a great price. Birmingham for £80m? Wiould need £200m minimum for our infrastructure for gods sake. I am well aware they are in the Premier League btw, they would be knocking bets for relegation though had Yeung not bought them. It doesn't work like that though, we're a loss making company (from what people say) in the Championship not the premiership. We're worth what people will pay and people who have seen the books and have made more money than I ever could are saying it's not worth the punt. That suggests the debt isn't being paid off so that has to be paid and there are other problems at the club.
  19. Actually no your right it was reduced from £39m to £20m
  20. Just noticed this. HE gets f*** all for gods sake By him I mean the club, even the thought of the loss of that money and him having to make up the short fall would scare the crap out of him. The overdraft comes with the club therefore as long as its safe inside the limits(by about £20m at present apparently) then its no concern to him. Even if it was he would simply sell players to compensate, unless your getting even more comical and suggesting a total boycott of all season tickets next year? In fact the only person who would be genuinely affected is the next owner who takes on an inflated overdraft because of any action. As I understand it this overdraft has been made smaller not just for Mort but for the club as well. The sale of players wouldn't bring in enough cash any more and would only mess it up for him even more in that he needs the club in the premiership to bring in more cash. Whilst I believe Ashley doesn't give a toss about the club, he does give a toss about getting more money by having us in the Premiership.
  21. Gutless? He is still going to matches for gods sake, he put us up for sale at a ludicrous £400m and appointed JFK and acted like it was a brilliant appointment. Not the sign of someone rushing out the place was it? He would still have a DoF if it wasnt for the desperate Shearer appointment when it finally dawned on the pillock we could go down. He simply let fans think they had won, the reality being short term action is utterly worthless against him. Now why would he decide a one off no show is suddenly a good idea, it goes against everyting else he has done. Come on it doesn't take much for him to go to a game, nothing is said to him. He put the club up for that much cause he thought it was worth that much like the thinks it's worth £100m now but isn't. He over valued Sports Direct in the same way. Think we'll have to agree to disagree on this.
  22. Just noticed this. HE gets f*** all for gods sake By him I mean the club, even the thought of the loss of that money and him having to make up the short fall would scare the crap out of him.
  23. You dont think for one minute that Ashley is going to accept payments in installments based on a laughably unworkable boycott are you? What if he releases another crock of s**** letter saying he is listening to the fans? Pretend like people did then that they made a difference and come back to the ground? What can I say but "supporting the team through the dark times" unfortunately doesn't run Ashley out of town any quicker it appears to keep him here longer as he knows he's going to get £25m a year from the fans. Nothing done by the fans will run Ashley out of town. Why stop going to games if you don't want to? I've not said that.
  24. And in answer to your question, yes I do think it would help encourage him to accept instalments. Lets face it Ashley is gutless. If he wasn't he would have done what FS did for so many years and ignored the protests and pressed on with what he thought was right. He would have replaced KK with a new manager who had a clue and would have continued on with his director of football route. Instead he didn't, he bottled it, said fine I'll sell, stuck Joe Kinnear in charge and basically washed his hands of the club until he could get shot of it for a fee nobody is willing to pay.
  25. You dont think for one minute that Ashley is going to accept payments in installments based on a laughably unworkable boycott are you? What if he releases another crock of s**** letter saying he is listening to the fans? Pretend like people did then that they made a difference and come back to the ground? What can I say but "supporting the team through the dark times" unfortunately doesn't run Ashley out of town any quicker it appears to keep him here longer as he knows he's going to get £25m a year from the fans.
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