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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. But he still made a profit in these difficult times. A hell of a lot of companies are making a loss so any profit is pretty good. And he managed to open new stores and buy into more companies. Once theres a turn around his profits will go through the roof again.
  2. I agree with you, I was just saying it's as if they want to distance themselves from any of the boycotts and only want to mention to good stuff. Which is fair enough but like you say they should mention it all really.
  3. This is a classic example of what I was saying earlier. People believing one thing that is actually the total opposite of the truth. The NUSC has never once called for the boycott of games, in fact we've made it clear from the start that fans should be at the games. Should look at getting some of this information on the NUSC website. What NUSC have achieved and where people might have their wires crossed. To be fair the information on the site fails to mention any of there boycotts at all under past events.
  4. Have to say this http://www.nusc.org.uk/petition.php is a pretty dodgy way to get people added to your mailing list. You can't sign any petition unless your happy for us to email you in the future. Surely an opt out should be there ?
  5. Noubts to say anyone wants to keep Shearer, they might have a totally different manager in mind.
  6. Just read the Journal stories from yesterday and noticed someone had mentioned this in the comments before the Chronicle story came about. The Chronicle wouldn't have just pulled their story from there would they ? If they have they deserve to be closed down.
  7. And why would anyone from Newcastle be in touch with him, they have no plans to hire him and are only looking to sell the club and not do anything else. Typical story full of noubt.
  8. To be honest after what Roy Hodgson has done since joining them, I'd sign whoever Roy wanted me to sign if I was Al-Fayed and for whatever price he thought best.
  9. I can't see them doing it twice I can see them offering Shearer a short year contract or something but whether he would take it is another matter.
  10. Don't think so. It was going to happen using a script on the new forum when they finally get round to finishing it off (it's still in beta) but if that doesn't happen then I doubt it I'm afraid.
  11. You woudln't think they work in the same building would you lol It's all to sell papers though we know that.
  12. He's 71. Knowing us he'll have a heart attack as he's putting pen to paper. As long as he leaves his $7b wealth to the club in his will, I'm sure we'll cope
  13. We've heard that somewhere before havn't we
  14. I reckon Daves going to buy the club soon, you watch. You heard it here first.
  15. ToonTastic


    Lost a fair few last season
  16. Who changed the title and how come ?
  17. I'm not a Ashley boy but it's from one crap chairman to another who's at least got experience. I did complain when FFS was chairman whilst we were in the Champions League. In fact I've not bought any merchandise from the club since before the Champions League as I frankly didn't like to see my money line his pockets and not reach the club. So that will continue I'll buy my ticket but noubt else.
  18. Hate the man and think he's no good long term for the club if he continues the path he was on before, however he's better than what we've got now and will allow us to concentrate on football knowing we'll have a manager in place and a setup in place. Been a long long time since we've been able to do that.
  19. Leaving it another few weeks means our best players will leave, we won't have time the remove most of the s*** high earners from the side (meaning a s*** unmotivated side and the huge wage bill staying in place) and we may not even be able to get a decent manager. It would end up costing the new owners more then they could possibly save on the price of the club. IMO they'd only do that if they have no idea about Football. I think its quite possible that the buyers are holding on until Owen, Viduka etc contracts are up as theres at least a 1 million pound saving if the end of contract payment rumours are true, i know 1-2million is not a huge amount but it would pay 2 players 15k a week for a year, so if it was a case of holding on for 2-3 days then its sensible, but as you say holding on any longer than the middle of this week is just crazy. Unfortunately for them those payouts will be paid by the club and so will still be there to be dealt with by the new owners when they come in. How so? Every week MA pays the wages and bonuses and running costs it one less week of cash for the new owners to find....UNLESS MA is racking up some big debt somewhere to borrow the money to keep the club running. Like a £40m overdraft with a bank ?
  20. Wouldn't they then have grounds for dismissal so could remove you straight away from the payroll.
  21. Personally, I think those renewing are showing commendable (if gullible) devotion the the cause. But frankly, Ashley's seeming desire to destroy NUFC root and branch and pour salt on the ruins is hardly encouragment to sign up to actually watch it happen - and at Premier League prices, nor seem sensible to me. To be fair price wise we're not even the highest in the championship, we're pretty much in the middle. There isn't that big a drop in ticket prices.
  22. Appears a waste of time, I'm interested to know what they have planned though to get him signed.
  23. Sure fire way for the mackems to be relegated I guess
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